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seven day lie
seven day lie

about the band





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june 27th, word up homie..dave eisenberg here and i have no life so im updating SDL's homepage for them nothing has happened since mike updated two minutes ago but i have to reupdate cuz no one wants to read mikes essaay..the thing is goin down soon ands im sportin a sdl t shirt so buy one word peace out fo shizzle nizzle dizzle on the hizzle ka zizzle.

june 27th, 2003- okay, here's what will be happening in the next couple weeks. Today I am going to pick up the mixes for the tracks we have completed and then decide if I like the way they sound. When Mark and Josh get home they'll do the same. Spencer... is Spencer, if he wants to he can. Josh and Mark are both away this/next week. So we wont be practicing for another two weeks. Josh and I wrote a new song that he says is called 'Day 36: The End', but I think that’s just the title for now. The song most likely will be recorded acoustic for the full length out this September titled 'Haunted Rulers and the Pillow Effect'(long story). Tonight go and support SDH and Daybreak at NAYC for a HIGH SCHOOL show. If you're a incoming freshman, you cannot go... unless you're cool. I'm sure they'll let a few people in, but if you're 'stupid heads', don’t count on it. Oh yeah, SDL t-shirts are now for sale. Just contact us and we'll be sure to get you one, $10 each.

june 24th, 2003-Thursday was the sad cafe show and it went pretty well. We sold a good number of tshirts and played good, even though At Best cancelled at the last minute. An "amazing" performance by At Best As We Could Get truly made up for this. In other news, we will be going into the studio to mix what we have recorded soon. We are also working on a new song entitled "Day 36: The End".

june 17th, 2003-Today was the first day of the absdl two show welcome to the mayhem tour. it kinda sucked. more updates coming soon.

june 15th, 2003-Studio Update: Day 1 (6/14)
we all got to the studio around 11:30 to set up. The place is in a basement and is fairly large. By around 1:00 we were done setting up our stuff and Chris Pliakas (studio owner) was done setting up the microphones. The first song we recorded was Cowbell. We did two live takes to ensure the best possible recording. The first two hours of the day were spent recording this way. We recorded Cowbell, Succeeding Waterfalls, Senator Jefferson Davis, Coming Back Sunday, December 31 (Can't Find the Words to Say), Don't Forget Me, and With Shoelaces Untied. We also recorded When Nickelodeon Was Actually Good, a new song called Architect to Your Own Demise, and New Year's Song, but those three didn't come out as well as we had hoped they would so those recordings have been scrapped for now. After each song was recorded live we began overdubs. There wasn't much to fix other than a few of my lead parts in various songs and spencers bassline in December 31. After this we took a short break to eat and then got right to vocal recording. I did pretty much 3 takes for every song, with Mike doing backups on almost everything. We did attempt screaming in Jefferson Davis, but since it came out really bad it will be back to the old way of jut singing during the end... a little dissapointing. The last thing we did was add keyboards into Shoelaces and New Year's. The day ended at 7:00. Overall I'd say it went well as we got seven songs done when we were only expecting 3 or 4. Nothing was mixed yet, however, so any previews of what we recorded are out of the question for about a week or two. We are going back to the studio sometime in the next two weeks to record more and possibly even finish the majority of the album. Songs still to be recorded include: Nickelodeon, Architect to Your Own Demise, New Year's Song, Death March, and possibly some less played song like Four Leaf Clover, Goodbye Song, and Naked. We are definitely on track for a September/October release it would seem. Cover art, title, and pricing will hopefully be decided in the next month or so.

