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Welcome to the Jedi Academy

Brought to you by Masters

Hello potential students. I am Master Pat McNaught here to welcome you to the academy. It all began a few years ago, you all would have been very young. There was 3 padawans, much like yourselves, who signed up in the academy. There names were Palidin, Jaden, and Rosh. These 3 were the most skilled Jedi of all time. Jaden was a wise fellow. He could mindtrick almost anyone or anything. Rosh excelled in the speed area. When he used force speed even a pod racer could not catch him. Then there was Palidin. He was the saber specialist. When he met Rosh and Jaden he was already been in the academy for a year, and had already developed his powers enough to use a DOUBLE BLADED SABER. The training started well for them. Soon, Rosh was captured by an evil sith named Tavion. She brought him to her master Marko Ragnos and he possesed him. Rosh was now a prisoner of the Darkside. Jaden and Palidin returned to the academy without Rosh and were scolded severly by Luke Skywalker. Jaden and Palidin returned to find Rosh and kill Rognos and Tavion. Jaden and Tavion quickly broke into a deathmatch while Rosh and Palidin duked it out. Jaden quickly slayed Tavion, while Rosh out powered Palidin and sadly slayed Palidin. Just when Jaden was about to kill Rosh, Ragno stormed in and killed Rosh, because he claimed he was too weak. Ragnos and Jaden battled hard for a long period of time, but Jaden arose victoriously. Jaden has now tookin over the academy, since Luke recently died mysteriously. Jaden still claims he talks to Palidin and Luke in dreams and visions. This picture here portrays the Jedi you may someday become. Please inform me of your input towards my site that has been dedicated to the ancient art of the jedi. May the force be with you, always. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU, ALWAYS.

Choose Where To Go Next

Get A Lightsaber
Get You Jedi Robe
Begin Your Jedi Training
Check Out The SeniorPupils Of The Force
Check Out The Male Jedi Already Enrolled
Check Out The Female Jedi Already Enrolled
