
The Scene opens up backstage, with Stacy Keibler talking on the phone after just
ariving in the arena a few minutes ago to talk about the big Divas Battle Royal that will take place on SmackDown...the cameras get a close up on Stacy as the crowd goes wild, as the crowd dies down, Stacy finsihes up a convo she is having with someone...

»»£°·End Scene·°¥««

' She's Got Legs ' Stacy Keibler : Yeah I'm backstage right now....no this is Smackdown.....yeah I can't wait to get out there, there are a lot of people I need to address and there are some things I need to say....Then probably some people will never learn not to mess with me but i dont care i will beatall of those divas and i have confidence in myself thankyou very much.. Okay allright bye!


Stacy hangs up the phone and begins to walk down the halls a little bit,till she reaches a long corridor which seems to be looking like she is heading for the ring. The whole entire arena is waiting. Stacy walks down the hallway heading into her locker room walking towards the door with a smile on her face looking around making sure no one is watching walks in. Moments later Stacy walks out heading to the ring
I'm on my way to success


She's got legs hits as stacy then appears at the top of the rampway walking down to the ring with a mad look on her face like she is ging to throw a tantrum the fans cheer especially the men because of her nice sexy legs...
Dont mess with this BITCH!
The lights begin to flash, as Stacy theme Kid Rock's LEGS is still playing all over the arena, she makes her way down the ramp, and gets to the stairs and walks up them, and then puts one leg over the second rope....bends over for the crowd, and then puts the other leg in the ring....she teases the crowd a little bit, and then grabs for a mic, and begins to speak...

»»£°·End Scene·°¥««

' She's Got Legs ' Stacy Keibler : Thank You, Thank You…all..Allrighty then finaly the first SmackDown card is up and lets see her ahhh yes mt first match i will be competeting in here it should be somewhat interesting.. A Divas battle royal? Wow!! Impressive. I guess Mr.McMahon knows the Diva talent when he sees it..But then come this week on Smackdown i have a chance to prove to the Divas who think im a dtz and who think im a dumb blonde just what i am really made up of. Well i knew that Stephanie would make it here sooner or later and then well she was followed by that red headed ahhh let me be nice for a moment of course you all knew what i was gonna say so i meant to say piece of trash..Before i go any farther wow!*shows off legs*I mean I know you are excited that I am here, I mean who wouldn’t I mean look at this body…but back to the real reason why I am out here, as you all know I havn't really been involved with the WWE like I should be, but I thought about it and well now I am ready to get what I want sooner or later. Now lets see where do i start where do i start. Let me see i think im gonna work from the bottom and them go up to the top. Well this women is really or has gotta be the worse wrestler i have ever seen in my life. Stephanie McMahon. The bratty Diva who thinks she is still so Dominant..Uh yeah right.. Stephanie sucks we all know it. She even knows it. And she ran her mouth about me..How dare her. And how dare such a women of low class. Week after week she says not to mess with a McMahon well who cares like im gonna listen to that trampy bitch! Stephanie you have alot to learn about the wrestling business hun. It is not all about showing off your clevage or showing how big of a baby you are all right!! Not only that once i get my hands on you i am going to rip your hair straight out of your head! you think im joking well just wait. Oh gosh enough on you your so boring no matter what anyone says about you! *fans cheer* Okay now Trish Stratus. The Stratusfaction Queen. Your days are soon to be over your days are going to be numbered!! And you know why Well Stacy is here there is no escaping my wrath! Stratusfaction. What a laugh! You never were that great! I dont see what the point of you even showing up is. your just like Stephanie a little girl who tries to get things handed to her on a silver platter. And rest my case you wont have that happen!Now what New York City wants New York City will get and i dont think they wanna see your nasty ass prancing around here showing off your big tits to this whole entire crowd... Trish your not at all funny and i dont find you to be amusing! I mean you havnt even done your debut here in the WWE are you really that damn scared out of your mind? Well you must be! you should be and you will be! I am making an impact here in the WWE not quickly but very slowly and this is just one step closer to me getting what i want which is the Women's title! Torrie Wilson like i said before we used to be friends but not no more!!*laughs*You possibly think that i ever liked you? Yeah right! Looks lke your going to have your hands ful play boy cover women! you must think your some type of superhero the way that you act around here thinking that everyone likes you.Well you have one less person that dosnt! I hope your satisfied! Because i know i am. And with the results of this match i will win it!! Molly Holly! your a virgin yeah thats nice to know like anyone really wanted to know that to begin with. Ohhh im sorry for bursting your bubble! Maybe all of you women are just the same!! See unlike all of you i have the most nicest set or pair of legs a girl could ask for.. I mean my leg ar like 41 inches long ok...Molly you dont know who your dealing with when you run your mouth about me so just watch it!! Take that as a warning from me Ms.Keibler! Last but not least that little witch Lita! Yeah that red headed balloon! Lita you think your all that because you were with the Hardyz in the past and becuz you were Matt Hardyz girlfriend..Well i give you props on that. But this is the WWE NEW AGE and i dont think we will ever see that again and i think that it personally made me cringe it made me sick! I mean not that i was jealous becuz i wasnt!! Anyway girls get ready because your going to need all the help you can get!Thankyou now hit my music!


She's got lets hits.Stacy, walks up the ramp, smirking, she walks behind the curtain and walks to her dressing room, and notices that the door is open, she walks in the find Torrie Wilson standing there, she walks over to Torrie, and gets in her face, they both stare each other down...then Stacy speaks...

»»£°·End Scene·°¥««

' She's Got Legs ' Stacy Keibler : Ummm,. what are you doing in my dressing you little whore I don't think it says Torrie Wilson, on the door...

' The Blonde ' Torrie Wilson : True, but ya see...I saw you out there saying some things about me, and I was wondering if you had the guts to say them to my face...?

' She's Got Legs ' Stacy Keibler : What in the hell are you talking about, I didn't say anything about you...you must have been watching some other show....because I have better things to do then waste my breath talking about some....
Trash Talking Don't Hurt!

' The Blonde ' Torrie Wilson : ...Some what???

' She's Got Legs ' Stacy Keibler : Nothing...I was just going to say that you are a very talented diva...and I admire you so much, that I can't wait to get in the ring with you Torrie...

' The Blonde ' Torrie Wilson : Hmmm, I can't wait to get into the ring with you either, infact....I hope we meet in the ring very soon..

' She's Got Legs ' Stacy Keibler : Oh Torrie, we will be in the ring before you know it, and you can count on that...

' The Blonde ' Torrie Wilson : Funny, but I have to go anyway, I have to go prepare for SmackDown when i go kick your ass

' She's Got Legs ' Stacy Keibler : Yeah right you wish hun..you wont get far i gaurentee it..See i'll you Later TORR..............BITCH! | |