june 13th, 2003-Josh here with a few updates and our plans for the next week or two. Firstly (is that even a word?) tomorrow we will be going into the studio for 6 hours to begin work on our currently untitled full length hopefully due out in September or October. The first two songs being recorded are Succeeding Waterfalls and Raping Cowbells (blackest night for those of you with the coustic cd). One track from this session will most likely be posted on this site, so expect an update to the audio page on Sunday. The full length will probably end up being about 10-12 songs; mainly old ones but a few new ones also. In songwriting related news we are finally coming out of a dry spell it seems. Our newest song is one of our best in a while and I have two acoustic songs I'm working on plus a good 6-8 riffs that I plan to work into actual songs. We are also tossing around the idea of doing a cover of an old song...good chance it will be Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire" if we can learn all the words. Two new shows have been added: both are on tuesday the 17th, one is at school sometime before 2 and the other is the yc at 3 o'clock with at best. After these shows the band will be twaking a break from playing live until about August to focus on recording and writing. Most likely any shows towards the end of the summer will be at best and rearview (if they can find someone to fill in for steve while he recovers from a recent biking accident...hopefully he will get well soon). Also, we are attempting to make this site better...a new layout is not definite but also not out of the question. Pictures are coming asap. Finally, our tshirts will be in soon and for sale at the show on the 19th. Pricing is undetermined as of now.

*note* if you do not have a copy of either our demo cd 'because i'm neutral' or our acoustic cd "the last call" and would like to purchase one, please ask us rather than waiting for a show as they are now mainly being made on an 'as requested' basis. We will continue to sell these for a while, but quantities at shows are indefinite so if you really want one, just let us know beforehand to ensure you get your copy.

june 8th, 2003- Here’s a highlight of the past week. We're going into the studio on the 14th to record hopefully around 4 songs. If everything goes smoothly we will go back and record a few more songs. Our first two that we will def. get recorded on the first day is 'Raping Cowbell' and 'Succeeding Waterfalls'. In other 'news' Mark hurt his back at practice on Thursday so we hung out most of the day, he should be fine in time for recording and the grad. show. Oh yeh, the grad. show is on June 19th at the Sad Cafe, most of our friends are already invited but if you REALLY wanna go, ask Spencer, you can IM him on AfueBikleSneezer. We'll be playing with At Best and an acoustic act. After the Fall may be playing but... yeh... catching my drift? Oh yeh, we were in the Citizen this past week for the battle of the bands with At Best, Priclly, and Sugency. I don’t remember saying half the stuff I was quoted on... but whatever. Thanks to Chris Q of At Best for taking pictures for us... they kind of did suck, but he put the effort in. We'll update after we go into the studio. We'll probably also have a clip of a recording up.

may 30th, 2003-Battle of the Bands was tonight. We won! Overall it was easily the best we have ever played. Highlights included the skanking fivesome during cowbell and our acapella version of jeffereson davis before the show. We are all very happy and will soon be going into a local studio to record quality demos of cowbell and succeeding waterfalls. More updates coming soon.

may 29th, 2003- hi mike here, this is my first update and most likely my last because i'm really lazy. anyway the shows today went well, we played 'a goodbye song' for the first time, it was a bit sketchy but fun. we got many good complements so thanks to those people who are nice enough. also thanks to everyone who bought our ep's today. more will be on sale tomorrow night at the battle of the bands. show, love, sing, and buy. the second set I think we all would agree was the funnier of the two. dave of at best, josh and me did a 'tribute' to Strike Anywhere by attempting to cover 'Notes on pulling the sky down' and since i’m so hardcore and cool I went insane on the bridge and started hitting myself and crap. then me and Spencer got into our set a lot more and moved around for once. then we went back to classes witch sucked but we got out of most of the day. we got these two 'sick' speakers from Mr. Mac. we'll use them at shows we put on, practices and stuff. we've made a lot of money selling cd's so if things keep going they way they are we will be buying a sound card, going into the studio or making t-shirts. if you have any suggestions for good buys or t-shirt designs email us at: . go to battle of the bands, everyone who learns the words to any of the songs we're playing gets a nickel. (not counting you dave)p> may 20th, 2002-Practice today. Brought back an old sideshow song. Still recording acoustic ep, hopefully to be out on may 29th.

may 15th, 2003-We changed the band name yet again. Hopefully this one will stick forever. We practiced today. Playing went well but we quit fifteen minutes in to play old nintendo.

