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Trish Stratus
Trish Stratus
Trish Stratus
Camera on -- parking lot | Trish & Bret

(|/|Camera comes on in the parking lot|\|)

|* When the camera fades back on a long black limo with 7 window's comes pulling up at a slow speed in the parking lot. The limo comes to a stope. The fans are waiting to see who it will be. As the limo just sits out their and the camera fades down and out to a long break before Smackdown!*|

|* After the commerical break comes back on, the limo is still siting their. Then the limo driver gets out and he walks to the back and he opens the last door on the right, then Bret Hart gets out of the limo with a smile on his face. He holds his hand out and helps Trish out of the limo as they have the limo driver bring their things in as thy hold hands making their way inside of the bulding for Smackdown!*|

Camera on -- locker room | Trish & Bret

<*~Trish Stratus~*> You know Bret, this is just so great. I mean you are the champ! You are the man, I knew that you would of won that match VS him. I just knew, I could see it in your eyes.

[{~Bret Hart~}] I'm sure you knew. But I knew it when we looked at each other in the center of that ring, I knew that I would be able to take him down. And your right. I am the better man, that's why I stand here holding this title and he don't. The fact of the matter is I am the better man.

<*~Trish Stratus~*> That's easy for you to say, I lost my 1st match that's so messed up.

[{~Bret Hart~}] Aww, don't be so hard on your slef, you will get in theses matches. I mean you are new here. You are just geting started, but you have a chance to win this match. Don't worry about the last match Trish. Just worry about this up coming match because you have to face 3 other women to get a shot at the wwe women's title once again. Then you will prove that your good as you say you are.

<*~Trish Stratus~*> Bret, your right! I am so glad that I have you to talk about this type of stuff because if I did not, I don't think I would have anyone and I would be talking to my self and going crazy around here and that wont not even be funny not at all but I will get in this match and show my best!

|* Trish smiles at Bret and she hugs him and they kiss and then she says *|

<*~Trish Stratus~*> I think I might wanna go for a walk.

[{~Bret Hart~}] Oh.. alone..? or what?

<*~Trish Stratus~*> No, I wanted you to come with me, because I wanted to think of a great game plan, so I can win this match and so that I can be the wwe women's champ around here. You know?

[{~Bret Hart~}] Yup, I sure do. So uh.. Trish are you ready?

<*~Trish Stratus~*> Yup I sure am!

Camera on -- backstage area | Trish & Bret & Mike Cole

|*Bret Hart and Trish Stratus are walking down the hall talking and laughing as Mike Cole walks up*|

[{~Bret Hart~}] Cole, may we help you in some way?

(/Mike Cole\) I wanted to know if I could as Trish a few questions.

|* Trish looks down at her watch *|

<*~Trish Stratus~*> Okay, but make it kinda of fast here Mike, but I don't have much time.

(/Mike Cole\) I wont Trish, but now Trish, you are one of the newest divas here. Now we all know that you already faced Molly, now you lost to her. Now Trish how do you feel about that loss?

[{~Bret Hart~}] Don't ask her about that, you don't have to answer that.

<*~Trish Stratus~*> No, it's o.k. That loss was bad for this. Because every person should of won their 1st match but I did not win it because some where down the line somthing went wrong.

(/Mike Cole\) Trish what do you think went wrong?

<*~Trish Stratus~*> That I did not try hard enough that's what the problem was.

(/Mike Cole\) Alright now, on Smackdown! you have a match with Molly and Lita and Jackie Gayda for the Number one Contender's for womens title now how do you feel about that?

|*Trish smiles, puts her hands on her hips and she says this*|

<*~Trish Stratus~*> I think it's great, because I am so lucky to get another chance to win the womens title. I am very lucky. I am glad that I am in this match because theses women are rough but they have not really seen what i'm able to do here. Because I am so much more then a darn joke Cole!

|*Trish smiles, and Bret takes her hand and they make their way down the hall*|


WWE divas in New York

Season 4 of FRIENDS

This Thursday SMACKDOWN! comes live.

Camera on -- Ring area| Trish & Bret

|*Camera comes back on as "TIME TO ROCK & ROLL" hits over the pa, Trish and Bret makes their way down the ramp hand in hand as they walk up the steps and walks on the arpon with Bret*|

|*Bret holds the ropes as Trish gets inside of the ring, they both do their pose together, he walks over and gets her a mic and she says this to all of fans of Smackdown! then she says this to them*|

