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You are the wind beneath my wings...

This is my page.. for every single one of you. This last battle, and the deaths it brought really caused me to think on what my life means, and what you all mean to me. You have been there for me when I needed you, and even when I didnt. You are there when I need comfort.. support.. and a shoulder to cry on. I want all of you to know I love you.. more than you'll ever know.. more than words will ever be able to explain. You are the wind beneath my wings..

Matt ~ I guess I'll start with you.. because you're face was the first that came to mind when I talked about loving people.. You've always kinda doubted my love for you.. and you have reason to.. but I will always love you, Matty. You have a special place in my heart. And I hope you always know that. Even after all we have been through, you've found it in your heart to forgive me.. and that means more to me than you know.

Jay ~ My sexy beast.. heh. I love you Jay, and I hope you know that. I'll admit when you went goo goo eyed over Daisy I felt abandoned, but I've learned to live without you there all the time.. I guess. *shrugs*. You havent really been there for me as much as I wanted you to, but I guess I cant always be number one. I still love you, and I always will.

Scott ~ Scotty.. baby.. from the moment I saw you, I knew I loved you. Do you remember that night? It was at the DX Mansion, you had showed up to talk to Kev, and I happened to pull up. Kev was upstairs sleeping, so I got to talk to you even before you did. Heh, I did all I could to keep myself from melting when you talked to me. Oh well, You know I love you.. I dont even have to say it, huh? You have been there for me and protected me, You've always been one of the ones to be at my side no matter what.. And I never want that to end.

Kevin ~ *smiles* My husband.. what more is there to say? Alot, I just dont have time to type it all right now. You were the one I chose to be married to on earth.. I love you with my whole being. We've had our problems.. and we've had our fair share of fights and misunderstandings.. but we're still going strong. The first time I saw you in person, you took my breath away.. You remember? It was the day you asked me to join the nWo. I remember. And I couldnt talk, lol. *smiles softly* I love you Kev, you have truely been an inspiration to me.

Shawn ~