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Story of Elora Danan

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Bavmorda was born of a human King Bethron and his Queen Dialora of Nockmaar. She was raised to respect the ways of honor and valor. Although, the sudden attack on her people by the armies of Galladoorn caused the death of her parents and all those close to her. The great armies of the golden kingdom held this attack because they had heard of a treaty set up by King Bethron that allied him with the Valinorian elves. This treaty obliged their armies to fight side by side in a war against the respected and ancient peoples of another land, Tir’Asleen. The reason for the war was a chance to gain land, and most of all power, something both this king and his allies wanted. But he had failed and upon Bavmorda’s revengeful brow a crown was placed all too soon. Bavmorda grew wise, and had fallen in love with a priest that led her to discover her powers. She was a sorceress, and the fact that she aged quite slowly was a good indication of this gift. With these powers her love and she learned and fell beneath the generous power given by the black magic. Although, before the death of the priest a child was bore of him by Bavmorda, a female named Sorsha, and he had warned Bavmorda of other things also before his death. Of a child that was to be born, a child that would bring her downfall and destroy the evil she had created and ruled, and the castle she reigned in which was a dark black that all feared to come by. This prophecy frightened the dark sorceress so much that she sent out her great Nockmaar army, led firstly by her daughter Sorsha in a gather of all pregnant women across the lands. Soon by fate she was born in the very dungeons of the evil Queen, the omen child, but she vanished once the good of an elder midwife could not bare see the death of a child, but she knew not of what this child had been prophesized to do.

Bavmorda was angered and sent her armies out in search of the baby, led by Sorsha until she was soon replaced by Bavmorda’s high commander Kael once word had reached Sorsha had turned against her mother to fight for and protect the life of the special child. For this child held a great power among the people of the western land.

She was to be the one to destroy the evil that haunted the lands and bring the downfall of Bavmorda and become Queen of Tir’Asleen.

Galladoorn and Tir’Asleen were of the strongest allies. Peoples of both lands reigned in contentment and prosperity, but once word had reached them of the omen child the dark Queen feared herself, all became everything but gleeful.

Soon Tir’Asleen gathered their armies and led them towards their allies to Galladoorn in preparation for the Great War they feared to come. Little did they acknowledge the great wit Bavmorda held, she had known they would move the armies to a place they believed and knew she despised the most, which was very true, but what was also true was that she sent her armies firstly toward Tir’Asleen.

There many people were destroyed, massacred and placed beneath spells of the black magic, leaving the lands abandoned and deathly. In this while the two allied armies were moving towards Galladoorn until having to return to Tir’Asleen because of the attacks there only to fall tricked again by the dark armies as they moved opposite way and thus attacked Galladoorn.

Many times Bavmorda and her armies were deceived during the capture of the baby. She had fallen under the protection of an elwyn man by the name of Willow Ufgood. One who claimed to be a sorcerer himself.

Willow had encountered Cherlindrea, Fairy Queen of the light in the wood of Uthrian, a wood in which brownies and fae dwelled; and in this wood it was she who aided his understanding about the prophecy child, Elora Danan. It was she that told him of Bavmorda’s doings and plans in the destruction of the child, and this did not enlighten Willow what so ever.

He accepted to take the child toward the lake of Toranir. Only there would he find the small island on which another great sorceress dwelled.

Fin Raziel was of the lands of Tir’Asleen. She was a victim to the black magic of Bavmorda; and it was almost a hundred years earlier when the great battle between Galladoorn and Nockmaar took place. It was a time when she watched the people fall under destruction when Bavmorda’s armies attacked by surprise, taking her by capture to the dark castle of the dark Queen.

It was there Raziel saw her for the first time, and suffered beneath her extensive sorcery. Although Bavmorda did not know that Raziel herself held such a gift, and so during the torment and peril she faced, she learned and developed in strength until she chose to face the evil Queen herself on a day by no date. But before such a battle between the two sorceresses could take place Bavmorda had been warned.

A guard of the dungeon had spotted Raziel fiddle with the torch fire, and heard her speak in a tongue of which she had learned by listening to the Queen, thus turning the fire to ice.

It was at the guard’s words that brought a laugh to Bavmorda’s lips, as she now knew of Raziel’s abilities. Although she kept this hidden, because it also frightened her.

Through this fear she banished Raziel to the lone island off the shore of Toranir, her form taken to that of a muskrat of which cannot swim keeping the sorceress there until it was Willow who came for her in need of her powers and protection.

