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ake13xis (3:59:50 AM): ok
ake13xis (4:00:01 AM): ya know.. ya goin have 'thing' with him
ake13xis (4:00:26 AM): n i was .. "sheesh that's just way too long for sex" "hmm maybe they both enjoying right now"
ake13xis (4:00:28 AM): ya know
ake13xis (4:00:31 AM): things like
ake13xis (4:00:32 AM): that
i l c r a z y 1 (4:00:53 AM): whoa... thats funny
ake13xis (4:01:12 AM): which again a bit unfair
i l c r a z y 1 (4:01:24 AM): its unfair? what is?
ake13xis (4:01:46 AM): lol well ya us.. ya still talking to people n with him ya completely away
i l c r a z y 1 (4:02:16 AM): it was just i had a lot going.. me and him were doin something, but NOTHING like that
ake13xis (4:02:35 AM): lol
ake13xis (4:02:36 AM): ok
ake13xis (4:02:43 AM): ya ask what's on my mind
ake13xis (4:02:50 AM): now i'm telling u what's on my mind
i l c r a z y 1 (4:03:04 AM): i understand
ake13xis (4:03:21 AM): n beside
ake13xis (4:03:30 AM): i accidently read posts
ake13xis (4:03:37 AM): n it just make things worst in my head
i l c r a z y 1 (4:03:44 AM): what did?
ake13xis (4:03:55 AM): did what?
i l c r a z y 1 (4:04:08 AM): what made things worse in ya head?
ake13xis (4:04:13 AM): ohh lol
ake13xis (4:04:34 AM): ya know at first i said "NO!" yeah i'm fighting with my head
ake13xis (4:05:00 AM): and then i read post someone said ur pregnant n then u ask who's the baby? n then this gurl said "who else chris"
ake13xis (4:05:10 AM): then i was like ... bleh
i l c r a z y 1 (4:06:01 AM): lol its a joke
ake13xis (4:06:24 AM): yeah
i l c r a z y 1 (4:06:40 AM): s'not like we're really having a baby
ake13xis (4:06:45 AM): lol
ake13xis (4:07:19 AM): ok
ake13xis (4:07:29 AM): well taht's what in my head
i l c r a z y 1 (4:07:39 AM): lol how could it really happen?
ake13xis (4:07:49 AM): what really happen?
i l c r a z y 1 (4:08:07 AM): never mind
i l c r a z y 1 (4:08:08 AM): lol
ake13xis (4:08:12 AM): what tell me
i l c r a z y 1 (4:08:41 AM): nah, i was just sayin, its not like i could REALLY be having Chris' baby
ake13xis (4:08:55 AM): ohhhh
ake13xis (4:09:03 AM): but ya not lol
i l c r a z y 1 (4:09:21 AM): no, not at ALL
ake13xis (4:09:29 AM): lol ok
ake13xis (4:09:39 AM): so ya still available right?
i l c r a z y 1 (4:10:19 AM): lol yeah
i l c r a z y 1 (4:10:27 AM): i said i wasnt looking for a relationship
ake13xis (4:10:35 AM): yeah yeah
ake13xis (4:10:35 AM): cool
i l c r a z y 1 (4:10:38 AM): lol
ake13xis (4:10:45 AM): 8-)
ake13xis (4:10:49 AM): *phew*
i l c r a z y 1 (4:10:53 AM): lol
ake13xis (4:11:07 AM): :-D
i l c r a z y 1 (4:11:11 AM): :-)
ake13xis (4:11:26 AM): oh man
ake13xis (4:12:43 AM): ok let me get over this
i l c r a z y 1 (4:12:50 AM): get over what?
ake13xis (4:13:02 AM): this annoying thought
ake13xis (4:13:04 AM): right
ake13xis (4:13:37 AM): ur not with chris u just best friends n ur s/n has nothing to do with chris n u r not ignoring me?
ake13xis (4:13:52 AM): did left anything?
i l c r a z y 1 (4:13:53 AM): exactly
ake13xis (4:14:16 AM): cool *hugs*
i l c r a z y 1 (4:14:22 AM): *hugs*
i l c r a z y 1 (4:14:39 AM): but still, if i WAS with him, what would be the big deal?
