- = [Links] = -

These are links to other pages that I think are pretty much worth to check out.

- = [Friends] = -

Tina's Krib

Tina's webpage basically inspired me to make one of my own :) Easy to navigate with games, links and lotsa pics, including pics of our AOLG Class of 2002. The best part? It has FRAMES. OooHHhhhhhHhhhh.... [Currently being renovated]

Erika's Xanga Page

Apparently, she took down her webpage (and I liked it too!) but this is better actually! This is Erika's Online journal at Xanga. I got her into it but the credit goes mainly to my good friend Joyce!

Joyce's Xanga Page

Former resident Guamie, she and her twin sister, Joy, are currently residing at New York City. We're both crazy Harry Potter fans ^_^

Shy Angel

Edna (aka Shy Angel) and Chris' (Dragon Phoenix) webpage! Awww... a couple webpage :P It's also under construction but a few pics are up. Check it out!

Opstinger's Homepage

Jerry's (aka Opstinger) webpage! He hasn't updated the webpage for a while (check out the date, duuuuuude!) but it wouldn't hurt to look around. He, too, moved to the states from Guam a few years ago. Prepared to get blown away by Latino background music o_O

OPStinger's Live Journal

Obviously, Jerry's focusing more on his journal rather than his webpage but this is WAY better than the former. His journal entries are entertaining, enlightening, poetic and overall personal. INVADE HIS PRIVACY!

Sindy Wan's webpage I met her thru Xanga. She's a junior at AOLG and I think she's a really cool person. Her website's definitely worth visiting! She has pics too!

Chocodawl's Crib EEEEH! This is Abby's (aka Ayeka) webpage! I'm helping her edit the page so it's still under construction too.

Hey! Link me and I'll link you!

- = [Other Links] = -

Jim Carrey Online

Hehe, shameless plug :P This is where I work, so to speak, submitting articles, making monthly newsletters and moderating the message board for Carreyholics nationwide. You know what sucks? Jim Carrey himself has never heard of this website and we've been online for 6 years!


Wanna write your personal stuffs online? Go for the online journal. It's kick-ass :P Basically it's a BLOG... thing. But I highly prefer and recommend...

Live Journal

Now THIS is an online journal. You can totally cutomize it and, unlike Xanga, it supports image hosting. It's tricky to get this. You can either pay for it or get a secret code from a LJ user.

Flaming Text

Wanna add some kick-ass graphics to your homepage? You can with Flaming Text. You get to customize graphics to your own liking. And it's all FREE baby!

Dynamic Drive

Man, I should've gone here first before making my webpage... and you should too! Add some special web browser goodies for your visitors (i.e. fun mouse cursors, HTML games, pic slideshows, etc.) and they'll keep coming back for more!

Side 7

Attention doodlers, cartoonists, computer graphic designers and other creative people! If you wanna show the world your artistic style and flair in jpeg and gif format, sign up at Side 7. You can upload all your artworks and mingle with fellow artists. Here, no one will ever tell you "Dude, your drawing skills suck."