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Ever since the release of SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs, alot of people have been asking questions about the SEALs and what exactly they do. First of SEALs, SEa Air Land, are Special Operation forces, or in other words, they aern't used for normal combat like Marines or Army infantry. They are mainly used for attacking key areas like airports, harbors, or supply depots, rescuing hostages, RECON, or "paints". They do not rely on normal combat rules becuase they are used for counter-guerilla warfare(unconditional warfare). They do, however, rely on SST (as so I have dubbed it).




This is import usually because they are outnumbered, going in with 4,8,12,16 are the usual numbers, and up against sometimes as much as 100 tangos.


Sometimes called "The hardest military training in the world", and I'll tell you, that is not a lie. BUD/s(Basic Underwater Demolotion/SEAL training). Is a 26 week ordeal that focuses on endurance, mental stability, and mental clarity under pressure. The training is designed to prompt all BUD/S canidates for actual obstacles they might encounter on a SEALs mission. The training each has its own purpose:

1st Phase: Basic conditioning- Gets all students into shape, on land and water. Also contains "Hell Week", 5 1/2 days of non-stop PT. You'll also participate in 4 mile timed runs(in boots, 32 mins to pass.)8 weeks

2nd Phase: Diving Phase- Teaches students on the underwater aspect of SEALs missions and it also continues the PT for BC. Students learn how to swim through fire and about Closed-circuit scuba equipment (no tell tale bubbles).9 weeks

3rd Phase: Land warfare- Student continue PT, but it also continues to become more demanding. Student enter real combat situations and are forced to make "make or break" situations. Also they learn about explosives and basic combat manuevers. 9 weeks

After BUD/s its on to Air Borne, then language school. Its all worth the while if you wear that TRIDENT.

My experience with the Navy so far.

Well so far I am still only a Seaman Recruit, the bottom of the bottom, but I am currently under way with DEP(Delayed Entry Program) with my recruiter, AT1 (AW/SW) George A. Stroker. I did not have an easy time getting in though. First off, I really wanted to join the Army. I don't know why, but I did, and my mother and father would not sign my permission slip. Being eager to get a head start on things, I was searching through all the branches of military, eventually stumbling on the Navy. From then, I remembered that my mother used to talk about the Navy, SEALs. I looked them up and it only took 5 minutes for me to say "Thats what I want to do!" So I requested information and one day got my call from AT1. I went a few times and even took a practice ASVAB, scoring a 55. I filled everything I needed to with my mom and dad and the next thing I knew I was at MEPS on Oct.16. Everything was going smooth, I had scored a 77 (way above anticipated) on the ASVAB, and had passed urine, blood, and "The Dance". Then I went down to my job counseling where they further question you. (To those who are thinking about going I can not stress enough on getting a good nights sleep. Also prepare for a VERY long day, and monotinous questions.) When I went down I was asked "Any kids? Drugs? Police incidents? ADD?" My answers were "No, No, No, Yes..." SHIT! I had forgot that when I was younger I was diagnosed with ADD. She sent me back to medical where I waited until Airborne got its physicals and then was sent back down with a slip. I didn't know what it meant, but it said waiver not recommended (to the doc that gave me that, all I have to say is F*** you! HAHA!), and he told me I was disqualified to get in. But AT1 helped me out. We got medical records stating the problem was only upto 1997 (It was now about 2003, 6 years ago, you can see how I forgot). We wrote up our slips and came back on Halloween, finding out I had been approved. A load offf my shoulders. So anyone out there who is reading this, theres always a way around every obstacle.

My new sword

Well here it is. Its a katana with a buddist hilt. It has a black sheath and is about 2 1/2 ft to 3 ft long. Its really sharp and perfect for Iaijutsu.! KATANA PHOTOS

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