ake13xis (4:14:52 AM): nothing
ake13xis (4:14:55 AM): just
ake13xis (4:15:03 AM): no big deal
i l c r a z y 1 (4:15:30 AM): i know you wouldnt like it, so dont deny it
ake13xis (4:15:38 AM): lol
ake13xis (4:15:41 AM): then why ya ask lol
i l c r a z y 1 (4:16:23 AM): cuz i'd like for you to be straight forward, instead of me having to pry it out of you
ake13xis (4:16:49 AM): hmm ok
ake13xis (4:17:28 AM): but ya good at it
ake13xis (4:17:35 AM): so safe more time
i l c r a z y 1 (4:17:59 AM): yeah, but i don't get why you're LIKE this.. geeze ryan, you're still acting jealous!
ake13xis (4:18:16 AM): no i'm not
ake13xis (4:18:19 AM): i wa sjust wondering
i l c r a z y 1 (4:19:08 AM): okay, well thats not how you act.. you act just the way you did when we were together, and you ADMITTED to being jealous
ake13xis (4:19:27 AM): yeah cause ya not being fair
i l c r a z y 1 (4:19:58 AM): I'm not being fair? how am i not being fair? if anyone's not being fair, its you!
ake13xis (4:20:07 AM): me???
ake13xis (4:20:10 AM): what i do???
i l c r a z y 1 (4:20:16 AM): you ACT the way you do!
i l c r a z y 1 (4:20:21 AM): thats not fair to me
ake13xis (4:20:30 AM): i was just wondering curious nothing more
i l c r a z y 1 (4:20:59 AM): ake13xis (4:10:49 AM): *phew* <---those ARE NOT the words of a person who's "just wondering"
ake13xis (4:21:48 AM): yes it is for ya information that thought really buggin cause i was wondering about it so when ya said it's nothing so it's a *phew*
i l c r a z y 1 (4:23:42 AM): no! there should be no "phew" cuz it's my life, my decisions, and if it WAS something I did, all i'd get from you was jealousy.. what the fuck?
ake13xis (4:23:59 AM): i'm not jealous
ake13xis (4:24:09 AM): seriously i'm not
i l c r a z y 1 (4:24:19 AM): you can deny it all you want, but thats exactly how you fucking act
ake13xis (4:24:32 AM): breath... breath
i l c r a z y 1 (4:24:39 AM): i am breathing
ake13xis (4:24:46 AM): calm down
ake13xis (4:24:51 AM): breath in breath out
ake13xis (4:24:57 AM): breath in breath out
i l c r a z y 1 (4:25:04 AM): i am! you need to GET a GRIP on reality man
i l c r a z y 1 (4:25:34 AM): you cant seem to accept my friendship with Chris, nomatter what.. you seem to have to question everything?
i l c r a z y 1 (4:25:37 AM): !*
ake13xis (4:25:46 AM): yeah i'm a student
ake13xis (4:25:48 AM): that's what i do
ake13xis (4:25:51 AM): questioning
ake13xis (4:26:04 AM): i'm fine ya friendship with chris
ake13xis (4:26:15 AM): i have nothing against it
ake13xis (4:26:29 AM): it just ya sudden change that makes me wonder
ake13xis (4:26:31 AM): taht's all
i l c r a z y 1 (4:26:39 AM): what sudden change?
ake13xis (4:26:39 AM): n i dont think wondering is jealous
ake13xis (4:26:47 AM): ya talk less with me
i l c r a z y 1 (4:27:11 AM): cuz yanno what, we NEVER had tht kind of friendship.. it was ALWAYS flirting and shit like that
i l c r a z y 1 (4:27:16 AM): andI'm PAST it
ake13xis (4:27:34 AM): YES me too!
