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Samuel Vargas, Peru
Sunday, 6 March 2005
Mood:  a-ok

Posted by rock3/samuelvargas at 4:43 PM CST
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Saturday, 11 September 2004

this is me!

Posted by rock3/samuelvargas at 4:19 PM CDT
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After All!
Mood:  blue

This is just a hard time where i ve been busy with the school of architecture, as you see i was starting my 2nd year at the college of architecture, and i had bad summer but i learned a lot about elements of design and it was great because i enjoy it so much that it is gonna be a lot of help in my education and when i will be a real professional.
I go to bible studies and i learn a lot from them and it is great to go to RUF and when i hear about Jesus helps to handle situation when i feel depress or something like that, gives me more strenght to continue. I love ya all!

Posted by rock3/samuelvargas at 3:28 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 11 September 2004 3:36 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 10 August 2004
II corinthians " my fave"
13It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken." With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak,
14because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence.
15All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Posted by rock3/samuelvargas at 2:20 AM CDT
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Thursday, 5 August 2004
Love for someone
Today, i have some time after a long time and after a lot of work. I graduated on may 14 at 7:30 pm from Northeast Communitty college, in computer Aided Design and Drafting. in the mean time i ve benn applying for the school of architecture at MSU
Hopefulle after so much work i got accepted and now i am an Architecture major, well i had to take summer classes and let me tell ya, Design IA and design IB are hard as can be! they makes us work so hard and we always never sleep, if we got to sleep it must be at 4 or 5 am then get up at 7:00 to go classe again for a long day, great, right? so much fn if you like architecture. many peaple frustrated because of their grades and all that stuff that worries them, my first term i got an A and my second one, i don't know yet. but i hope it is a good one. so much sacrifice to just keep in the program but it is worth. I mean a girl her name Amy C very sweet and very nice girl, she makes feel that i am not by myself that i have someone that cares for me and that is Amy. I like Amy. because she has characteristics of that nice girl that everyguy wants, lucky me! i found her and she is so cool the best thing ever. there is a lot to say but the time will tell. keep ur prayers and trust in God with all ur heart and he will be there for you.
May GOd bless you
L U A..!

Posted by rock3/samuelvargas at 12:55 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 28 April 2004
la vida continua
A title in spanish, why not?. it looks cool. Today,there is not much to say. and maybe i won't say anything because I don't feel like to say something. maybe because there something that i don't if I did well or if i did wrong. however, i hope things work out well for glory of God. Once again feel lonely and sitting in my room with four walls surrounded of books and a lots of homework. I just pray God to continue blessing me. Today is one of those day of your life when you need someone close to talk, but i will find one or God will put there someone, who knows. I just need to concentrate in my studies and focus in one thing and in one goal to achive. I talked to myself, and say be strong and there is a versus in the bible that i helps me to continue, because i can do it when God is with me. I have so high expectation of life, sometimes doesn't work out the way that i want, so there is when i have to ask God to do what he thinks is right for us. I want to thanks to my people at the First Presbyterian church for their support an prayers that really helps me to keep going. one time i say that you can find a real friend, so lets continue being the way i was before and i think that it will be better for me. i have to be the serious person, that smile sometimes. it makes feels better. I am not hypocrit or whatever it is spell, because this word is not in my life and i don't act like that. i say thinks very clear. if you don't like, that's ok too. Anyway, i have my trust in God, He will do what is best for me, I don't trust in people. I have a strong base to assure you that mt statement is right, but who cares?. I am not trying to say that i am perfect without errors or something like that. i am the same person that have more sins that you maybe. but i ve been renew by God. Sarah, if you have change give me a call, I need to talk to you. Thanks for being my friend for long time, May God bless you so much. I hope to see you soon. for all my "hi" friends, remember that God is with you all.
PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord, I want to know You and have the closest relationship with You I can. Keep me from any idols and help me to grow closer to You daily. Lord Jesus, you've shown your love for me at the cross and over and over since then. help me to share your love with someone today.