<*~Trish Stratus~*> THIS feel's great! Now I just wanted to come out here and talk about my match some. But before that, I wanted to say yes, I did lose my 1st match. But that was only one match. I will not lose this one. I will keep pushing and pushing to get my wins here. Now Molly, you did beat me, and I can see now that you are the better women. I should never of saif any of that stuff that you could not beat me. I am not even really like that. I guess I just wanted to win so bad. You have been in the wrestling biz way before me, you know so much stuff. But that don't matter, I just wanted to say the better women won, and that better women was you. I want to wish you luck for the rest of your time here. You may hate me, but I don't hate you as a person because you are very great person. Yes, we are in the same match again. That's good. Because Molly, now I am really prepared. Before I was not. But now I am because I have learned my lesson, you did not take your matches easy, you wanna win just like the next person and I will sure as hell beat you up until that. You have a big name here, you could be the top women here, but I want to do the same thing also. But Molly I want to say I have over 100 % respect for you, because you really beat my ass. And good luck for evey match and I just hope in the long run we could be friends so good luck AGIAN!

Now I wanna move onto this match, Now in this match I will face Molly again, and I will face Jackie and Lita for the 1st time. Now I don't hate Lita or Jackie, I just don't like them as wrestlers. You may ask 'why Trish why' I will tell you all why, because we are all fighting in the same match and we want the same thing as if we are friends IN the match and say oh you will won don't worry, well that's not the truth. And I am here all about the truth. If I don't think I can make somthing, then I will say it. But what type of match is that really huh? I will tell you that is no match at all no matter what I say in the ring can really mean anything to you, but I will just tell you what the hell will happen in this match no matter wat.IT Feels great to be in this match. It feel wonderful. You know what elses feel great? This womens title that I will get my hands onto sooner or later. I don't think you understand what this means to me. Yes, Lita is the womens champ in this fed but before I got here so what, that don't mean she can hold on to it in this match she can lose it any day of the week that was anyone else but you know what I am going to do so much better than they could ever in this match. Now, I know I will talk about that latter. I wanted to talk about Lita and Jackie and Molly do think you could beat me and all this crap and this and that and when we was one on one, you left the ring and went back up the ramp and put your tail right between your legs and just left like a big ass mother -f-n- baby, but how is that? I thought you was the baddest bitch here this and that, what was that all just talk? I think it was. But it looks like the better women has won the match and she is who ever will win the match will be the womens champ! Lita.. you was a good champ while you had it, wait... what am I talking about? you was not a good champ not at all, what have you done for it because you did not even do nothing, that I hold for 24 hours. But anyway Lita and Jackie and Molly I don't know if you know from your pea size of a brain this match, in this match will be just so wonderful, I mean you don't know who your messing with here. I am more than ready for this match, but I already know what you are going to say 'I did not have a chance in the match' and all this crap, and you won by luck and all this shit, and crying about this crap. But you know what Lita and Jackie and Molly, it's not going to work that way because in this match I am going to kick ass. I dont care if the womens title was on the line or because I would still kick you where the sun don't shine, Lita and Molly and Jackie this is no dream, so you better watch up smell the ass beating that you are going to get by the hands of the soon to be new womens champ of wwe when I win this match and go face the champ. You can beg and cry, and bitch but that will not do nothing for me because I will be sure to kick your ass. But do you think you are big and tough and real bad? well Lita and Jackie and Molly you are not because their will only be one winner in this match and this winner will be me, Because I will get to beat you even more than I am going to do. But do you really THINK you can take on me? and win? well I don't think so.

|*"TIME TO ROCK & ROLL" hits over the pa, Trish hands the mic back to the ring announcer then Bret holds the ropes for Trish once more. Then he helps her down and they make their way back up the ramp*|

Camera on -- Locker room | Trish & Bret

[{~Bret Hart~}] So do you think your ready for the match now?

<*~Trish Stratus~*> YES! I really really really do. I did not think I would even be able to get in front of the fans, but I am ready now to go out their and kick some ass!

[{~Bret Hart~}] I am glad that you are ready. And it was fun today, I did fun. Did you?

<*~Trish Stratus~*> I sure did. I like being with you, but I think i'm going to take a shower now.

[{~Bret Hart~}] Oh o.k. well do you..

|*Trish stopes Bret before he says anything else*|

<*~Trish Stratus~*> Not tonight, I think we both should just keep our minds on our matches because they are so important because this for me is a must.. must win match here.

[{~Bret Hart~}] Oh yea your right.

|*Trish smiles at Bret they kiss and then they hug*|

<*~Trish Stratus~*> So where are you going to be?

[{~Bret Hart~}] I will just be going to the hotel soon after I go work out and take my shower that's about all.

<*~Trish Stratus~*> Oh okay, well I guess i'll see you tomorrow, okay see you bye.

[{~Bret Hart~}] Bye Trish..

|*Bret smiles at Trish and they kiss one last time and the leaves her locker room and she goes over to take a shower as the camera fades down and out for a long break for right now*|

(|/|Camera fades down from Trish Stratus' locker room|\|)