may 11th, 2003-Recent practices have been awesome. Audio page has been updated with new mp3's. A live version of coming back sunday is coming asap in either video or audio form. Hopefully video will be possible, but file size may make things difficult. A new show has been added. We will be playing two 20 minute sets at school on may 29th.

may 6th, 2003-Practice tomorrow for the first time in a long time. Battle of the Bands isn't for a while, giving us plenty of time to get a new song ready. Pleasant Street Fest was Sunday. Our set sucked but overall it was a good show. At Best is serious competition for the botb, and rearview makes us all wonder why they broke up. The mp3's in the audio section are going to change soon. Suggestions for which songs I should put up (except fish nuggets) should be posted on the message board. It's between shoelaces, coming back sunday (live), don't forget me, and death march.

may 2nd, 2003-We haven't practiced in a while, but we will be playing Pleasant Street Fest on Sunday. We have decided to not schedule any new shows between then and the graduation party. During this break, we will be focussing on writing new material and trying a few new covers. Expect an acoustic demo of a new song within the next week or so.

april 27th, 2003-Mike will now be doing the majority of the lead vocals. I will still be singing a few songs, but not many. Meanwhile, I will hopefully be taking vocal lessons. No other news. Go to the Pleasant Street Fest next sunday.

april 26th, 2003-Yesterday was the show at the sad cafe. Overall, it was an average show for us...not as bad as our first show, but not as good as the second set at school. The crowd's reception was fair, they at least seemed interested. Despite several mistakes, our set went pretty much as planned. The band that played after us, Starside, was really good. Really good. While they completely outdid us in every aspect, I'm really glad to have had the chance to play with them. They're songs were catchy and their energy level was extremely high. Definitely learned a thing or two from watching them. In other news, we're planning on changing a lot of our songs. We would like your opinions on what songs to cut, and what songs needed to be changed the most if they are kept. Please post a message on the message board naming which two songs you think are sub-par compared to our others. We will be taking these opinions into consideration. Overall, expect to hear some reworked songs and some completely new songs at our next shows.

april 24th, 2003-Practice yesterday...we made up a new song. Most people will probably hate it, as it's really dark and "goth". But if all goes well, we should most likely be debuting it on Friday at the sad cafe. In other news, the third pressing of because i'm neutral will have a slightly different tracklist. Raping Cowbell and LFN are being replaced by Death March and New Year's Song. Basically, the only reasons for this are that I can't sing Cowbell at all and therefore ever recording of it sucks, and New Year's was always supposed to be the last song on the cd. LFN was only a placeholder song until new years was done. If you're one of the few people who bought one of the first two pressings, and would like to hear New Year's Song and/or The Death March then we will do our best to at least hook you up with the mp3's.

april 21st, 2003-Lots of big stuff coming up... show Friday at the sad cafe, and the pleasant street fest onsunday,may 4th. We've sold 17 of 20 copies of our ep "because I'm neutral". The third pressing will likely have the added tracks of death march and new year's song. If you bought a copy from one of the first two pressings, we will do our best to get you hooked up with these two songs if you want them. In other news, we're practicing today, hopefully to work on writing a few new songs. There's a fair chance that we may debut a brand new song at the show on friday (kind of ironic since we've debuted a ton of new songs, yet still haven't played one that we wrote back in december).

april 18th, 2003-Another show confirmed: Venue- The Sad Cafe...Date- April 25. Everyone please go and support us, we're playing with one band from Connecticut and one from New Hampshire. We are still making copies of Because I'm Neutral, so if you have $3 you should buy it (insert aim winking smiley face here). I'd also like to note that we have everyone of our shows so far on video, so it is quite possible that I may put a live video up here in the near future.

april 17th, 2003-Today was the big show(s) at school. The first show was in the morning, we played for the eighth grade. Don't forget me sounded best out of all our songs. The crowd's reception to us was okay, no one was super enthusiastic but everyone was really supportive. We debuted a few new songs today: succeeding waterfalls (the one mentioned in my post about a week ago), hitchhike to boston (this was a song mike wrote, today we played the whole thing improv style, it was very cool),and one more new song that mike wrote that I don't play on.