Posted by rock3/samuelvargas at 9:46 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 20 April 2004
Not easy
Life! wow kind of hard situation where we live. sometimes things like money and love and friends don't satisfy us. what is happening? I wonder! sometimes the answer is at next corner, but we are so blind to see it, Is it because we want not see it? yes it is, how much sacrifice you have to do and how much suffer you have to pass through. very sad! never the less we just don't satisfy with one friend but we look more so we can be satisfy. wrong statement! true or false? true i believe!. God gave his only son to die for us, so that way we become part of his people. We don't wanna see this example. Jesus said, i am the only way to get to the father! but we don't satisfy with one God we want more satisfaction. we want the God of vanity and the God of material world. sometimes we are so blind, that we don't follow Jesus teachings and that bring concecuences. we make our life so complicated, what is happening? I really don't know! i am human too. most of the time i was in that place where i don't know what to do, where nothing satisfy me. but i just look Jesus and i talk to him as the only friend who i can trust with all my heart. ..... wondering " where are my friends when i need them? talking by cell phone, busy doing their homework, trying to get may boyfriends that they can get, or just playing games arround. Most of the time this is true. However, Jesus is there for you, no matter what you do, whenever you need him, he is always avaliable for you, he is not busy with other he is there for you. who better than him!
Oh Lord, you the almighty, the king of king, please forgive me for all my transgretions. I don't know what to do, but i know that you are the way to follow, please help me to get away from bad things, keep my body holy, please keep me away from temptations. i don't know what to do! please God give me strengh to continue. don't let me give up!
I love you so much.

Posted by rock3/samuelvargas at 12:56 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 25 November 2003
Beautiful life
You know what? there is many thing in life that really don't looks good, but i am happy to live and I thanks to God for every minute in letting me live in this world. There is moments that are devastating and with many problems that you can't imagen, but i am still holding from God. who can separate me from the love of God? nobody! I am Sam, what else you wanna know? just try me and you will know me. I think i am the most interesting person that u can ever meet. you really can't know me really deep, you know why? coz i am really different. maybe i am serious or maybe not, maybe i am just playing or maybe not, maybe i am mad or maybe i am not. maybe i am happy and smiling , but for sure inside i am suffering with so much pain and sadness! believe it or not. you just know me. you think you can really lie to me, maybe so. but don't play with me. I mean "play with feelings" it is not good for you and nether for me! trust me and i won't never pull you down. Pray to God and he will answer. It is nothing up to me, it is all up to Him! i don't gloryfy myself, but i make mistakes sometimes, Oh God forgive me! I met a girl, Her name, I can't tell you. If I do like her? yes, I do! how much? You can't imagen. dreams dreams... so far away for me! who knows? I don't, Just God knows. She is the coolest girl ever, If she does say the truth? so far she does, maybe i don't know. Do you trust her? yes i do, but always with caution. do you think that what u just said is mean? I don't think so, at least I don't lie about it, which I hate when someone lie! maybe i can make a joke, but that is it. Do you think she likes you? no the way that i think that i do, but i don't expect that, just having her friendship is a big deal. will you miss her when you go to MSU? yes i will, and i don't know if we will still friends or not, but so far we have been closed friend, i believe. Does she cares a little bit about you? yes i think so, because she helped me to improve my english. Did you tell her that you like her? yeah but like messeges, lol. Do you think you will give your life for her as a friends? Just God knows, but I will give my life for my friends like her. getting out of the topic, How is your relationship with God? so far doing well, but I always ask God for the forgiveness of my sins, and to think that he gave his life for me, makes sad, i always walk with him. Please Jesus don't let me separate from you, keep me always with ur love aside you. I wanna be with you someday. Please keep me away from bad and every evil thing, justify me with your blood Oh Lord! you promise to have a place for me in your kindom. thank very much for all the things I have and for the way that i am. Please Help My friend T.. in everymoment of her life, bless her and give her more knoledge, uses us in serving you oh Lord!. If you read this you just know me more than you think you do. if you read and analize each word that i wrote you may know who i am and what i am. love you all, In Christ Sammy

