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The Official International Queen Convention 2002
Queen Convention Prestatyn Sands, 2002

This page is created as a memory of the gathering of about 1,800 fans of the legendary Rock Group


at the Official International Queen convention from May 10th - May 13th 2002

in Prestatyn Sands, Wales, U.K.

"Another party is over
And I'm left cold sober..."
I start writing this report, while I 'm listening to the original Blue Rock cd. I got it for free (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) from Monika, who found it for about 2 dollar in a store in Switzerland. The original one, incredible, isn't it??

Okay, that was a nice start to make the jealous looks coming up already, so let me go on with it, I know you love it!

There you have it…. ON with the show!!

The preparations in Holland before the go What was after the convention Convention picture gallery

The Official International Queen Convention. The convention...

Friday May 10th

It finally happened!

ACTION this time!

We arrived at the same time at the Pontins' park as the Dutch fanclub group, who were travelling (by bus) for two days, so with the check in I already catched up with Hannie and Anja.
CLICK HEREto see the map of the area in what all happened.

Through them we got our chalet-belongings, so it went smooth and nicely, of we were to our chalet at # 155, at the corner of a row, in the middle of the dutch group!

The program

"'the concept of queen is to be regal majestic. glamour is part of us, and we want to be dandy'

The program cover
When we were settled a bit in our chalet I did send out some text messages, to find some of the people around. That way we found out where the aussies were situated, so we decided to look them up.
Easy to recognize, for there was a group playing cricket, no need to doubt who were that.
We did walk around a bit, I guess we missed the karaoke and we did make a dinner of macaroni with sauce, strange, it ended a bit watery! :-D
Then at 9:30pm, everyone moved to the main ballroom, for the official welcome.
As always there was a video message of Brian, taped by jacky at the rehearsals of the musical, earlier in the week. Brian did his word and Roger was showing so much that he did not like to make a message, that it was almost annoying to see.
Typical for Roger, I guess, he has a complete different attitude to the fans than Brian. I cannot say that I blame Roger for it, but the difference is huge between the two guys!

After the video message we all did sing out Bohemian Rhapsody. That was a nice gesture from Jim Jenkins, as for that Bohemian Rhapsody recently is chosen as the best pop song ever.
We did sing out loud, I can tell you!
From then on it was time to sit, well, uhm, not for all. The tradition in the convention is that people gather chairs, no one sitting on it but it gives a status how many friends MIGHT be joining…
No problem at all, for how difficult it is to be sitting next to the dance floor, or in fact upon the floor, while the Queen music is getting loudly over you? For me it was out of the question, so it was dancing, singing and being there…

We were situatied close around the entrance of the dancing floor so friends did pass us by and that way the first night was a wonderful introduction of people.
The Australian group showed up, so I finally could meet Xanti, Daves’ gal, well, without being rude… I can say that some people have it ALL in the world. Nice as any aussie I met before, and hey even female, * grin * … Meeting the aussie fans, and every time I was just thinking of sitting down Dave passed by (with another beer * YEAH! * and than encouraging us guys to dance.
It was awesome, the huge circle of aussies, being with them a littlebit, o darn, shyte, I SHOULD go to that island downunder the sooner the better!<[> More friends around, it was a long warm night of finding people back or finding people for the first time. The convention did rock, the convention did roll. Sometimes I feel like a man on fire.. Some times I wanna roll down the crazy town…

, Hans, Lisette, Jaye, Stephan, Bas

Around 1 am we went to see if the party at Sams’ place still was going on, only the die hards were left over, and Mark did make himself immortal with the wig and sunshades that made him look like an impressive imitation of a very dark Brian...… The days after were JUST a desilusion, seeing the real Lord FlashHeart. : ) : ).

Tired and with a good feeling we went to our chalet. It had only just began

As always this year again for all conventioneers there were some nice gadgets that we got when we came in.

Click for the pic:

Keyring 1 Keyring front The pink pin

Saturnday May 11th

Heaven for everyone

After a good sleep at the bed-couch in the living we were having breakfast and recovering, planning the day.
It was good weather, so we went sitting outside and than all the sudden a guy was passing by, askinig. .. “Hans?”..

