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Strictly Taboo


News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/6/04 I have updated the site. WOW! I'll probably change the backgrounds and such soon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * A whole lot has happened in the past year. Our visions of recording at "The Studio" have become reality. We entered the studio for a little over a week in early July. We recorded two newer songs. One is entitled "Happy Apple," which is a jammy song featuring guitar solos from Billy, a childhood toy of Jeff's, and a bass line tribute to the great Leonard Bernstein. The other new release is called "Belle's Iced Tea." This funky jam features a Hammond B3 organ played by the one, the only, father of our guitarist Eric, host of "Cartooning with Bruce Blitz," BRUCE BLITZ! "Belle's Iced Tea" is nothing but fun, and we had a great time working Brucekey. Also at this session, we re-recorded two older tunes some which of you may know called "Randon Acts of Blindness," and "Transcendental Moods." Overall The Studio was a great time and an interesting learning experience. Special thanks to John John, and intern John! . . . . . . . . .* Of course the purpose of us going to this highly professional studio was to get a high quality recording that we could send out to different places. Well, all of Belle's stamps seem to have paid off. We received a call back from a promotional company called Creative Entertainment. They got us a gig at a bar in Bristol as sort of a try out. The show went very well in that respect.(featuring our rendition of Eric's cell phone ring) They were satisfied and we are going to be setting up a meeting with them soon. . . . . . . . . . .* Another bit of good luck reered its head last Wednesday. The Hirn's let CBS news film a staged robbery in their residence. (Why, I don't know I mean Ray could have taken any robber out without even trying. . . .as well as the whole band at one time) Belle talked to a gentleman that used to work WYSP who now works with CBS. Belle gave him a copy of our new demo and he in turn passed on to the program director of the radio station. He was charmed by it but thinks it needs to be a little higher quality before he can play it on the air. (I agree, the demo is un-mastered at this point) This could work well for us because he may decide to help pay for mastering, which would be greatly appreciated and would help us to get a better foot in the door with record labels and the like. As we are about to take giant steps from where we are, it is quite exciting and we will see what happens. . . . . .