ake13xis (4:27:45 AM): n i want that kind of friendship too
ake13xis (4:29:00 AM): i mean i also realise that when we togetehr we just flirting
ake13xis (4:29:05 AM): n it's i dunno
ake13xis (4:29:07 AM): not cool
ake13xis (4:29:10 AM): we less talk
ake13xis (4:29:13 AM): n i want us to talk
i l c r a z y 1 (4:29:43 AM): lol but whats there to really talk about? when you look at it... we never had shit to talk about.. we don't HAVE that much in common
ake13xis (4:30:10 AM): well if we try somehow maybe we will find some
i l c r a z y 1 (4:30:38 AM): if we have to "find it" there's something wrong
ake13xis (4:30:51 AM): i mean take now as example ya hard head n i hard head voila we found one already i l c r a z y 1 (4:31:09 AM): lol, i get you, but its not like that
ake13xis (4:31:22 AM): beside for us to talk more
ake13xis (4:31:33 AM): it doesnt have for us to have things in common
ake13xis (4:31:35 AM): we just talk
ake13xis (4:31:40 AM): get to know each other better
ake13xis (4:32:02 AM): brb
i l c r a z y 1 (4:32:03 AM): i know, but in some way, its awkward to me
i l c r a z y 1 (4:32:05 AM): kk
ake13xis (4:32:30 AM): back
i l c r a z y 1 (4:32:45 AM): k
ake13xis (4:32:59 AM): why ya feel awkward??
i l c r a z y 1 (4:33:48 AM): cuz these things you wanna do now.. shoulda been done BEFOR
ake13xis (4:35:03 AM): well it's better late than never
i l c r a z y 1 (4:35:23 AM): yeah, i guess, but its not the same
i l c r a z y 1 (4:35:33 AM): i dunno it doesnt feel the same to me now
ake13xis (4:36:00 AM): lol doesnt matter
i l c r a z y 1 (4:36:06 AM): it does to e
i l c r a z y 1 (4:36:08 AM): me*
ake13xis (4:36:17 AM): why is that???
i l c r a z y 1 (4:36:44 AM): cuz.. its just not.. i dunno, I can't look at you the same way, at all
ake13xis (4:37:03 AM): u hate me that much??
i l c r a z y 1 (4:37:25 AM): i don't hate you... but i've lost my respect
ake13xis (4:37:37 AM): then dont respect me
ake13xis (4:37:44 AM): i dotn ask for ur respect
i l c r a z y 1 (4:38:13 AM): well, i how can i sit and tak and shit with someone i have little respect for?
ake13xis (4:38:43 AM): it's not that hard
ake13xis (4:38:45 AM): just a talk
i l c r a z y 1 (4:38:48 AM): yes, for me it is
ake13xis (4:38:53 AM): it's not liek i'm gonan lead u into a war or something
i l c r a z y 1 (4:39:02 AM): i can't just talk and shit with someone who i cant respect
ake13xis (4:39:22 AM): brb
i l c r a z y 1 (4:39:24 AM): k
ake13xis (4:39:53 AM): k back
ake13xis (4:39:57 AM): teh telephone is hyper
i l c r a z y 1 (4:40:12 AM): k
ake13xis (4:40:36 AM): so what we cant talk at all???
i l c r a z y 1 (4:40:55 AM): i dunno... but i think for now, maybe we shouldnt
ake13xis (4:41:05 AM): what?!?!
i l c r a z y 1 (4:41:40 AM): exactly what i said. I'm realizing it would be best.
ake13xis (4:41:57 AM): this is suck
i l c r a z y 1 (4:42:20 AM): maybe it is, but its for the best,
ake13xis (4:42:28 AM): no it's not
i l c r a z y 1 (4:42:35 AM): well, for ME it is
ake13xis (4:42:42 AM): ya just so selffish
i l c r a z y 1 (4:43:02 AM): I'm selfish!
ake13xis (4:43:45 AM): no i'm freakin serious
ake13xis (4:43:59 AM): i try my best just to fix things between
ake13xis (4:44:00 AM): us
ake13xis (4:44:03 AM): n u just nooooooooooooooooooo
ake13xis (4:44:05 AM): no way
ake13xis (4:44:08 AM): it's for teh best
ake13xis (4:44:11 AM): bla bla bla bla
i l c r a z y 1 (4:44:30 AM): fuck you. you dont know what this shit is putting me through, and i dont fucking need it
ake13xis (4:44:48 AM): yeah fuck ur self!