Posted by rock3/samuelvargas at 10:09 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 10 April 2004 8:22 PM CDT
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Monday, 13 October 2003
to all my firends
it seems a hard year for me and i hope to make it. but it is not really hard if i walk everyday with God, i know that i do sometimes look for him in difficult times and he always is with me in agoods and bads. i hope u do too
have a good day

Posted by rock3/samuelvargas at 6:04 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 25 November 2003 10:15 PM CST
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persecution of christians
Persecution of Christians Christians: Persecution Of Christians: Christians have experienced persecution throughout the history of Christianity, predominantly from adherents of other religions but also at the hands of Christians of other denominations and by the irreligious, particularly Communists. In this context, "persecution" refers to the arrest, imprisonment, beating, torture, and/or execution of Christians by people because of the beliefs or religiously motivated actions of the Christians. It may also refer to the confiscation or destruction of Christians' property for similar reasons. Persecution does not refer to mere anti-Christian speech. Persecutions of early Christians by Jews in the New Testament The New Testament reports that the earliest Christianity s suffered persecution at the hands of the Jew leadership of the day, commencing with Jesus Christ himself. According to NT accounts, Judas Iscariot was paid by the priesthood and officers of the Temple to lead them to Jesus when he was alone and away from the crowds (Luke 22:4-6). He was then arrested (Luke 22:54) and taken before the Sanhedrin (ecclesiastical court) (Luke 22:66), who then took him before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, claiming that he was subverting Roman rule (Luke 23:2). Pilate did not consider Jesus had done anything deserving death, but according to the NT account the force of opinion from the Jewish leadership convinced him to have him executed anyway (Luke 23:13-24). The Romans then executed Jesus by means of crucifixion (Luke 23:33). Pilate is otherwise historically known for callous disregard toward public opinion and brutal suppression of revolts, so many historians are skeptical of the Biblical account. According to Matthew 27, Pilate's wife told him of a dream warning him against any dealings with Jesus, which may be supposed to have influenced his judgement. Some have speculated that the New Testament account may have been purposely distorted by its authors to curry favour with Rome by switching primary responsibility for Jesus' execution from the Roman authorities to the Jews. According to the New Testament accounts, persecution of Jesus' followers continued after his death. Peter and John were imprisoned by the Jewish leadership, including high priest Annas, who however later released them (Acts 4:1-21). Another time, all the apostles were imprisoned by the high priest and other Sadducee, only to be freed by an angel (Acts 5:17-18). The apostles, after having escaped, were then taken before the Sanhedrin again, but this time Gamaliel (a Pharisee well known from the Rabbinic literature) convinced the Sanhedrin to free them (Acts 5:27-40), which the Sanhedrin did, after having flogged them. The New Testament recounts the stoning of Stephen (Acts 6:8-7:60) by the members of the Sanhedrin. Stephen is remembered in Christianity as the first martyr (derived from the Greek word "martyros" which means "witness"). Stephen's execution was followed by a major persecution of Christians (Acts 8:1-3), led by Paul of Tarsus (also called Saul), throwing many Christians into prison. According to the New Testament, this perecution continued until Paul converted to Christianity, after reportedly seeing a bright light and hearing the voice of Jesus on the road to Damascus, where he was travelling to carry out more imprisonment of Christians (Acts 9:1-22). Acts 9:23-25 reports that "the Jews" in Damascus then tried to kill Paul. They were waiting for him at the town gates, but he evaded them by being lowered over the city wall in a basket by other Christians and then escaped to Jerusalem. Understandably, he had difficulty at first convincing the Christians in Jerusalem that he, their persecutor, had truly converted and was now being persecuted himself (Acts 9:26-27). Another attempt on his life was made, this time by "the Grecians" (KJV), referring to a group of Hellenistic Jews (Acts 9:29), whom he debated while in or around Jerusalem. There is some debate over why Paul, before his conversion, persecuted Christians. One possibility is that he was punishing Jews who no longer observed Jewish Law. This seems