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My World

Welcome to the remains of My World, which isn't much.

Here's what happened:
Giant Dancing French Pineapples attacked!! They gushed in by the thousands chanting "Nous sommes les ananans qui danse!" which translates to "We are the pineapples who dance." They put all the beings in My World into dance camps- I was there- It was torture. We danced and we danced and we danced some more. Oh, there was so much pain and soreness.

Finally, us prisoners of dance and war banned together to plan a way to escape. And are plan worked. But sadly, some were left behind. As we stole some of the jet things from the Dancing French Pineapples, they all came at us shouting "Nous sommes les ananans qui danse!! Nous sommes les ananans qui danse!" ("We are the pineapples who dance! We are the pineapples who dance!") It was frightening but we kept our cool, and with my leadership, managed to escape.

Once off the planet titled My World, I noticed we had no where to go. Our only sanctuary and home was gone- taken away by the Dancing French Pineapples. We mourned, but then we ate pizza and had a blast zooming around the universe.

We went to the All-Knowing One, and he/she (never figured out the gender) told us of a land where we could once again be free. We were sad our adventure in space was over, but happy to be getting off that jet thing 'cuz it was starting to stink!

So, we followed the All-Knowing One's directions to get to our new home planet, but Bernie got us lost, and Duddles dropped the directions way back on our pit stop on Mars. But, Billy Joe has a photographic memory, so he was able to re-write them for us! Yay, Billy!!!

We finally reached our new home. What a sight. It was absolutely beautiful. "Look a castle!" someone said. Everyone else said "Woah!" "This shall be our new planet and home, and we shall call it Flight of Fancy," Henry III said.

We landed and descended off the jet. We unloaded all our belonging from the jet. We had a party that night. We got drunk. We burned the jet. And only after we got better from hang-overs, did we mourn.

We all pitched in a fixed our new planet up. It looked great. But thanks to our druken party people, we needed a new jet. So we built a gigantic billbaord with a poem on it to attract visitors and tourists to come to our planet to visit and/or live.

And that is the story of Flight Of Fancy.