ake13xis (4:44:59 AM): do u think i'm fine with this???
i l c r a z y 1 (4:45:11 AM): i didnt SAY you were
ake13xis (4:45:11 AM): ur such a quitter
i l c r a z y 1 (4:45:50 AM): I;m a fucking quitter cuz YOU're putting a cloud over my head? thats bullshit!
ake13xis (4:46:45 AM): i put cloud on ur head fuck that enaugh with all this "smart methaphor" cause form what i see ya just a fuckin quitter who gave up on things n dont take anything to fix it
ake13xis (4:46:51 AM): ya take an easy way out
i l c r a z y 1 (4:48:15 AM): easy way? you think this is EASY?> you have NO fucking clue! you've fucking brought me down SO much since we started "going out".. and all my friends knew it was cuz of this.. You arent worth fighting over like this! I can't even fucking believe this bullshit
ake13xis (4:50:00 AM): n that's what i'm trying to do now make it all up back to u cant u just see it..?? oh wait.. ya a fuckin hard head person.. ya cant just say no leave the problem like this yeah just forget the whole thing but i'm not like that i'm not a quitter
i l c r a z y 1 (4:50:54 AM): okay, well did you ever think NOW is too fucking late?! maybe if you didnt act the wasy you fucking did in the first place, things would be fucking different!
ake13xis (4:51:59 AM): oh my fuckin god!! nothing's is too late! it's just the matter r u in or out
ake13xis (4:52:01 AM): that's it
i l c r a z y 1 (4:52:49 AM): no, I have my standards, and I know whats fucking good for me.. and a person who's gonna try and make up for bein a jealous bastard, and then CONTINUE to act that way, is NOT someone I NEED to have in my life
i l c r a z y 1 (4:53:21 AM): if you CARED that much, you'd understand me and how i fucking feel, instead of pissing me off and trying to change my mind
ake13xis (4:53:43 AM): u never let me understand u
ake13xis (4:53:50 AM): all u did just go swearign all over the place
ake13xis (4:53:57 AM): callin me jealousy bastard
i l c r a z y 1 (4:55:19 AM): well, i was nice, and i was clear at the beginning... last week, all then, but now.. fuck it, you've sent me over the edge.. and calling you a jealous bastard was true.. holy shit, you were, and prolly still are so jealous of Chris! you'd prolly turn green from all the envy if you could
ake13xis (4:55:46 AM): for teh last time i'm not jealous over him
ake13xis (4:55:53 AM): do u even know what jealous mean???
ake13xis (4:56:16 AM): why u keep on thinking i'm jeloaus over him???
i l c r a z y 1 (4:56:18 AM): heh, do you? cuz if you did, you'd clearly see the fucking way you act about him is jealousy
ake13xis (4:56:28 AM): fuck no
i l c r a z y 1 (4:56:32 AM): fuck yes
i l c r a z y 1 (4:57:18 AM): hey if you dont fucking agree, drop it, let the fuck go
ake13xis (4:57:27 AM): yeah i can read
ake13xis (4:57:34 AM): dont have to repeat it
i l c r a z y 1 (4:57:43 AM): sorry, my aim is fucked
i l c r a z y 1 (4:59:17 AM): but seriously, i dont understand what you're trying to do now, its fucking hopeless.. you've pissed me off more than i can even show.. its done, finito, I'm done with this. I've said what I have to say, and you don't agree with it, so fuck it. I'm DONE. I'm not dicussing this any more.. I have more important things to deal with than this
ake13xis (4:59:37 AM): i l c r a z y 1 (2:24:28 AM): hey if you dont fucking agree, drop it, let the fuck go <--- n u fuckin said ya not a quiter
ake13xis (4:59:38 AM): yeah
ake13xis (4:59:40 AM): me too
ake13xis (4:59:55 AM): ia int gonan spend my whole life trying to open ur fucking brain
i l c r a z y 1 (5:00:33 AM): okay, so I'm a quitter? quitting what? stressing myself over someone who's fucking making me a mess? call me what the fuck you want, but I'm not gonna fucking put up with it