unlikely, though, in part because the arrival of the Messiah was not at that time a reason for abandoning the law; indeed, some scholars believe it was not until after Paul converted that Christians began preaching this. Moreover, there is evidence that the apostles observed at least parts of Jewish law for some time. Another possibility is that he was punishing Jews who were blaspheming God by claiming God became a man, and who were slandering Jewish authorities by accusing them of killing both God and the prophets who foretold His coming. Another possibility is that he was punishing Gentiles who did not observe Jewish law. This is less likely, since Jews never expected Gentiles among them (even visitors in their synagogues) to observe Jewish law. Another possibility has to do with intense missionary activity on the part of Christians in the years immediately following Jesus' death. Jesus was crucified as a rebel; for Christian missionaries to use synagogue pulpits to preach the claim that he would soon return, leading the armies of Heaven, to establish his kingdom, would have made the Jewish community vulnerable to accusations of treason, and thus to Roman punishment. Jewish leaders would have to suppress any apparent insurrection, or risk Roman wrath. Persecution of Early Christians by Romans According to the New Testament, Paul_of_Tarsus on his missions was imprisoned on several occasions by the Roman authorities. Once he was stoned and left for dead. Finally he was taken as a prisoner to Rome. The New Testament account does not say what then became of Paul, but Christian tradition reports that he was executed in Rome by being beheaded. Christian tradition reports that Saint Peter was likewise executed in Rome, by crucifixion (upsidedown, at his request because he did not feel he deserved the 'honor' of dying in the same way as Christ died). Several major persecutions of Christians would later be launched during the Empire, including that of Nero, and worst of all that of Diocletian. These were generally characterized by arrest, imprisonment, torture, and execution by various means. Christians were often given opportunities to avoid further punishment by publicly offering sacrifices to Roman gods, and were accused by the Romans of atheism when they refused. Yet some scholars believe some early Christians sought out and welcomed their persecutions: Jesus, too, says John, really committed suicide, and Augustine spoke of "the mania for self-destruction" of early Christians192. Roman authorities tried hard to avoid Christians because they "goaded, chided, belittled and insulted the crowds until they demanded their death.";193; One man shouted to the Roman officials: "I want to die! I am a Christian," leading the officials to respond: "If they wanted to kill themselves, there was plenty of cliffs they could jump off.";194; But the Christians, following Tertullian?s dicta that "martyrdom is required by God," forced their own martyrdom so they could die in an ecstatic trance: "Although their tortures were gruesome, the martyrs did not suffer, enjoying their analgesic state."195 The Emotional Life of Nations Such interpretations may be impossible to conclude within a Christian point of view. Martyrs are uniquely exemplary of the Christian faith. However, suicide is murder, and is associated with treason to the faith - the very opposite of martyrdom - the way of Judas the traitor, not of Jesus the savior. In the Martyrdom of Polycarp, in paragraph four, it records the story of a Christian named Quintus who handed himself over to the Roman authorities, but turned coward and sacrificed to the Roman gods when he saw the wild beasts in the colosseum. It then reads, "For this reason therefore, brothers, we do not praise those who hand themselves over, since the gospel does not so teach." (This was written in the second century.) John the Evangelist never accused Jesus of suicide or self-destruction, but rather says that Jesus chose not to resist arrest and crucifixion. Early Persecutions in Other Sources In 337 a war broke between the kingdom of Persia and the Roman Empire; this led to anti-Christian persecutions by the Persians. Over the next few decades, thousands of Christians died. In the 3rd and 4th centuries CE, Christian missionaries attempted to convert the Goths, which the Goths saw as an attack on their religion and culture. The Visigoth King Athanaric began persecuting Christians, many of whom were killed. In the 5th and 6th century, Arianism became prevalent among the Goths; during their forays into Italy, Gaul (France) and Spain they destroyed many churches and killed a number of Christian clergy. In 429 CE the Vandal (who were Arians) conquered Roman Africa. Catholics were discriminated against; Catholic Church property was confiscated. Thousands of