It appeared to be Paul, Iron Eagle, the man that I was so scared of that I could not find him entire weekend…
In the weeks before the convention I’d talk with him, about decorating the chalet with the orange flags, and he “recognized” those.. Not too difficult, for his chalet was right on top of ours, we were only “split” by the ceiling!
Strange idea, you talk with one for 6 years, want to meet someone and than at the moment supreme you’re each others’ neighbours for the weekend!
He seems to be a very nice and friendly. For us, of Holland/ Europe, he was and did look so very american. He had a great time, so did I and we had some nice talks. So funny, of all people he was right on top of us, so I was telling him that I heared every time he used the toilet *LOL*.
Later in the morning Ellis did walk by. She was already "whispered in" by Paul where we did stay, so she decided to walk along our chalet.

It was so good to see her here, after the sad year she has had (tim we missed you!!)..
As I know Ellis basically from stories and not from personal chats (it's changing, yes it is!), I could now see in real that she is the G wonderful lady, can confirm you now from personal experiences!
It was nice to see her again. She seemed to did enjoy the convention a lot, though she admitted that it was hard, being there without Tim (I bet it was).
But again, as I say often, the queen people are great and wonderful. There is seldom a real fight, for we're all around for the good time and that is so much in the spirit of our beloved Freddie

Around 12 I went with Ursula to watch the video of the performance of Brian and roger at
The We Will Rock You Promotional surpise concert
It was nice to watch it again, sitting relaxed in the ball room, though I had not too much time to share the attention with ursula....
In the spirit of the convention friends did walk by, making pictures, chatting a bit, I must say that I could not see too much of the tape, but okay, we dutchies are already way long privileged with having been able to see and enjoy it, as you can read in the report above!

After the video we went for a drink. I walked along the Queen fan club stall and I bought the convention t shirt.
Than we went into the

Afternoon activities, starting with walking around the market agan

As for the market, I found the market a bit disappointing. You can of course buy all kind of bootlegs and memorabilia, but I think that the stuff is often too expensive to buy. One of the things I was keen for and that was soled out was the Freddie Mercury Rose. But, I heared some good news that the Dutch fan club is going to organize that we can order it in autumn, the time to plant them, so I wait for that.
I did buy an "ordner", a map to cover paperwork in, with the red outlook and the golden crest upon it.

The auction was ridiculous, this year. There were "teams" of bidders, who did pay extraordinary high amounts of money for things. A shirt of his majesty May, for example, was soled for 800 (!!!) pounds! and the largest price paid was for a, going on for an award given to Freddie by a Japanese music magazine in 1976 for being “best male vocalist” (if I'm correct) for about 1250! It was really incredible how much money was spent on those items!
The eyes
fan art in the auction

Anyone for drumsticks?
Click here
to see the winner of the Art and Craft contest
After the auction we went back to our chalet for another meal.
I must say that I'd like it very much to be able to eat something by ourselves.
The chalet we were in was pretty good, we didn't even need cards for electricity and all things were available for a nice stay. The cooking was a social moment and well, there are always things that are not the same as at home, but who complains about it should better stay home!

And finally, after 6 years in his chat, I met "the" Richard Orchard alive!

For us it was ON with the show, for the evening program showed up, the concert of Miracle, the fancy dress and the at the beach party!

Fancy dress

"we'll be the cecil b. de mille of rock! always wanting to do things bigger and better"
As always some intresting creatures showed up.

In the spirit of the beach-theme we found a lobster and the most funny one to me was the guy who had that shark at his leg, he made a kind of show with it, but I think he did not win the contest, thought it was the Lobster, heck, what happens with my brains!?
O yes, thank you, my dear brains (named Jaye), the lobster and shark did end both at the first place, THAT's why!!! :)

Dean hates this pic, but he looks great!
Marc/Lord Flash Heart, the sexy twang
for Pamela Andy Son
click herefor the bi-seagul race
Miracle, our dutch cover band, did really impress the Queen audience, the convention had NEVER such a tribute band, they were of course FAR from Queen, they were FAR from perfect, the singers' voice was not well, but they really did rock the socks of all of us. 2,5 hours show and with absolute highlight the performance of the Prophet's song..

