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A plum? A do? A deer?! A song? A lonely surfer? A man with a pet frog? A friend in need? A friend indeed? A boot? A banana? A tear drop? A jet? A log? A frog? A whoppin' hunky shake? A piece of hubba bubba? A lurker? A jerk? A boat? A tin can? A game of kick the can? A game of bubba me cubba? A land of fish? A sea of tigers? A lie? A truth? A can of peas? A can of hubba bubba? A human hubba bubba? A tree? A shaken tree? An octavarium? A Bennie? An awful sound? A daddy? A grubfest? A munch and mingle? A piece of wad wappin' paper? A graveshift manager? An Elton John? A jean jacket? A Jean Luc Ponty? A Billy Joel? A mean moaning myrtle? A dragon? A blue can of bobby pins? A hurt feeling? A heart? A female deer? A bottle of salivated sausage links? An ancient pyramid? A Dousden? A walking Beach Boys CD? A favorite dish? A pepperoni pizza? A yellow brick road? A funeral for a friend? A train? A present? A Star Wars? A parrot? A mascot? A Dan Marino? A farewell? A wing ding? A pen? An oversized, drippy, greasy cheeseburger from Wendys? A high school? A football cookie? A close? A boxing glove dinner? An evergrowing brain of knowledge? A visit to Mother Brain? A role playing mario? A nintendo 64? A bag of popcorn? A copy of Shelly Winters older? A play? An organ? A trombone? A monkey? An ape? A zoo? A ring? A powerful ring? A sing that says "stop"? A man? A plan? A Christmas Carol? An innocent man? A man guilty as charged? A village? A different kind of love? A struggle with on-a-wanna three? An act of three small? A difficutly with one a-point two? A lobster? A bag of coins? A high school marching band? An electric orchestra on wheels? A mockery of the ever growing meals on wheels? A what a deal? A walking hubba bubba? A female hubba bubba? A slapping hubba bubba? An angry hubba bubba? A fugitive hubba bubba? A ginger bread hubba bubba? A plastic manican? A magic? A real one? A hamburger? A plate of two hubba bubbas? A song about shaking two hubba bubbas? An indian basketball player? A falling meteor? A school all worn and tall? A book full of smiling cupcakes? A piece of cake? A wolloping mallot? A throat dinner? An all expenses paid kleenex kit? A twisted twister? A revolving world? A scene from a graveyard stickshift? A man with a fear of white gloves? A cowboy with a fear of the west? A pirate that cannot say "yar matey"? A burned copy of the Hard Days Night album in 1966? A Paul's grandfather? A book of love? An end?