Catholics were banished from Vandal held territory. The New Catholic Encyclopaedia notes that "Ancient, medieval and early modern hagiographers were inclined to exaggerate the number of martyrs. Since the title of martyr is the highest title to which a Christian can aspire, this tendency is natural". Estimates of Christians killed for religious reasons before the year 313 vary greatly, depending on the scholar quoted, from a high of almost 100,000 to a low of 10,000. Christian Persecution of Christians Islamic Persecution of Christians Iconoclasm Enslavement of Christians in the Sudan today Murder of Christians by #redirectIslam as a political movements in Pakistan Oct. 28, 2001 - Lahore, Pakistan - terrorists muder 15 Christians at a church. On Sept. 25 2002 two terrorists went into the "Peace and Justice Institute", Karachi. They separated Muslims from the Christians, and then executed eight Christians by shooting them in the head. Murder of Christians by Islamists in Indonesia 1998 - 500 Christian churches burned down in Java. November 1998 - 22 churches in Jakarta are burned down. 13 Christians killed. Christmas Day 1998 - 180 homes and stores owned by Christians are destroyed in Poso, Central Sulawesi. Easter 2000 - 800 homes and stores owned by Christians are destroyed in Poso, Central Sulawesi. May 23 2000 - Christian fight back against a Muslim mob. 700 people die. June 2001 - the Laskar Jihad declares regularly imprisons Christians from other nations. Christians are arrested and lashed for practicing their faith in public. No one is allowed to be a citizen in this nation unless they are Muslim. Prayer services by Christians are borken up by the police, and people who convert to Christianity are often arrested. Egypt regularly imprisons Christians. Muslims are severely punished if they convert to Christianity. Government funded newspapers and magazines regularly publish hatespeech towards both Christians and Jews. For example An Egyptian government funded magazine published an interview with three Islamic clerics. They state that "another form of infidelity, namely the denial of Islam, and the message of Mohammed. All those who do not believe that Mohammed is Allah's prophet, and that the Qur'an was Allah's words revealed to him, are infidels, even if they were people of the Book, i.e. Jews, or Christians." The context of the article was that all people in the Western world are, by the Muslim definition, infidels. (Al-Musawwar, 11/24/01) Christians and Jews labeled as infidels Christians are persecuted in Malaysia. Islamic fundamentalists oppress and murder Christians in the Philippines. Discrimination and persecution in Communism nations Persecution of Christians in China Hundreds of houses that served as Christian houses of worship have been destroyed by the Chinese government. Hindu Persecution of Christians 23 Jan 1999 - Graham Staines, an Australian Christian missionary aged 55 years, and his two sons, aged 8 and 10, were burned to death in the state of Orissa by members of Hindutva Parivar, a Hindu nationalist group In Sept. 2002 eight Christian missionaries were beaten during worship services by Hindu fundamentalists. In Oct. 2002 the governor of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu issued an ordinance aimed at preventing people from converting to Christianity, under the guise of such conversions occurring due to "fraud". Christians may be sentenced to up to three years in jail if convicted of such a "crime". Christian News Source with several articles on persecution of Christians in India Discrimination in Israel At various times, right-wing ultra-Orthodox Jewish political groups have proposed anti-Christian legislation in the Knesset (Israel's parliament); each attempt has been defeated. Since its inception, the government of Israel has funded not only Jewish institutions, but has also provided significant funding for Muslim, Christian and Druze institutions and churches/mosques. However, Israel provides proportionally greater financial support to institutions in the Jewish sector; For example, only 2.4 percent of the Ministry of Religious Affairs budget for 1999 was allocated to the non-Jewish sector, although Muslims, Christians, and Druze constitute 20 percent of the population. Some Israelis hold that any funding for these faiths at all is not necessary, but given Israel's social and civic structure, more people hold that budget must be distributed on a purely proportional basis. In 1998 the Israeli High Court of Justice ruled that the budget allocation constituted "prima facie discrimination" but that the plaintiff's petition did not provide adequate information about the religious needs of the various communities. The court refused to intervene in the budgetary process on the grounds that such action would invade