ake13xis (5:01:18 AM): whatever bitch now u totally lose it n this whole time ya acted like all mature fuck that ya cant even tolerate with things
i l c r a z y 1 (5:02:03 AM): i cant tolerate anymore for a reason.. I fucking told you when i ended it that i wasn't stable enough emotionally for it.. and i'm still not
i l c r a z y 1 (5:02:14 AM): all you've fucking done is brought me down
ake13xis (5:02:19 AM): u know i have a friend like u just that when she talk like a bitch she doesnt look like one
ake13xis (5:02:24 AM): yeah keep on blamming me
ake13xis (5:02:51 AM): fuck taht just one night n i just said one fucking word n u acting liek it's the end of teh world
ake13xis (5:03:01 AM): ya never ready for this from the beginning
ake13xis (5:03:08 AM): then why botther telling me all the shit
i l c r a z y 1 (5:03:14 AM): obviously i wasn't.. but i thought i wasd
i l c r a z y 1 (5:03:48 AM): maybe I wasn't ready to be with someone like you. I'd rather be with someone who always treats me right and trusts me
ake13xis (5:03:58 AM): fuck it
ake13xis (5:04:26 AM): just that guy like they already have a boyfriend
ake13xis (5:04:34 AM): n when i didn ttreat u right???
ake13xis (5:04:44 AM): i'm dlded this fuckin aim just for u
i l c r a z y 1 (5:06:14 AM): well, um, the issues you had with Chris from the beginiing, a slight tip off on what my problem was, and ya know what, if you don't like my attitude, than dont talk to me, cuz I'm not backing down, I know where the fuck I stand.
ake13xis (5:06:47 AM): i dont have naything against chris!!!
ake13xis (5:06:50 AM): i dont even kno whim
ake13xis (5:06:58 AM): how can i have issue
i l c r a z y 1 (5:07:27 AM): which is why you were ALWAYS "wondering" shit, right? Ry stop the bullshit, cuz you ADMITTED it that you were jealous
ake13xis (5:07:55 AM): a bit not the jealous that can make do somethign bad
i l c r a z y 1 (5:08:32 AM): lol, well, I'm sorry, but jealousy isnt an attractive quality, especially over one of my closest friends
ake13xis (5:08:56 AM): duh.. no one likes jealousy everyone knows that
ake13xis (5:09:27 AM): just that when ur in love with someone n sometime just nomatter u deny it that jealousy will n i so swear i'm not jealous towards u n chris
ake13xis (5:09:43 AM): n this keyboard
ake13xis (5:09:49 AM): aint working with me
i l c r a z y 1 (5:10:30 AM): i've seen too much ugliness, this whole thing is TOO damn fucked for me. I don't see any words that could make up for all of it, at least not now
ake13xis (5:10:48 AM): whatever
ake13xis (5:11:08 AM): im having anotehr headach thanks to u
i l c r a z y 1 (5:11:41 AM): hey, its nothing compared to the shit I've been feeling, so I'm sure a coupla asprin can fix you
ake13xis (5:12:24 AM): ya look so normal on the board
ake13xis (5:12:25 AM): dont lie
i l c r a z y 1 (5:12:37 AM): don't lie about what?
ake13xis (5:12:48 AM): all teh bad feeling u have bla bla bla
ake13xis (5:13:08 AM): ya know just cause ur beautifull u can just play with people feeling
i l c r a z y 1 (5:13:11 AM): I'm not lying, I just dont tell the whole damn world my problems
ake13xis (5:13:25 AM): right...
i l c r a z y 1 (5:13:43 AM): I dont wanna fucking play with anyones feelings, but you know, you have no clue what goes on in my head
i l c r a z y 1 (5:13:51 AM): most people don't
i l c r a z y 1 (5:13:59 AM): only maybe 3 people in this world do
ake13xis (5:14:09 AM): cause y aknow why most dont?? cause u refuse to let them in
i l c r a z y 1 (5:14:42 AM): well, maybe its cuz i dont want them there, I don't need people knowing all my problems
ake13xis (5:15:22 AM): ok whatever floats ur boats
i l c r a z y 1 (5:15:35 AM): whatever
ake13xis (5:15:47 AM): ehh
ake13xis (5:15:50 AM): why u whatever me???