With the wand of Cherlindrea was Raziel brought back to her human form, surprised at the years she had been exiled because she had grown old, yet lived strong still. Strong enough to finally face the evil of Bavmorda and battle her in a duel of magic.

By this time Elora had been captured and the rituals that would destroy her had begun to take place and it was by fate that the remaining armies of Galladoorn and Tir’Asleen reached the dark castle in their aid against the Nockmaar army, led still by Kael.

This then caused a new battle to take place, not only between these armies with swords and horses, but within the castle using wands and magic. Yet the evil Queen was not killed by Raziel who had yearned to do just that. She had failed and fallen before she could do so. It was willow who had saved the child.

Then it was so that Bavmorda was killed, tricked by the least likely person of all, the elwyn by the name of Willow Ufgood. Although aided by the great swordsman Madmartigan and long-lived sorceress Fin Raziel. Together they led the last armies of Galladoorn and defeated the Nockmaar armies of Bavmorda at her dark castle.

Even with the omen child saved and Bavmorda’s armies destroyed, not many at that time realized the prophecy had not been fulfilled at all. It said that the born child, Elora Danan would be the one to destroy the evil and darkness of Bavmorda and bring everlasting peace to the lands.

Though it was not long before the preparation had begun for that, in fact, once Willow had left the lands of Tir’Asleen, still without it’s ruler and returned to his own people, the remaining Nockmaar armies had attempted to raid against Tir’Asleen. Much of the great castle had fallen while the Galladoornian armies held it strong and sent the rebels off into the plains of the west.

This then began the gathering of the rebels themselves, the dark ones that prayed to the spirit of evil that one day their Queen, Bavmorda would return and destroy the omen child, and rule all.

The first rebels were that of the men of the Nockmaarian army who were not killed but sent away by the army of Galladoorn. These men and women wandered the plains in search of allies; and slowly over time they found and gathered many by the number that fought for the return of the ultimate Queen. One of the allies being of a deceiving race. That of the Valinorian elves, of fire, for whom above all else desired power.

In Tir’Asleen, Elora was raised by Fin Raziel, led to understand the importance of honor and valor. Taught the ways of tactics in battle, the mazes of minds, and the weakness’ of the heart. All throughout many years, and it was so many that the wed couple Madmartigan and Sorsha died, leaving a daughter by the name of Patrena, one of whom aged slowly.

Also by the time of their death, Raziel still lived, and was more frail than ever before for she knew that even as a sorceress, her time was drawing near. But even through these times, just reaching two hundred years, Elora did not age, not like a human, or a sorceress. She remained young and beautiful and this puzzled Raziel so. She was not a sorceress, she did not hold such powers nor age the slightest bit. She was not immortal because she would bleed and heal like a mortal. Elora was just different. And even as this didn't come to understanding in the old wit of Raziel, it took a jealous turn on Patrena.

The common people of the lands feared Patrena, her presence somewhat intimidating and her eyes frightened many, the seeping darkness within them.

Her parents were good people, Madmartigan the great swordsman, and Sorsha, the daughter of the evil Bavmorda. It was no coincidence that Patrena had taken on some of her grandmother’s attributes, which removed the people of ease, except for Elora. To her, Patrena was like a sister; they were together often when younger until the quarries about Elora’s aging puzzled many. It was known Patrena was a sorceress, but Raziel made sure that her abilities were not discovered, because if it was possible she resembled her grandmother the slightest bit, it was also possible she could hold her cruel heart as well.

Only few stood by the young princess Elora during the years she spent readying herself for the Great War of the prophecy. Mirantha was born a hundred and seventy-one years after Elora. She was very different among the other maidens of Tir’Asleen, although a human like them; and without much training she wielded a sword quite well and found herself in high command of the white and silver army itself by the time she was twenty-eight years of age.

It was not long until Elora could wield a sword skillfully herself, and plan tactics in battle, make wise choices and have such gentle grace.

She was now ready for the approaching battles that she would lead her armies against the raging rebels from the west in the war of the Rebellion, and thus complete the prophecy.

Even through this Elora had felt uneasy, less eager. She was restless and began to doubt the victory of the battle itself until Raziel’s kind words comforted her fears. Although those comforts could last no longer as Raziel had died at the end of her long prosperous life. And it was also then that Elora could no longer face the war she had prepared for her whole life. For the first time she dwelled more into thought then she should have and realized something that had been kept from her worries.