the proper sphere of the legislature. The status of a number of Christian organizations with representation in Israel heretofore has been defined by a collection of ad hoc arrangements with various government agencies. Several of these organizations seek to negotiate with the Government in an attempt to formalize their status. Missionaries are allowed to proselytize, although the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints voluntarily refrains from doing so under an agreement with the Government. A 1977 anti-proselytizing law prohibits anyone from offering or receiving material benefits as an inducement to conversion; however, there have been no reports of its enforcement. On December 6, a law prohibiting some missionary activity and the dissemination of some missionary material passed a first reading in the Knesset. Jehovah's Witnesses suffered verbal abuse, assaults, theft, and vandalism; however, they reported that the police response to their complaints improved significantly during the year. Discrimination in the West Bank & Gaza / Palestinian territory In the 1990s there have been a substantial amount of anti-Christian incidents carried out by the Palestinian Authority; some Christian and many Jewish sources claim that this represents a pattern of deliberate mistreatment by the PA; others hold that these are isolated incidents that reflect the beliefs of the individuals involved, but not the society in general. July 1997 - PA police broke down doors at "Abraham's Oak Russian Monastery" in Hebron. PA officers assaulted the monks and nuns and expelled them from the monastery. (Israel Government Press Office, July 9, 1997) September 1997 - The PA police arrest and torture a Palestinian Arab Christian, Muhammed Bakr, for distributing Bibles to Muslims. (Jerusalem Report, September 4, 1997) October 1997 - Israeli Government issues a report stating that “on the social and religious level, the few Christians remaining in PA-controlled areas are subjected to brutal and relentless persecution. Christian cemeteries have been destroyed, monasteries have had their telephone lines cut, and there have been break-ins to convents.” August 1997 - Islamic militants in Beit Sahur attack Christian children. The PA attempts to cover the incident up; threats are made against people trying to investigate the story. (Jerusalem Post, October 24, 1997) December 1997 - "Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority is waging a campaign of intimidation and harassment to punish Muslims who have converted to Christianity to renounce their new faith." (Telegraph (British newspaper, December 21, 1997) The plight of Christians living under PA rule has become so serious that in 1998, two different American courts, one in Illinois and the other in North Carolina, accepted the threat of "religioius persecution" as grounds for granting asylum to Christians fleeing PA territory. (Jerusalem Report, April 2, 1998) According to some Christian sources, Islamists in the West bank are using violence and threats of terror to scare Christians out of Palestinian controlled area. "Many local Arab Christians are afraid of retaliation by the Islamic movement, so we have tried not to get involved in our struggle. They're afraid to speak up but tell us this privately. There have been riots in Nazareth in which Christian property has been destroyed." In regards to a ne mosque being built next to a Christian shrine, the Basilica of the Annunciation, it has been reported that "The Muslims who are building illegally, have threatened us. They said that if we wanted to remian healthy, we'd better leave the area. They threatened us physically." Others sources noted that "For sure, many things have happened during the past few years, especially around Christmas and Easter holidays. Muslims have attacked Christians with knives and many other insturments. Christians have been hospitalized." (Source: Interviews in "The Jewish Week", "Caught Between Faith". p.23, Dec. 28, 2001) Muslim ipersecution of Christians has been reported by the International Christian Embassy (in Jerusalem) and the International Coalition for Nazareth, an umbrella group of multiple Christian denominations. Some Christians living under Palestinian control dispute the idea that the PA is discriminating against them; they counter that since Israel no longer funds a Catholic radio broadcast, it is Israel itself which discriminates against Christians. Skeptics believe that the official Christian churches under Palestinian control are afraid to say anything different. Palestinian Christians reject Israeli charges Palestinians deny charges of religious persecution See also Religious intolerance History of Christianity

Posted by rock3/samuelvargas at 5:43 PM CDT
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