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nothing in this world is accomplished without passion

the crying tree of mercury

this is the song i've been singing my whole life i've been waiting like a knife to cut open your heart and bleed my soul to you i did it all for you you and you and you and you

this is the sound i've been making my whole life i've been waiting for this night to clear up all the talk although i'm selfish to a fault is it selfish, it's you i want you, i did it all for you

this love will stand as long as you there's really no excuse i did it all for you

these are the tears i've been crying my whole life like an ocean of desire i'm reaching through the noise across the dusk of time within the lilting lights i am singing out to you ~ The Smashing Pumpkins

hi. my name is laurel. i make this website up as i go along. RunSixBlank fans, you'll like this trash. enjoy.

The Goods

Crazy Punks!!! (click here for Jackitrific and Laurelicious Randomnivity)
Fun Activities for Losers
why i am insane
a few things that are fucked up in the world i thought i'd bring to your attention
influences/idols/cool people/you like it, click it/
RunSixBlank crap
pics (might also be found elsewhere aboot this site)
guestbook... dont sign it