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Red Oxygen

This is the home of the band, Red Oxygen. Once again thank you for coming to visit this site. This is the drummer for the band, T-Bird. No, I'm not Tony Hawk, as some people call me. I do skateboard but, I'm not quite that big yet. Anyway, we all from Red Oxygen hope that you enjoy your stay on this website!

Hey, I'm Brent. been playing guitar for about 2 years. Been in RedOxygen for about a year. Love to skate and play guitar also like to free-run sorry if you dont' know what that is. WEll whatever check out the rest of the site and the other Bios. C-ya

By the way, this is T-Bird again. Just wanted to add onto what Brent said up there. I'm working on everything as fast as I can. I'll get the bios up and running, as soon as they are written. Okay? Anyway, auf etozahn! That's good-bye in German if you were wondering... -T-Bird

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