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'Planet Tim'

Thanks for visiting the 'Planet Tim website, the site of singer/songwriter/teacher/etc.. guy Tim Lee. People often ask me what planet I'm on, so here's the answer! ;-)

I'll be your guide - just put your feet up, surrender your sanity and have a look round some of the varied components that make up my mundane existance. Enjoy!

Site map:

My Music
Gig dates!
My old band, Wilma
My Photos
My 'Merchandise'
My Jim Henson Tribute
My Film Reviews

15/04/07 - Updates

  • Songs page updated and album pages all updated and improved
  • New film review added!
  • Gigs page updated!

    My myspace site
    The band's myspace site
    Link 1 - Box of Delights, the band wot I'm in
    Link 2 - My old band; friend David Novan's band, Narcissus - Heavy pop and glitter!
    Link 3 - My other old band; friend Stephen Sarson's band, Frank is Dead - Dark comedic punk
    Link 4 - My Girlfriend's illustrations site
    Link 5 - The protector of the Blues; the Master Bluesman!
    Link 6 - All things Muppet - including Muppet Radio 24 Hours a day!!!

    Contact - Email: timlee19@hotmail.com

    - Things I'm enjoying at the moment:

    1. Learning to play the ukelele!

    - Things I'm not enjoying at the moment: