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Check out the pics section.
Come back soon for some regular updates.
Have Fun!

      07.17.03 -Chris-...FINALLY PICTURES!!!!...

     YAY! I finally put the pictures up and updated the "Shows" section. Im sorry for such the LOOOONG wait but i did it. Also weve been recording our songs and theyre coming out good BUT weve had to stop the recording process briefly because we have a HUGE show coming up that we cant screw up, so we're practicing twice a week and have no time to record. Im sorry that the show isnt open to public but we'll put up plenty of pictures and videos from the show. Were gonna be playing originals as well as a LOT of covers including: -Incubus "Stellar" & "Drive", Creed "With arms wide open" & "Higher" & "My own Prison", Coldplay "Clocks", P.O.M. "Blurry" and a couple FInch songs including "Ender" and "Letters to You" ...oot!

      06.16.03 -Chris-...BETTER song clip...

     YAY! Last friday, we met and recorded one song. We miced up the drumset so it sounds really good. Also, it has guitar and bass but is still missing vocals because were not done with the recording. I have to go back and rerecord one verse and then i will add the vocals, but for now, i have a clip of the interlude of Journey in the Mp3 section....go check it out...oot!

      05.26.03 clip...

     Well, we didnt get much done because were new to this whole recording thing but we do have a minute-long clip of what we have recorded so far. It only has guitar and bass and it only spans the intro, verse 1 and verse 2. Its not much but its something. Go to the media section to check it out. Expect more throughout the week (if time allows)...oot!

      05.25.03 -Chris-...the cat is IN the bag...

     WE GOT IT! Our long months of patience has paid off; we got the MRS-4 and i have spent the last couple days learning how to use it. If recorded a couple clips just to test it out and they sound promising. If you wanna hear it just IM me...s/n -> Flipthin . Ummmmm so yea tonight our recording sessions begin. Kevin's here so were gonna record guitar and bass for our 2 or 3 song demo that were gonna give away for free once we finish. I think we may finish with it soon. That all depends on my parents letting me go all the way to Miramar to go record the drums at Danny's house. W/e well see what happens but just be on the look out >_< . PS: remember that we have a guestbook...LOL!...oot!

      05.07.03 -Chris-...Its finally HERE!...

     OMG!!! IM SO HAPPY! We have our guestbook up and to go there you can click here:

Visit my guestbook!

Also you can go to the media section and find a link there. Anyway, thats not why im so happy. Tomorrow, (thursday), were buying this little thing called a Zoom Palmtop Recording Studio thing and tomorrow we start recording our CD! it will a long time until we finish, i have to figure out how to work that thing first then we can start our cd. Itll be out before school starts next year FOR SURE! Hopefully by the end of June maybe mid-July. I cant WAIT!...oot!

      05.02.03 -Chris-...more...

     Ok, ok...its been awhile (last week) but im updating the site regularly now...all the bios are up except eddie because hes a bit secretive and getting personal information out of him is like stealing a cupcake from Jesus and Julio (you know who you are!) (>/^_^)>/ < copyright Jesus OWNED! anyway, im working on putting up the pictures but i just need space but i think ive figured out a plan so ill be working on the pics. Also, were gonna but a Zoom Palm-Top Studio thingy to record our cd for all your listening pleasure. Come back soon. Im working on Buddy Icons. Im also putting up Tabs for those guitar players and/or bassists out there. The tabs wil be in Powertab AND TabIt format so if you dont have those programs contact me. My screen name is Flipthin and my email is ...oot!

      04.23.03 -Chris-...FINALLY! updates...

     Hey! I finally had the time to update the site. I didnt neglect it on purpose though. my computer is acting up so its running very...slow. So signing on is a pain BUT i finally did it. I added lyrics to a couple of our songs. We have MANY songs like between 10 and 15 and were really trying to make them as strong as possible because we want to go into the studio to record our cd. I cant wait to finish most of them because theyre coming out really good and i cant wait to play shows. But were not gonna play any shows until we finish a satisfactory amount of songs. Also, i think the band is considering covering a Lost Prophets song. Ill let you know how that turns out. If youve never heard of Lost Prophets....WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?!...oot!

      04.03.03 -Chris-...FINALLY! the site is DONE...

     Thanks largely to Rodrigo (Mr. Sexy-Web-Designer-Man) for our site layout. He is very good, as you can see. This is like the second time hes saved Anyway, i just uploaded it today and so the links dont work...well, they do but they take you right back here. Ummmm should be fixed by Saturday. Tomorrow we practice and were gonna get WHOLE NEW PICTURES!!! Were gonna write some new material tomorrow and hope it turns out good.

      03.14.03 -Chris-BoTB TODAY!!!

     Today is the magical day! It starts today at 6:30 PM in the Coral Park auditorium. We are the 4th band performing. First to play is Disir Seid, then, second is The Other 1/2 then, 5 finger Discount and THEN US. After us is Sterntraum then 6th, 7th i dont remember and 8th is Brand Name Punk, 9th is Dark Tomorrow and lastly is Immortal Serenity!

      03.13.03 -Chris-its getting CLOSER!!!

     Well, with Battle of the Bands being this week i decided to let you all know some info about the show. I, chris, have dropped the guitar to focus more on my singing and im being taught by two excellent singers. First day of vocal coaching was heck but it helped me a lot. So, hopefully when you hear us on friday, my voice will be a lot better than it wouldve been w/o my training. Also, Eddie learned our songs very well and were gonna pull a heck of a performance. Soooo....heres the info:
Battle of The Bands (2nd annual)
Date: Friday, March 14, 2003
Time: 6:30 PM
Cost: $5.00
Place: Coral Park (Auditorium), 8865 S.W. 16 Street, Miami, Florida 33165
Also performing: Waiting Theory :|: Five Finger Discount :|:Brand Name
Punk:|: Through whites of eyes :|: Sterntraum :|: Disir Seid :|: The other
1/2 :|: Immortal serenity :|: Darkest Before dawn :|: Dark Tomorrow.