
if u wanna join email the folling info to me Brocklasnar123
  • Your Name:
  • Your Age:
  • Current Date:
  • E-mail Address:
  • AIM:
  • Wrestler's Name:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Personality(Heel,Face,Neutral):
  • Theme Music:
  • Hometown:
  • Include Entrance:
  • Manager, If Any(what does he/she look like?):
  • Finisher w/Description:
  • Trademark w/Description:
  • Submission Move w/Description:
  • List of atleast 10 moves:
  • Personalized Quote:
  • If you are using a created wrestler then, Who does
  • he/she look like?(include URL to pic):
  • ample Rp (Atleast 20 lines):

    Trixie's Fantasy