I do care for miracle a lot, and that's why I listen to them with some critical ears as well, and that's the note I go to do here.
I think it is so ashame that Johnnie is not educating his voice a bit more than that he did!!
You see that through the years his wonderful voice is NOT increasing and every time I hear him singing it scares me more, I fear that he will loose it, sooner or later, and that should really be ashame!

I am pretty sure that the Queen crowd never ever heared a groups singing the Queen songs the way miracle did. I was standing a bit backwards, hearing the sound very good, and also hearing the reactions of many people.
Miracle did rock everyone down, not more to say about it. Such a group makes us realize even the more how much we miss Queen, but also what a wonderful songs Queen did leave to us
Most of the concert I did join Luca, Monika's son, who is really a great person to party with....

CLICK HEREfor a Miracle pic CLICK HEREFor another pic of the dutch cover band

Okay, it's still not queen, but they did do old songs soooo well. Many songs from the early Queen days, and thank heaven not a greatest hits show, we see that too often I think.
Another admireable thing in Mirace is that they have guts to do pretty complicated songs as well. This time there was an absolute highlight in what they ever did do, the performance of the Prophet's song. It was awesome, it still gives me shivers at my skin. I do not think that there was even one person that did not like it.

And if I were Jacky, well... I think it is almost impossible to not let them return again to the convention next year, for all what ever came and comes cannot stand in the shadow of what Miracle did show.
And I should Miracle too short if I should not mention the exquise and underestimated backings of Mark and Chris and the guitar play of Rudi. Great musicians!

Miracle played for 2 and a half hour, they just went on and on, at one moment I thought: STOP IT... I was so tired, but than another breaker came on, so I could NOT leave the dancing floor!
After the historical performance it was time for the disco, the beachdress time. We'd sit in the hall to chill down a bit, it was really needed after this experience.

Tired and proud we went off to bed around 1.30.
Having had a wonderful day, the convention is fa bu lous, a MUST for who likes style!
The bigger the better my darlings, in everything!

Sunday May 12th

The show did go on

To see bas, with his favorite egg:)

to see Li and J waking up

What d'y expect after such a day?
Indeed, a technical hangover, obviously showing up in the lost of voices and talks about past day, what was really a wonderful day, with lots of highlights, and beware, much more was going to get on.
After a breaky and a "revealing" comment about how young formedalhyde can keep you (or at least some have the illusion they do that!), haha, the day went on again with some talkings, a bit of sitting in the sun and having a relaxing morning.
Not much huge thiings happened the first hours of the day.
Later on on the day it was supposed to be the finals of some contests, the lottery and some more intresting things, so we did decide to join that as much as possible.

We walked in the ballroom while Greg Brooks was around, playing some rare tracks, talking about the content of the Queen boxes (if ever released, but that depends highly from Roger and Brian).
At the introduction Silver Salmon, Greg introduced Tim Staffell. I did't know that he was one of the originators of that song, but well, I do not pretend to know all (what some others do and what can be very annoying if you do not know the facts!).
Tim originally wrote the song, and gave us a few insites into it. After Greg Brooks, Tim Staffell and his band came onto the stage. They played a funky version of “Doin’ Alright”, “Earth” and a number of songs from their upcoming album.

" the reason we're succesful, darling? my overall charisma, of course".

in Prestatyn Sands, Wales, U.K.

Julie/Hans at the ballroom-floor
Luca concentrated on.. uhhh..
Dave and Xanti
The ultimate young chatters picture
What happens when you leave your lady at home?
Eva/Miracle and Dave/Bagpuss
The Tim Stafell session was funny too. Of course Tim staffell is an old grey man now, and he was there with 5 other (grey haired, bellied) guitar players and a drummer (his son). So you can imagine, the Queen rockers were listening to a kind of music that has NOTHING to do with queen anymore. If you know the folk music, that was more how it sounded, even Earth did have that folk-sound over it. Quite odd it was that Tim was autographing right at the moment that he was supposed to sing his songs, as well very good describing the relaxing climate of the convention. I was sitting with Julie and we all were having a bit of a relaxed moment, recovering still from what had already been..