ake13xis (5:15:54 AM): y athe one who said
ake13xis (5:15:54 AM): it
i l c r a z y 1 (5:15:56 AM): cuz I'm sick of it
ake13xis (5:15:58 AM): so ya cant say whatever to me
ake13xis (5:16:08 AM): i'm the one who said whatever to u
i l c r a z y 1 (5:16:34 AM): I'm sick of all the bullshit thats been going on, you don't fucking understand me, and you never will, and now, I see no reason to let you
ake13xis (5:17:02 AM): i try so freakin hard to understand u
i l c r a z y 1 (5:17:55 AM): if tried that hard, maybe you'd know... you shoulda known months ago
ake13xis (5:18:30 AM): but the thing is no matter how hard i try u wont talk with me
ake13xis (5:18:37 AM): n that's just bloody frustrating!
i l c r a z y 1 (5:19:08 AM): i've tried before! but you've never seen things the way i see it, so you just see me as being hardheaded
ake13xis (5:19:31 AM): because u acted like u dont read anything i said
ake13xis (5:19:35 AM): u stick with ur point
i l c r a z y 1 (5:20:21 AM): i did read everything, and ya know what? it doesnt DO anything, cuz all it was is arguing with what IM saying
ake13xis (5:20:57 AM): yeah
ake13xis (5:21:00 AM): that's my points
ake13xis (5:21:09 AM): from my point of view
ake13xis (5:21:12 AM): but u cant take
i l c r a z y 1 (5:21:26 AM): because its not how I see it
i l c r a z y 1 (5:21:32 AM): and we'll never agree
ake13xis (5:22:21 AM): yes
ake13xis (5:22:55 AM): n who's fault is that?
i l c r a z y 1 (5:23:23 AM): dont even tell me you're gonna try and pin it on me! i cant help the way i think
ake13xis (5:23:35 AM): fine i;m not tellin
i l c r a z y 1 (5:23:50 AM): hum, alright
ake13xis (5:24:32 AM): oh yeah
ake13xis (5:24:32 AM): before i forgot
i l c r a z y 1 (5:24:52 AM): what?
ake13xis (5:24:56 AM): sorry bout my curses i didnt mean it tho it just suit with the situation
i l c r a z y 1 (5:25:10 AM): okay
ake13xis (5:25:14 AM): i just told u
ake13xis (5:26:05 AM): n sorry for the those bad feeling
ake13xis (5:26:13 AM): sorry for makin u pissed
i l c r a z y 1 (5:26:26 AM): dont apaologize, all it did was bring out the truth
ake13xis (5:26:51 AM): yeah i can do it in peace
ake13xis (5:26:57 AM): without u go pissing
i l c r a z y 1 (5:27:45 AM): well, i cant help it, thats how i am, I have my defenses way up
ake13xis (5:28:05 AM): yeah
ake13xis (5:28:16 AM): n i like it
ake13xis (5:28:26 AM): tell u the truth it sorta turned me on
i l c r a z y 1 (5:29:07 AM): please, can we not do this.. now I just feel like you're trying to my me sympathize or something
i l c r a z y 1 (5:29:15 AM): honestly
i l c r a z y 1 (5:29:24 AM): i think i need to not talk to you for a while
ake13xis (5:29:28 AM): no no
ake13xis (5:29:34 AM): no sympathize
ake13xis (5:29:37 AM): it's teh truth
ake13xis (5:29:42 AM): i lik ethe way ya defense
i l c r a z y 1 (5:30:17 AM): okay, so you like.. so much that you have to shoot right back, and bring me down more?