The second set was at the end of the day for the sixth grade. We played pretty much everything that got cut from the first setlist. This set went much more smoothly than the first. Raping Cowbell never sounded better. We played new year's song and the death march for the first time ever. The setlist was a lot less expirimental than the first. There were no instrumental songs, and all of the songs in this set were well rehearsed. A few of the songs in the first set had only been practiced a handful of times. Overall, this was probably the best set we have ever played.

We sold ten copies of "because I'm neutral," but any other buyers had to be put on a waiting list because we only had ten copies. At eleven o'clock the night before a show, you can't exactly go out and buy more cdr's. In other news, we have the basement show tomorrow, and possibly a show at the sad cafe a week from tomorrow. Spencer is going away over vacation, so any band activity over the next week will be recording or songwriting only.

april 10, 2003-Added a shows page and a brand new about the band section. Pictures are coming soon, hopefully within a week or two. We're practicing tomorrow.

april 9, 2003-Another practice today. Almost the whole time was spent working on our currently untitled new song. Overall, we've been going for a much more poppy sound with our new stuff, and we're definitely succeeding. This is really the first song by us that was co-written. I wrote the chord progression and the main riff, Mark wrote the drums and the lead guitar part towards the end, and Mike wrote the chorus. Most likely, Spencer will wirte a bassline, though he hasn't yet. We've got a show a week from tomorrow, and things are going extremely smoothly. The palladium show is up in the air.

april 5, 2003-We practiced today. It was one of our worst practices ever playing wise. We made up a few new songs, one by Mike, one by me, and one by Mark. Our new stuff is really coming along and we should have a few new ones to play at the show on the 17th. The site should hopefully be done tomorrow, I've been really busy but tomorrow I should be able to devote an hour or two to finish it up.

march 31, 2003-A bunch has happened since the last update. We've decided that since the majority of the recordings that were going to be on the cd didn't come out good, we're going to rerecord a few songs. In place of the cd, we'll probably release a six song demo. Plans are to include tshirts and stickers, but that is up in the air right now as to whether or not it is going to happen. The tracklist for this demo cd will most likely be:

1. with shoelaces untied
2. raping cowbells (blackest night)
3. coming back sunday
4. a chapter closed
5. nickelodeon
6. new year's song

As far as shows go, we've got a show at school on April 17th, a show at the Sad Cafe on June 19th, and a show at the Palladium Battle of the Bands on May 3rd. The Palladium show might not happen, but we'll see what we can do. There is also most likely a youth center battle of the bands coming up shortly, but that too is unconfirmed. In one more bit of news, we will also be on our good friend Quinn's compilation of local bands. Most likely, the compilation (which also includes Post War Dream, At Best, and Senator Doghead) will have 2 or 3 tracks by us. That's pretty much all the news by now, other than that we are practicing and that this site is still being worked on. The end.

march 23, 2003-just finishing the update that I didnt finish yesterday. We've got two shows lined up, but we have a few more that may be confirmed shortly. The cd will cost $3. The title and cover art haven't been decided yet, but should be shortly. In website news, the whole thing should be fairly complete within the next week. The whole info section will be completely overhauled, and some more sections will be added. That's all for now.

march 22, 2003- today was our fourth day recording the cd. Right now we're looking at eleven tracks, with the possibility of one more if we have time. Here is the tentative tracklisting:

1. a chapter closed
2. the blackest night (to mark, raping cowbells)
3. lasso the monkey
4. don't forget me
5. with shoelaces untied
6. coming back sunday
7. december 31 (can't find the words to say)
8. death march
9. when nickelodeon was actually good
10. we stand here
11. new year's song

last updated may 30th, 2003