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the little things-story of my life

hey! i got fkin tired of tryin 2 find sum1 2 give me a code 2 start a live im makin my own! wassup im kaity, im obsessed w/billy martin and good charlotte...i love music and life in general... 2/2/03 its 1145pm, and i have school 2morro...but i dont fkin care. im not tired. 2day wuz a good day. i got the new bowling for soup cd *awesome* and i talked to will. he is by far the coolest guy i have ever liked. he is very sweet. the only thing is erin likes him 2...but no1 likes her. she is really annoying...always tryin 2 please every1. if she knos who she is she duznt let ne1 else kno, in fear of being rejected. i try 2 b nice. and then theres joy, who, even tho she has a bf and seriously needs 2 stop, never duz stop talkin bout dan. which is slightly annoying, considering i like him. she always is droppin things...she is overly flirting w/him. she drives me crazy sometimes. i wish she would just shut up a lot. well im just gettin out my pet peeves...i luv my friends just sumtimes they r annoyin. sum of my friends r great! jade is histerical. we r secret stalkers! hah only kidding. we play secret agent in the grocery store by school...we seriously find it amusing. and art class is always exciting with kasey. he is by far the funniest person i know. sam is just an all around awesome kid, altho sumtimes he is moody. theres is the most trustworthy person on the planet. rose and myrtle (hah she would kill me if she knew i changed her name 2 myrtle) r my gc groupies...well mainly myrtle, but hey rose can kind of be 2...even tho she likes simple plan better...they still rokc. o yea...rokc is much cooler than rock. i gotta go 2 sleep now...its almost monday...*dreamin of will *wanna kno a secret? i changed all the names of my case by some random chance they come across this....................................................................................................................................................................................2/7: i am so mad rite now!!!! its like 730am and im pissed cuz school got canceled from snow. normally i would b really happy, but the snow f*ked up the entire day! 2day wuz supposed 2 b the biggest game of the season! we r playin our big rivals, for a spot in the sectionals. plus it wuz senior nite...the last home game for the seniors...and we had SO MANY people the game is rescheduled for @ their school for 2morro nite! so now my brother, who i never see, cant come down. and 2morro i am supposed 2 go 2 see dan's play. now jak and shannon r goin w/out me...this is f*kin horrible. i told him we'd have 2 hang out over my week. but this is so DAM FRUSTRATING. i put my away message up and i its like screaming. this just sux SO F*KIN BAD. i mean, besides that its been an awesome week. wed wuz my bday, and i got sum cool stuff. (rite now im workin on 125 dollars, all 2 b spent @ hot topic of course, but i havent had my party yet...not till next week, so more's comin) ah man one of my best friends gave me 50 dollars and an awesome necklace. i couldnt believe she got so much! i told her she didnt have 2 do it, and she goes "nah i wanted u 2 treat urself." she is probably the most all around good person i will ever meet in my life. im very proud of her, cuz she got it from hot topic, and she is not at all into that kind of stuff like me. shes like hip hop lover, and she went in there. for her thats like scary. :) my other friend made this HUGE ass card for me and got every1 2 sign it and gave it 2 me. its so cool its HUGE. then another friend made me a card on her computer. it goes "happy birthday kt! <> or should i say mrs billy martin?!!!" hah shes awesome 2. then another friend made a journal for me w/pix of billy and simpsons cartoons all over it. its awesome! so i mean, even tho 2day and 2morro r going 2 SUCK HORRIBLY, i had an overall good week and i have some of the most awesome freinds on the planet. plus, yesterday i got tickets 4 me and a few friends 2 an AWESOME concert. we r goin 2 see homegrown, riddlin kids, the all-american rejects and wakefield play. im especially excited for the all american rejects. i love them so much man they r f*kin awesome. and i luckily have vacation week after next. thats gonna b nice. really really nice. plus dan said hes gonna come 2 my bday party. very nice.

Good Charlotte
Hot Topic
Level 27