She realized the prophecy ended at the downfall of this evil. It seemed to her that there was nothing more from then on. She believed she was destined to perish while bringing victory to the land and becoming Queen. She would be named Queen at the victory, though it did not mean she would live through it, and this threw her in a state of anxiety and fear. She began to wish against the battle, run and not face it because she believed she did not have the powers to do it.

It was then that Cherlindrea came to her in the wood of Uthrian and spoke to her of the war. She comforted Elora as best she could, but it didn't seem enough, the daunting thoughts had begun to consume her very heart. All Cherlindrea could do was give Elora her last preparation for the war. The light of the fae. She explained to Elora that the light of the fae would take patience and concentration.

There are four types of fae, that of Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water, and to use these elements all combined would one be using the strongest power of all races. That of which makes the earth and life possible. But even at this gift Elora turned from her, wishing not to take it, she believed she would die either way. Cherlindrea could not object, because she also knew that the prophecy told of no more after the downfall of the evil. Yet even at those thoughts she urged Elora to accept the gift and protect the people.

To sacrifice one’s life in order to save many would never be forgotten, even until the end of all the ages.

At that Elora accepted the gift and readied herself to test each element so she could use them as one in the nearing war, but there was one last desire she wished be granted before that time.

Ever since Elora was a young child, not yet reaching an age of which she did not surpass, she dreamed to travel and wander from the kingdom she felt condemned to. She wanted to see far off lands and face new peoples. Learn about them and understand them; and there was something that drew her eyes to the eastern sea, something over it called to her in her dreams and whispered over the passing winds through her listening ears.

She was determined to seek out whatever it was she felt be awaiting her over the great waters, even if by the end of the last tests she find nothing, Elora would still be content that she did not let the chance slip away.

Then it was so that she gathered her few belongings, her dark cloak and long sword of Tir’Asleen to cross over the great sea to the middle-earth for what reason she knew not.

She had crossed the sea and began her eager wander about the lands of the middle-earth with the greatest curiosity, often finding herself in a small tavern or Inn to stay.

It was not rare that the strangers became curious of her shadowed features beneath the dark of her low hood and the shining sword rested at her left side.

None of the tests had yet occurred, and it placed Elora in a state of worry and fear because she did not know when they would arise. Only half a season passed before she found herself in a realm she had not intended to cross. ‘Twas the realm of the elven kind, and for some reason it was in that realm she felt some strange peace in her heart, for the while at least. And it wasn’t until then someone had come across her own paths and changed her life. He was a sylvan by the name of Legolas Greenleaf. He was an elven prince of the Eryn Lasgalen peoples (Mirkwood); and at the first sight of him Elora fell in love. Although she did not express this until some time after there first encounter.

This was because he was an elf, and Elora believed she was human; a race the father of this elven prince would not allow his son to bring into his lands. It was that King Thranduil of Mirkwood feared she be the one his son would bring to him and claim to be his love, and it was not long before Thranduil then attempted to prevent Elora of becoming just that. This ended up causing Elora much strife in the times to come.

It was a tragedy that would slowly arise and only worsen through time, but Elora believed and kept her hope strong within her willful heart.

Just as she drew closer to the heart of this elven prince her tests took place, frightening her evermore as she was now forced to return home; and to her possible end. The light of the fae had been completed, and even Elora's hair had taken to a light colour of silver-white. She resembled Cherlindrea greatly by this time, endearing to a silmilar strength that could now be used for the battle.

Now the thoughts of her own death filled her with a great sorrow, she finally felt she had a bigger reason for living. Which was to see and feel the presence of the elf she secretly loved.

Elora then crossed over the western sea alone and returned to the shores of her people that lay beyond the Grey Havens, and there she was clad into the silver and white jeweled armors of the lands.

She was taken directly to the battlefields of Firanle where the dark armies had gathered and waited at the other side. Their presence like a dark storm approaching everyone’s fears from over the horizon, shrouding out all light, for their intentions were grave.

The battle was led by the great lady Elora, and as the prophecy entailed, the peoples of Tir’Asleen were protected as the shining armies fought bravely and with the greatest honor, destroying the rebels and barbarians by the many.

Elora did not perish but was crowned and became Queen. Little did they realize that the ancient alliance of the Valinorian elves had held true and they waited far behind the enemy lines and watched. But once they realized the battle was of no victory for them they fled yet again and hid well within their fiery mountains angered at the one whom had fulfilled the prophecy.

