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I once knew a smiling boy, he was killed by the world Held down hard and choked, ītill he turned blue.................................................. i'm alright, i'm gonna make it, even if i gotta fake it ..................................................... I never thought I'd die alone I laughed the loudest who'd have known? I traced the cord back to the wall No wonder it was never plugged in at all I took my time, I hurried up The choice was mine I didn't think enough I'm too depressed to go on You'll be sorry when I'm gone.............................................. I once knew a smiling boy, he was killed by the world Held down hard and choked, ītill he turned blue........................................... thursday. "cross out the eyes" is, in my opinion, thier best song. ................................................. Let's call this the quiet city: Where screams are felt as a wave of stoplights Drive through the the streets as gunshots punctuate the night The sides we take divide us from our faith And the morning dove gets caught in the telephone wire ................................................................. I could guess the day would come when you would consider me scum the day is here, all the signs were there................................................ Tonight, Ill stand in the light so you can count how many tears fall from my eyes this time Ill be alright my heart cant get any worse................................................... I know we talked about it I just can't get around I just want one more night with you................................................... I try to laugh about it Cover it all up with lies I try and Laugh about it Hiding the tears in my eyes 'cause boys don't cry.......................................................... But tonight, tonight, it's on tonight I don't want your boring life And I don't want your 9 to 5, Or anyone to tell me how to live my life.................................................. dont let peoples opinions change you you must stay strong cause if your environment gets to you your sanity wont last that long................................................... Tell me what I can do to make Them happy, but then will I be happy?..................................................... I can't do wrong, I can't do right I feel so alone tonight I wish someone could feel And understand the way I think They got me on the brink Of self destruction. I wish someone could feel.................................................. You may think that I'm out of hand, that I'm naive, I'll understand. On this occasion, it's not true. Look at me, I'm not you. ..................................................... cry if you want it's the return of no sensitivity you don't have to scream to say something that you honestly mean................................................... I'm taking my kisses back I want my kisses back from you..................................................... it's like you're falling in love while i just fall apart.................................................................... Pockets empty how can you tell me that everything will work out? a pointless fight when you're always right everything will work out.................................................... These words, tearing me and make me bleed.................................................. This is incredible Starving, insatiable yes, this is love for the first time. I'm not asking for everything, but sure, I could use a hand................................................................................................. A shot to the head Just so you can be fed Will you wake up, wake up? whoa..................................................... everybody's talking 'bout blowing up the neighborhood everybody's gonna watch it burn today everybody's talking bout waking up the neighborhood I'm still trying to escape................................................ Buried deep as you can dig inside yourself and hidden in the public eye such a stellar monument to loneliness Laced with brilliant smiles and shining eyes and perfect makeup but you're barely scraping by but you're barely scraping by...................................................... We've got no place to go so lets go to a punk rock show..................................................... A shot to the head Just so you can be fed Will you wake up, wake up? whoa................................................... Sick Girl, in her faded blue jeans Sick Girl, black leather jacket seems Sick Girl, always in trouble with the law don't ya know? oh-way-o Sick Girl, she carries a switchblade knife Sick Girl, likes to get into fights Sick Girl she'll go drinkin' with the boys all night long. oh-way-o ....................................................... I'm in a punk band, I can't really play But that doesn't matter with music these days I'm in a punk band, my friends think we suck But I can play bar chords and I can yell fuck I'm in a punk band, and this is our song And no one will know it if we play it wrong I'm in a punk band, my friends think we suck But I can play bar chords and I can yell fuck................................................... . Children are lovely before they get ugly and learn to do bad stuff Flowers are pretty before they get shitty, and rot and turn to dust I heard that life is a wheel and you can't make it stop if you try it'll flatten your head It's a circle of shit we're in the middle of it, but soon we'll all be dead..................................................... So don't worry if it is a tumor, all this will be over sooner it's just a crap shoot, but its mostly crap Things start off they're so terrific, they'll fuck up it's scientific ......................................................... Dad, your boy is about to fall He walks the razor's edge He's on the brink of fading out He's at his bitter end Dad, your boy who used to run, you taught him how to crawl.................................................. In your eyes I see a darkness that torments you and in your head where it dwells I'd give you my hand if you'd reach out and grab it Let's walk away from this hell................................................... Somewhere under water maybe you could find my heart 'Cause that's where I threw it after you had torn it out Three days ago............................................................. I'm walking to the water I'm standing on the bank