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Our Fasching Experience!
February 7, 2005

The German version of Carnival is Fasching (also known as Karneval, Fassenacht and Fasnet). It officially lasts from November 11 to Ash Wednesday which is the first day of Lent. In many German towns, the main celebrations begin on January 7 with the election of the Fasching “prince” and his “princess,” who will reign over the festivities. Celebrations reach their peak on Rose Monday (Rosenmontag) and Shrove Tuesday (Faschingsdienstag), the last two days of the Fasching season. During those final days, normal rules of behavior are forgotten. People dress up as anything or anyone they want, run wild, make a lot of noise and even kiss total strangers!

We were very lucky finding parking in our usual place which was fortunately near the parade. Most people walk many miles so they could drink or avoid the hassle of finding parking. Despite our huge carriage, we managed to meander our way through the crowd. There were lots of people dressed as clowns, cowboys, cows, priests, bathrobes, lions, and in colorful wigs. Quite a few had backpacks full of beer and food to last them through the day. What we loved the best was the creative way little kids were dressed to keep them warm and yet let their cuteness shine through. Chance was wearing his spiderman outfit underneath his snowsuit. He wore a skunk like hat with the word "mental" on it...cute and bundled up! He was expressionless but watched his surroundings with a keen eye before naptime overtook him. It was a very cold day, so we only stayed 1 1/2 hour before Joe and I both got chilled. We hit the Chinese buffet afterward where Chance devoured fried noodles and decorated my boots with pieces of them!



Stephanie and Chance dancing to the music


Blast from the past....

What's funny is that back in 1999, I was at the parade with my sponsor. It was only several days since I arrived in Germany and was barely over my jetlag. As I watched the parade from the sidelines, I was smooched by an anonymous costumed person in the parade. My sponsor laughed and explained that it was part of the celebration as I stood there in shock. What a way to be welcomed to Germany!

~ Ratmama

Nappy time!



This page was created on February 8, 2005