But it was funny to see, more funny than that it was really impressive.

This guy was a school mate of Brian.

Tim Staffell in 2002

The band of Tim Staffel in 2002:
The amigo's

Pinkish red or not?
There were some difficulties with the colors in the raffle, Lisette ALMOST had the right lot, right number, only the color pinkish read was not clear to get!
A pair of "glogs" of brian did bring up 240, it was really, well. hahaha!
How would it be if you were standing in his shoes?
Can't you see it's impossible to loose?
Jennie shall have a lot of fun with it, if one deserves it it is she

The sunday night gig was a combination of a group (mercury UK). Of course it is a hell to play after Miracle, but they were even with a sober view not very good at all. Later it improved, when Jeff Scott Sotto,

the guitar player from the US who is a good friend of Brian, did join the group and spiced up the things a bit. The group was bad, but Jeff was good, his sour voice, rocking!

We did stand aside a bit, digging ourself into good company, nice chats and happy moments with our friends.
All the sudden Bas did ask me who that guy was, standing there.. he was so familiar...
Roel and Bas were ex-colleagues, did work at the same project. Funny, Bas as being not a queen fan, meeting someone he worked with, a small world it is indeed.

what a fun!

Top row (left to right)
Hans/Saturn, Dean/the_younger_RT, Steve/Farookh, Magda/tirza
Down row (left to right)
Simon, Jimmy, Stephan/Macconner, Julie/Black_Rose

Beer, music and friends!

Top row (left to right)
Jim, Dean, Steve, Magda, Hans
Down row (left to right)
Simon, Jimmy, Stephan, Julie

And than another disco, right, to end the Sundaynight. Really so great to dance at the songs of Blue Rock, seeing those rare video's and being able to sing as loud as one can without that anyone got bothered *hahaha*.

~~~~~~~~welcome to..~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~new dark ages ~~~~~~~~~
~~~star fleet, staaaar fleet~~~
~~~~~~~~it's bliss~~~~~~~~~~

At 1.40 we left the ball room, lost litres of sweat and the voice again.
An immense good convention was going to end, and we slept in with mixed feelings of sadness, that it is over already, and happiness, for it really is a blast.

Some things are history making, some things are immortal.. This Weelemd, Queen etched a new picture in my soul And it could not have been done with the ones that do love Freddie so much.. Thank you so much my dear friends, for sharing

Legends live forever

May 18 2002

====~~~~++++````` Special thanks to the stars that make this Queens' convention so special:
Bas and Lisette, my inspirational friends.
Jaye, the lady that I had such a good time with, well, what else can you expect?
Jorge, my portuguese friend who did take care about Ozzie. Young, dynamic and always there for some good moments, even if he is not there!
The ones from who I will be so unpolite to "copy" some pictures on this page (best things are copied, hm?), Jaye, thank you dear, you were and are wonderful company, Steve, talking about best mates
Hannie of the dutch fan club, who did do so much effort to make us go.
Tracy, who encouraged me to tell her all the nasty details before this site was created and from what conversation I took the censored version to use here.
Julie, Jimmy and Samantha, a special line and you know why.
Ellis, David, Paul, Julie, talking about good company, BEST company...
Stephan, Magda, Ursula traveling mates, breakfast sharers and fellow party-goers, not much more to say ...

Brian, Roger Roger, John and Freddie, without who we had not been there...

** Wanna know more about miracle?

** We cannot do without the Queen fan club
Keep the Queen fan club alive

* Reports, pics and so on:
*A brief report from Linda
"Samantha's scribblings
* Queen convention 1998

Don't be a stranger, JOIN!

* Hannie + Anja Queen Fan Club Netherlands
* Jacky + Val Official International Queen Fan Club

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