ake13xis (5:30:34 AM): well u cursing at me
ake13xis (5:30:44 AM): what ya expect me just 'haa'
i l c r a z y 1 (5:31:32 AM): no, but I'm telling you where I stand, and then you say stuff that just brings me down and shit... i cant deal with it, and i dont need it
ake13xis (5:31:47 AM): well if u dont cursed at me
i l c r a z y 1 (5:31:50 AM): I'm sorry Ry, but talking to you is something I dont think i can do now
ake13xis (5:31:51 AM): maybe i just hold my peace i l c r a z y 1 (5:32:51 AM): i can't do this.. i really can't
ake13xis (5:33:05 AM): ok ok ok
ake13xis (5:33:14 AM): fine stop talkin
ake13xis (5:33:24 AM): i'll wait for ya until ya ready to talk again
i l c r a z y 1 (5:33:33 AM): thank you.
ake13xis (5:33:49 AM): ya welcome
ake13xis (5:33:52 AM): at least we agree on that
i l c r a z y 1 (5:34:22 AM): yeah, after we FOUGHT over it.. this is all i was asking for in the first place
ake13xis (5:34:42 AM): yeah but then if i say yes i don tget to talk with u
i l c r a z y 1 (5:35:06 AM): yes, but talking to each other isn't doing any good
ake13xis (5:35:15 AM): i got turn on
ake13xis (5:35:18 AM): well that's me
i l c r a z y 1 (5:36:07 AM): we're in too totally different places, physically, mentally, emotionally... its just not meant to be
ake13xis (5:36:28 AM): yeah
i l c r a z y 1 (5:37:03 AM): yep.. so i think we need to lay off the communiction.. indefinitely..
ake13xis (5:37:19 AM): but we will talk in the future
ake13xis (5:37:20 AM): right?
i l c r a z y 1 (5:37:38 AM): maybe.. i really don't know at this point
i l c r a z y 1 (5:37:51 AM): i have A LOT thats gona through my head
ake13xis (5:38:06 AM): what's there to think of??
i l c r a z y 1 (5:38:18 AM): just things... stuff thats in my head
ake13xis (5:38:36 AM): about this? or soemthign else??
i l c r a z y 1 (5:38:44 AM): all sorts of stuff
i l c r a z y 1 (5:39:07 AM): and i need space, i need to think, and i need to not talk to you at this point
ake13xis (5:39:17 AM): ouch
ake13xis (5:39:19 AM): ur so mean
ake13xis (5:39:26 AM): dotn have to be that straight
ake13xis (5:39:34 AM): what happen to those smart methphor?
i l c r a z y 1 (5:39:48 AM): I;d rather be blunt and honest.. there's no other way to say it
ake13xis (5:40:11 AM): dont have to be that blunt
ake13xis (5:40:17 AM): it's struck me so hard
i l c r a z y 1 (5:40:35 AM): yes i do! its the only way you're gonna really understand me
ake13xis (5:40:54 AM): u telling me i'm not deep enaugh for u??
ake13xis (5:40:58 AM): i'm not smart???
i l c r a z y 1 (5:41:05 AM): no! thats not what im saying
ake13xis (5:41:22 AM): for u know i have 4.0 for gpa
i l c r a z y 1 (5:41:23 AM): but if i say it any other way, its not clear how seriosu i am
ake13xis (5:41:36 AM): both courses
i l c r a z y 1 (5:41:54 AM): okay, i'm not denying your intelligence
ake13xis (5:42:28 AM): then?
i l c r a z y 1 (5:42:54 AM): i just... i can't right now.. this is stressing me too much
ake13xis (5:43:07 AM): ya u calling me stupid that's bugging me!
i l c r a z y 1 (5:43:17 AM): IM NOT CALLING YOU STUPID!
ake13xis (5:43:40 AM): not literately but i know what ya saying
i l c r a z y 1 (5:44:05 AM): i can't Ry, you make this so difficult.. it gets all off topic
i l c r a z y 1 (5:44:11 AM): i have to go, i need to sleep
ake13xis (5:44:21 AM): ok smartass
i l c r a z y 1 (5:44:22 AM): one day, I'll talk to you, but now, I can;t
ake13xis (5:44:32 AM): yeah by that day
ake13xis (5:44:36 AM): i have smarter than u
i l c r a z y 1 (5:44:54 AM): whatever... god, you just look for fights!
i l c r a z y 1 (5:45:01 AM): peace, I don't need your shit.
ake13xis signed off at 5:45:06 AM.

Thats when I blocked him...