They now despised the omen child because she had rid them of any chance they had in gaining the power they dearly desired and for bringing down the last of the armies they held allied. So they began to plot and scheme towards their revenge upon Elora and all of her people.

They had planned to attack the people, and assassinate Elora. These elves only desired power and revenge.

It was that they would kill her and take power over the people and land. The elves knew Elora’s armies had weakened against their allied rebels and this was there chance, but they did not know the Queen herself would soon deceive them.

The people of Tir’Asleen did not realize they had placed their crown upon a troubled brow. Elora had lived her whole life to face a time she thought would be her end, but that was clearly not so and she had lived, and was now Queen.

This was something that did not content her, and only two others could see it, Mirantha and her advisor Elric. Elric was an elder man, born into the lands many years earlier. He was a friend to Raziel in her last years and cared a great deal for Elora. Although his thoughts were spoken a bit too freely and with an absent mind quite often.

Elora thought often of the middle-earth, and especially of the prince she had encountered upon those travels. It was within that elven realm she felt a sort of piecing to the obstructed puzzle of her life, but if she were to leave her people, she would have to give up her crown, and much of the respect they offered along with it. Though it was of no choice to her, Elora had always followed her heart and survived with its decisions when all else was too much.

It was then that Elora sought out Elric and stepped down from the throne. Her crown was passed to Patrena, leaving the lady content while the people instead chose to be sorrowful at this time. When Elora had left the western lands again the Valinorian elves were indeed deceived once word reached of her leaving. Their revengeful schemes were destroyed for they knew not were they would find her in the middle-earth, they had failed once again.

Elora returned to the middle-earth with the greatest hopes dwelling within her renewed heart, although the fears of the king Thranduil never left it. Her way was toward the wood she had thought she would never see again, it also being the place the prince reigned.

There did she find him and win over his love after many falls of woe and hard pains because of the king. Although, Elora held many surprises of which she did not know herself.

The way she did not die like an immortal, or age like a sorceress still puzzled many and only after encountering her very father amongst the sylvan elves of the Eryn Lasgalen wood did she understand she was half-elven, a peredhil. This was the reason for her slight immortality and it was at this time that her father had told her of his sail over the western sea many hundreds of years earlier. Around the times that Bavmorda still ruled in Nockmaar. He then told her of his love for an edan (human) woman, her mother, one of which was killed the day Elora was born into the world bearing the mark which named her the omen child in the very dungeons of the evil Queen herself.

It was only by that winter solstice that the king Thranduil decided to sail over the western sea himself to travel amongst the far off lands. Galdor was an elf from the Grey Havens that would be meeting the king upon his journey once he had crossed, and from there Elora and Legolas remained in the enchanting wood. Legolas also being crowned temporary king in his father’s place until his return.

It was a time of contentment throughout the elves of the Eryn Lasgalen wood. The winter solstice was a gleeful festival, and now the young prince of which the people adored reigned along with the kind lady Elora at his side, but not as his Queen.

All of the happiness that ran amongst them made Elora feel like she was finding the peace she had searched for at last, little did she know of what was arising over the sea involving the king Thranduil. There he had encountered a race of elves he thought to be respectful and honorable like his own, he had encountered the Valinorian elves and was utterly deceived.

The reason for their kindness toward the king arose after they heard Elora dwelled within his realm in the middle-earth, thus they found out where she was and again found a chance for revenge. The new scheme the Valinorians plotted was to send a few of their kindred in the return to the middle-earth as guests of the king, and there find and assassinate her; but they failed once quarries arose at Elora’s weariness and the six fire elves ended up killed.

Soon the tidings of this failed attempt reached their mountains in the west, infuriating the others of the viscous kin. If they could not find her and kill her, they would force her to return and do it then, in war, and Elora felt the chilled whispers of the new attacks on the people of Tir’Asleen in the west, and she knew they needed her once again.

The Valinorians had placed attacks upon the kingdom, and the Queen Patrena was not able to handle her armies, except for Mirantha, who held strong against the attacks and led the army out and saved Tir’Asleen few times before Elora’s return.

With the return of the true Queen, a rekindled hope arose in the people. They believed she had come to stay and rule as the rightful lady of their lands, but at her side was Legolas, a good sign that she would not. Instead Elora just prepared for and fought the victorious battle against the never resting elves of fire, killing the hateful race and sending them defeated toward their mountains of fire. But they had yet one more part to play within this tale.

