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May 2002 - January 2003

Cody Derespina - Vocals/Guitar Chris Scianna - Bass/Vocals Dustin Hiester - Percussion

1.4.2003  Written by Chris Scianna

"The End of Satellite Rebellion"

Yes... tonight, Satellite Rebellion played it's final show... ironically at the place it began; Excalibur Club. It was our longest, and highest paying gig ever, we went on for 3 hours, and got paid 200 bucks. As for the performance, it was great, most of the songs went really well, and we were given a great reaction by the crowd, who danced somewhat drunkenly to the music.... even when it wasn't danceable.  Probably the coolest moment of the night though, was near the end... Dustin hurt his wrist and it was looking like the show was over, but he sucked it up and went completely nuts on the drums for the last two songs, despite the pain. It really just made the show all the better.  Unfortunately, that's where the gig ended, as well as Satellite Rebellion.

In retrospect, the whole experience was really fun, and lasted a lot longer than I expected. I mean really, joining a band with a lead singer you once threatened to pulverize, and a drummer that quit on you once before....almost certainly isn't a recipe for a long career. I'm sure people had bets going on whether we would last something like 2 days or 2 weeks. How the hell did we stand each other for 8 months? I really don't know, but it all went by really fast, that's for sure. It seems like just yesterday, we were in Cody's attic, sloppily plodding through songs, hoping not to suck too bad at the Excalibur open mic. Now, here we are, a solid unit, as the featured act at the same venue. Amazing. Still though, 8 months isn't a comparitively long time, and yet we've all grown quite a lot as musicians in that short period. For me personally, I've done things I never thought I would've ever done... learned a whole show in one afternoon, played in front of my alma mater, did gigs lasting over 2 hours, and just became a better bassist in the process. I can't speak for them, but I'm sure Cody and Dustin have improved their own talents as well. What can I say, it's been a lot of fun, and a huge learning experience.

Sadly though, an experience is all it is now. Satellite Rebellion is over. What is in store for us now though, you may ask? Well... Cody is going to continue to pursue music with the band Electric Sunrise, where he will once again be the lead singer/guitarist. Dustin will also continue in music, through his drum lessons, and eventually another band. As for me, my musical career shall go on hiatus as I begin another career with the United States Navy. I'm still hoping get to play somewhere in there however.

So, now with all that said... I just wanna say thanks to all the people who have supported us this past year. Whether you only made it to one song of one show... or came for every single gig possible.... we really appreciate it. Bands always say they are nothing without their fans, and it's true. There's nothing like slamming on a painted piece of wood and having people pay to see you do it.. and then think you're really cool for doing it too. If no one watched, we wouldn't play. So, once again thank you. It's been real.

Here's the a couple things I left up... I'll put more pictures in there when I get them.


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