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Layout & contents by Roberta and Raquel
© 2004 - 2005


Welcome Calling Fans!!!
Here's the most complete TC site in the web...Here you will find all you need to be a real fan!
Media files, loads of pictures, fan clubs,help for the Loft, fan arts, and all the information you want about these two amazing guys!
They are about to release a whole new album, with amazing songs, just as good as CP!!!
So, keep in touch with us and we will get you the latest news in the Calling's World!
Hope you enjoy our site, and any suggestions or comments are welcome. . . .



March 20, 2004


Hello every1!!

There are some gr8 news for us!
*Click here to see new pix of the guys, in one episode of AMERICAN DREAMS! They are sooo cute!!!!

*For the brazilian ppl: u can now vote for TC on TRANSAMERICA!!!

*For the UK ppl: u can have TC in ur prom!!!! How cool is that!? :D

*As the new CD isn't finished yet, Aaron will stay in US to do it, and Alex will keep touring with the new single! The countries are: France, Germany and Italy ;)

*What the german MTV said about TC:
Todays guest will bring a smile on all the girls lips: blonde, tall, adorable eyes and most of the time behind a microphone, that's Alex Band, singer of The Calling. With his bandmate Aaron Kamin the singer from L.A. currently works on the "follow-up" of the debut album Camino Palmero, that helped the two guys to get a guestappearence in the blockbuster "Coyote Ugly". We are curious as what the new album will bring us. The title 'Two' gives us a lot of space for different interpretations. A little help here will be the live performance by Alex today.

*Here's the latest e-mail from The Loft:
Click here to listen to it. . . .
And here's the transcript, THX to BEE.
Alex: Hey evryone this is Alex. Aaron: And this is Aaron from The Calling. Alex: And you’re about to hear the Fanscape exclusive premiere of our new single Our Lives before it hits the radio. Aaron: This is a song that means a lot to us and uh hopefully it will to you cause it’s just uh talking about all our lives and uh our time here together and appreciating all the wonderfull moments uh and eh all the crazy ones too. Alex: So anyway the album “Two” our new record coming out June 8 so evryone stay tuned for more and we hope to be seeing you and talk to you again soon. Alex: Bye. Aaron: We hope you like it. Aaron: Yeah bye...

March 10, 2004

»»Lots of new stuff!!!!!!

Hey you guys!

*We just got to know more things about Our Lives video:
Liz Friedlander is the director, and the guys shoted it last friday/saturday ( March 5 and 6).They recorder in many places in LA.
We don't have yet the release date, but as soon as we know, let's put them on top!!!!

*Latest news for the brazilian ppl!
O novo álbum do The Calling| 8/3/2004 |

A banda de rock The Calling lançará seu segundo álbum, "Two," em junho de 2004. O disco que sucede "Camino Palmero", de 2001, será precedido pelo próximo single "Our Lives." Todas as canções de "Two" foram escritas pelo vocalista Alex Band e o guitarrista Aaron Kamin, únicos membros da formação original da banda. A dupla co-produziu o álbum com Clif Magness (Clay Aiken, Kelly Clarkson, Avril Lavigne) e Mark Tanner, com produção adicional de Clive Davis.
“Fizemos recentemente audições e conseguimos reunir uma grande banda que realmente soa incrível," declararam os membros da banda há pouco tempo em seu site oficial ( “Estaremos ensaiando durante o próximo mês com nossa nova banda de apoio, gravando o vídeo e finalizando duas novas canções para o álbum, além de nos prepararmos para a próxima turnê mundial.” No final de Março, o The Calling iniciará uma turnê promocional pela Europa e Japão, antes de retornar aos EUA para outros compromissos promocionais.
A canção "Our Lives" terá um videoclipe baseado num conceito criado por Band e Kamin. “Estamos trabalhando duro para chegar a uma idéia correta que retrate o significado desta canção em vídeo,” diz Alex Band. O clipe será dirigido por Liz Friedlander, que também estará atrás das lentes do novo vídeo de Avril Lavigne, Don't Tell Me".
O álbum de estréia do The Calling, "Camino Palmero", atingiu o 2º lugar da parada Heatseekers e o 36º no Top 200, da Billboard, tendo vendido 817.000 cópias nos EUA. O disco trazia o hit "Wherever You Will Go," que chegou ao 5º lugar na parada Hot 100 de singles.

*New WYWG version!
Enter Dreams of my Heart and go to the downloads section! ;)

here to hear the premiere!!!

*Roxanne's e-mail : Lofters!!!
Click here to see the newest e-mail from Roxanne, and Lofters news!!!

*Click here to read the add on MTV Brazil!!

March 06, 2004

»»Interview with The Calling!!!

Hey you guys!
Here is the new interview on MTV Asia!!!!
And pix too!!! YAYY!!

March 05, 2004

»»New CD cover!!!!

Here's the cover of TWO!!!!!!
OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! It's so amazing!!!!

February 27, 2004

»»The new single is available - OUR LIVES NOW!!!!

Hello.... :D
Here's the link to the site -
This item will be released on March 22, 2004. You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives.

February 26, 2004

»»New Old pix!!!!

Hey there!!
In we found this...HOW CUTE IS THAT...BABY ALEX!!!!!

February 26, 2004

»»Germany dates!!!!

As Nad said ( from the German Street Team),BMG gave her these dates:
April 19 - Our Lives Release
May 17 - TWO Release (not confirmed)
March 24 – Arrival in Berlim
March 25 – MTV Berlim
March 26 – Teen Press in Munich
March 27 – Munich

Source: The Calling Following Club

February 25, 2004

»»New Fanlist and Forum !!!!