Meanwhile Patrena’s anger and jealousy only grew at Elora’s presence. She wanted her to stay far from the lands so she would rule and maintain power. The way questions arose of Elora’s return as Queen caused the pitiful woman to release the attributes of her dead grandmother, and so she attacked Elora on the very battlefield the war was held.

This soon gave Elora no other choice but to end the angered woman’s life there, sending herself then to a council, which questioned her desires of anarchy. But Elora knew she did not want to be Queen, she would not be content as before. The only way she could find that was with her love and in Eryn Lasgalen, over the sea.

It was at this time that Elora made a wise decision. She left the one person who had held honor and valor throughout the dark times.

She named Mirantha, high commander of the army Queen of Tir’Asleen. She was a woman who reigned honorably and returned the richest prosperity to the people of the lands. Therefore Tir’Asleen only grew strong and flourished alike the times of ancient before any evil had ever corrupted it. It was soon renewed under her power.

Elora returned to the middle-earth with the elven prince. The lands she left behind at peace once and for all. But ahead, she still believed she faced more quarries about her acceptation as the lady of Legolas Greenleaf. Thranduil had not given her such pass as to remain at his son’s side. That was the burden she feared yet to face once returning to the elven wood, until she was again surprised.

It seemed that her father, Astalder De Danan had led a clan of elves known as the Tuatha De Danan into the west from their homes in Eryn Lasgalen. Their words dwelled strongly upon keeping the old beliefs of the elven race alive. It so happened to be that Thranduil himself had followed and believed in what the Tuatha De Danan wandered and traveled for, thus realizing Elora was the only one that could keep the Danan elves alive in his lands, and return prosperity and power of wisdom to them.

For this, he was finally able to tell her that he had wished to accept her all along and now had good reason in doing so, knowing the elven race would be renewed with the heir she would provide his son.

It was soon that the child would be born and Legolas Greenleaf of Eryn Lasgalen would be king and have his pure of sylvan heir after him, and Elora at last sensed a peace in her willing heart that had dealt with many hardships before this time. Although she dared not think any more of the past and only waited for what was yet to come.

For once, apart from many tales, tradegy would prevail in Elora's. But before such a thing, there was much contentment. The heir was conceived and born. He was named Gilthanus Thranduillion. Strength and a wild heart was in his name. He was the son the entire kingdom of Mirkwood had waited long to see. After the birth of Gilthanus, Elora was to be wed to her loving Prince Legolas. They had waited long, but he would soon become king as the day of the wedding and crowning drew near. They chose to wed in the spring season. The Dawning, a time of new beginnings. But they could not do so because of threats concerning new dwarven wars against the westerness. Thus they moved the day into the autumn. That was the perfect season. It was a time of change, and it was exactly what all of the people would soon have to face.

It was on the day that Elora D'danan and Legolas Greenleaf were to wed that tragedy finally struck, and with a hard blow.

At the alter beneath the splash coloured leaves did Legolas wait for his love to join him to recite their vows of binding love and endless faithfulness. Elora did not come. A panicking prince found a maiden who had seen her last. The frightened maiden told Legolas that she had seen Elora in the Northern tower with her son. Elora had said she wanted to see her son a moment before decending to the ceremony in the wood. But a moment had now been too long. Legolas carried up the tower on his elven step as quickly as he could, although when reaching the royal corridor, shivers swept through him. There was a thick silence and darkness. Even as the sun shone brightly against the proud towers of Thranduil, at this moment, it ceased to. Upon the opening of the chamber door of which she and her babe awlays slept, he found her. There she lay beautifully upon the silken duvets with their child in her arms. Her marbled skin soft and pale. Her soft-blue eyes deep with emotion and love. The white gown she wore, gracefully sheeted about her figure. And in her arms Gilthanus was held, with an everlasting love. And through the hearts of this mother and child was an arrow. It's wood carved and detailed of elven hands.

Swift gallops carried past the fields. Toward the west these elves rode. Tightly did they grip the mane of their bareback steeds as they escaped successfully. Only in a near distance could one see the flaming crimson tresses tousling about their broad shoulders. Accompanied by the triumphant grins across each of their mirth lips. The Valinorian elves had taken vengeance and at last power would again be their own. For above all else, they desired just that.

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