I'm staring at my reflection Oh my god, I look pathetic tonight Well, guess what I'm diving in this river And I'm fishing out my heart And I'm never gonna let you get your hands on this again............................................................. and you'll say that you don't want to be with me cuz no one ever does and no one ever thinks of me that way and if you promise me that I'm good enough for someone 'cause I've got to be good enough for you and someday soon I'll get it right and then you'll see just how good I can be............................................... I'm un-artistic, I'm un-realistic, You say I'm selfish and absurd You try to change me, you try to save me You say I'm gonna learn, I'm so blind, I'm out of time, You're so unkind sometimes, I never lied, I never lied, I never lied 'Cause I never said that everything would be ok, And I never said that we would live to see another day............................................................ your problems, they aren't problems be glad they never will..................................................... one good thing signed away and with it your only hope................................................... one last good-bye may last the rest of your life........................................ so love me so I can be myself again now hate me so things seem normal in my head I'm trying to break away this ball and chain so hate me so things seem normal in my head............................................. Do tears fill your eyes as your world falls apart?.............................................. Its killing me Gently, silently, I'm dyin inside Gently, silently, I'm dyin inside................................................... I'm just a kid And life is a nightmare ............................................... i've got my finger on the trigger and you're in my way................................................... But your taste still lingers on my lips like I just placed them upon yours and I starve, I starve for you...................................................... Don't follow your heart cause it just seems to get in your way. ....................................................... We'll all look the same someday And even now the robot starts to think I wonder what it dreams..................................................... when all that he loved was through.............................. what's an emo boy to do?................................... with a broken heart and some minor chords inpiration lame on the floor............................................. Ooh! Get me away from here I'm dying Play me a song to set me free Nobody writes them like they used to.. Oh, I'll settle down with some old story About a boy who's just like me Thought there was love in everything and everyone You're so naive! After a while they always get it They always reach a sorry end............................................................. Said the hero in the story "It is mightier than swords I could kill you sure But I could only make you cry with these words"...................................................................... she takes off her makeup and looks like everyone else, hiding from a universe that's ugly like herself............................................... she thinks long and hard about her phony honesty, layer after layer covers her insecurities. ...................................................... Life's not been good to you It's just not fair You did nothing to deserve it You did nothing at all Sit back and watch It turns from bad to worse No matter how loud you cry It always hurts I begged you not to go I begged you, I pleaded Claimed you as my only hope and watched the floor as you retreated.................................................... So you buried all your lover's clothes and burned the letters lover wrote, but it doesn't make it any better. Does it make it any better? ................................................. My once photographic memory, for recollection's sake is failing me. I can't remember for the life of me. Sometimes I can think to recite words that I read and rewrite. My pens paint people that I've proven wrong, but we move on............................................................. Every attempt to... is filled with holes. It reads like a polygraph I'm told. I'm not bitter anyway. Let it go. I'm not bitter anyway, But I didn't want it to turn out this way. .......................................... To the tune of 5,000 screaming children............................. i wish it was raining cause I hate every beautiful day............................. Wouldn't it be perfect if I could sit with you? And we would change a thing or two we'd change a thing or two We would change the way you think we would change the way I think We can't change the way they think so we're not changin anything ........................................................... Wake up every day that would be a start. I would not complain of my wounded heart................................................ Say goodnight means goodbye. I know you thought my life would stop with you away. Maybe I can see you on the holidays, but you're worlds away. I've never forgotten all our yesterdays but I'm lucky if we're speaking on the holidays.................................................... i'm not fully convinced that there's something wrong with this.......................................................... could another point of view, baised and untrue, tear me away from you?.............................................. It's not a mistake If we had known what we know now One year later we'd still be around.................................................... Boardwalks and breaking waves Made our Saturdays I'd buy you lemonade right now if you were here But then I'd throw it in your face And I'd listen to you cry And I'd remember how I miss our nights under ocean skies...................................................... She kisses everyone goodbye And waves her middle finger high They're never gonna mess with her again............................ She thinks about herself and cares about nobody else because the only friends she has all put her down ...................................................... Everytime they put her down, she makes a fist and the tears roll down She packs her bags and plans to run away And everytime she makes a friend, the vicous cycle starts again She's never, ever, ever looking back.........................................