Hello you guys...since we don't have yet our gallery ready to go, I decided to make these two sites, for us, CALLING FANS!!!
Go to the Fanlisting and to the Forum to see these two new sites ;)>br> Tell us your opinion by signing our Guestbook ;)

February 24, 2004

»»New letter from the guys + Promotion !!!!

Click here to se the letter from Roxanne, talking about AWESOME calling news!!!!!! You can vote on the Download Suvey here ;)
And here to read the letter from the guys, talking about THE NEW VIDEO!!!!!

February 21, 2004

»»New pix of Alex and Jennifer !!!!

Click here to se them!!

February 20, 2004

»»New pix of Alex!!!

This one is available to buy on e-bay!!!

February 19, 2004

»»New Pix of Alex and Jennifer + Sections updates

Hello hello!!!
New layout, new sections, new stuff!!

*New FANS section!! I put fan arts, fan pix, and I'm gonna put th reviws soon!
*New pix of Alex and Jennifer, on the "Fish Without a bicicle" premiere!
*The new release date for TWO (and we hope this is the last one!) is on the net: JUNE 8th for America and MARCH 27th for Europe!
*Aaron answered some fan questions, on Debbie's site! Go check it ;)
*Aaron said on more song name!!!
Here's what we have till now....

-Chasing the Sun
-Our Lives
-Things will go My way
-One by One
-When it all falls down (?)
-For You
-Your Hope

*I know the second section u guys look in a site is the PIX one, but as I want to put LOADS AND LOADS of it, I'm just asking for a little bit of pacience...Soon, the section will be up!!
And, if u find any page of this site all messed up, tell me, cuz I changed the layout, but I'm not sure everything's allright...So, just gimme a note... ;)

Thx for those who visit the page....Roberta! ;)

February 15, 2004

»»New Pix of Alex and Aaron + Interview in LA + 2 Manips made by Agnes

Hey you guys!
New things on the site:

*The interview in LA, on the downloads section
*New pix of Alex and Aaron, on the Pre-Grammy and Clives Davi's party
*I aploaded Agnes' manipulations, on the fan art section

Hope you like them! ;)

February 14, 2004

»»Happy Valentine's Day! - Unfortunatelly, we have a new date for TWO release...

Yes,I think...
TWO, the new Calling album, is suppose to have a new release date...As the french BMG told Karima, the new date is May 4th...But Debbie doubt on we have to wait until Alex leave a message for us on the Loft!

And here's the essage from the guys:
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Just checking in to let you all know we're alive and we'll be updating you this coming week with all the great things that are in the near future. Stay safe and we wish you all a great Valentine's day! All the love...

Alex and Aaron

February 2, 2004

»»Our Apologize!

Hello ppl!
We wanted to apologize to Anaëlle,for all the mess we did!! The things are OK now, but we're very sorry about all the things!!! Hope we can go on with this friendship! ;)

January 15, 2004

»»More interviews!

Hey there!The Calling made an interview on a radio!!!

Click HERE to read it!
And right click here ,"Save as...", u can hear the whole interview!!! Thx for Aussie Calling for this one!

January 6, 2004

»»More Mp3s !

Hey guys!! I just uploaded more than 15 mp3s and videos, on the downloads section! I got them on The Calling Mexico!!

January 4, 2004

»»New pix of Alex's hair, inteview, new musics live, new video and a pic from Jenny!

Hello :) I put the new pix of Alex's new haircut on the site, and here's the pic from a swedish magazine, from Jenny!
And, here's the video of the NRJ Awards!!! Alex looks so cute!!!!
Clicking here you can upload the Our Lives version, in the NRJ!
And finally,thx to Silvio here's theinterview!!!! Aff. . . so,this is it for now!!! =]

January 2, 2004

»»"Our Lives" is finally released!

The first global airplay was in UK, and it's a succes! U can go to the downloads section on the site and listen to it!

January 1, 2004

»»Two, new release date, again....
Hey guys...Again, there are a new releasedate for the new, it'll be on April 27th.We hope this day don't change anymore. . .

December 24, 2004

»» Xmas gift from The Calling !!!

Alex & Aaron sent to us the gratest gift ever: THE STIGMATIZED VIDEO, only for :) And here's the message they sent too. . .
' Dear Calling Fans,

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Aaron and Alex here, just dropping in to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah and Happy New Year and all the other Happy's and Merry's out there for the end of this year! We couldn't be anymore excited for next year and all the amazing things that are to come with this new record. We also couldn't be more thrilled about the end results of this record, especially the first single, which you will all be hearing very, very soon! We both have a lot to be thankful for this year and number one on the list is how thankful we are for having the greatest fans in the world. You guys have stuck with us for all the ups and downs of The Calling and we appreciate that more than anything. We hope to get your continued support throughout this next year, when we embark on another rollercoaster ride with this new record.

The single's due to come out February in all countries and the record is slated to come out end of March (America, first week of April). We will begin touring late next month in Europe for promotions only and work our way quickly around the globe. After that, we'll be getting to each and every one of you, performing all the favorites of Camino Palmero and of the new album titled, Two. We have a new web site in the works (finally!!) with some great additions. So, we hope you all have an awesome Holidays and New Years, and we'll see you soon on the other side. All the love, health and well

Aaron and Alex

P.S. We hope you guys like your Holiday present, a music video for "Stigmatized." Shaina (Aaron's girlfriend), created the video and worked really hard on it for you all and can't wait to hear what you guys think of it! So, if you haven't seen it yet, go check it out!'

Stigmatized [ HI ] [ LOW ]


and Raquel
February 2004
Version: 2.0
Layout: Roberta



AIM: missband888
ICQ: 175958488
Age: 16
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