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which gc guy's shoes are you?

All I want is some love and affection. An I love you and a connection. I'm Joel. I'm shy. Love me.

Which Member of Good Charlotte Does Your Subconscious Want to Participate in Voluntary Coitus With?
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Benji salutes you
Are you a Good Charlotte poser?

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Congradulations!!!You are a TRUE fan!! You should
be proud! You know your stuff and respect the
band for their music, not their looks!KEEP

Are you a REAL Good Charlotte fan or a pathetic Teenie
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I'm The Virgin Mary Tattoo!
Which of Benji's Tattoos Are You?

Take the M&M's Test @ /~erin

Which Avril Lavigne Song Are You?

you're american beauty. you're full of hope and appreciate the beautiful things in life.
take the which prettie movie are you? quiz, a product of the slinkstercool community.

I'm Joel!  Who are you?
Which Good Charlotte guy are you?

I'm the SHORT!
Which one of Benji's hair styles are you?

he's white, leave me alone. remember? thugs and punks.
which member of good charlotte are you?

I'm A Spiderweb Tatto!
Which of Benji's Tattoos Are You?

What Do You Wear to Bed?

Brought to you by Faytrial DONT GET IMAGES!!! I DONT SLEEP NUDE!!! I HAVE HEARD OF PJS!:p

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?

what color are you?

which stereotype are you?

which smilie are you?

black and white chucks

what color chucks are you?
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Find your inner random object! by Emily


Morning, day, or night?
quiz by maikamariel

What lesser-known Simpsons character are you?
Brought to you by the good folks at

You're a hopeless romantic. You fall in love easily and quickly, and often have your heart broken. You like romantic movies, books, and you're always trying to think of some way to wow your honey. People call you sentimental or idealistic, and sometimes they even make some comment about they might vomit if they have to listen to go on and on any more. Phew. Some day, though, you will make someone very happy.

Be cool! Take the What Do You Want Out Of Life? Quiz

your eyes show anger

which eye are you?
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Joel- Oh wow, you got Joel. Main singer, Major hottie, not TOO punkish, and again i'll say it... major hottie.

**Whose your Good Charlotte HOTTIE?!?!**
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You're perfect twin is Joel! What a beautiful
couple you'd make!

Which Good Charlotte Twin Is Your Boyfriend?
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you are... the joel/raspberry condom

which GOOD CHARLOTTE flavored CONDOM are you?
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Schoolgirls make plaid look good just so long as
they've got great legs. With you, though, it's
all in the mentality. You probably want your
sex-object of choice to guide you along the way
so you aren't totally lost. Don't go feeling
too insecure, though. Whatever it is, I bet
she'll/he'll like it.

What's Your Bedroom Personality? (For Her)
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your bitch.

What swear word are you?
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You are I-grab-my-nuts-way-too-damn-much Joel. If
you could leave those puppies alone for five
minutes, Hell would probably freeze over. I
hope you wash your hands often.

Which Joel Madden Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla LMAO I CHOOSE THE NUTS ONE ON ALI

You are Chuck!!! You're the drummer of this mother
fucking group

Which member of Simple Plan are you?
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You are INDIE
You are INDIE

What Genre Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla whats n indie??

What Justin Body Part Are You?

Jo-el -- Do my shoes match my pants? Does my hair
look all right? A milder version of your
proverbial twin, you're laid back and easy-
going, but ... honestly, lighten up a little
bit. Starbucks is your hero, but life isn't
about the most expensive, lavish tastes. Take a
few chances! Holy shit! If I stuck a lump of
coal up your ass, in two weeks, I'd have a
diamond. Wait, come back! Honestly, it only
hurts for a little bit!

What GC Boy are you?
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Your the thong. Your the spunky one out of all friends. You keep having fun till it kills you. You always except a challenge and never back down. You love taking risks and you hold nothing back.

Which underwear are you?


This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

See what Care Bear you are.

You're Joel. Girls love you. Guys hate you. What
is a poor guy from Maryland to do?

Which Good Charlotte Guy Are You?
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I'm so like Lisa!
I'm Lisa, who are you? by Lexi

You are a lazy Grey kitten

What color of kitten would you be?
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I am linus
Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

You're Joel. Girls love you. Guys hate you. What
is a poor guy from Maryland to do?

Which Good Charlotte Guy Are You?
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(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
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Cocaine. You like to talk, you like to run, but most of all you like to have fun.

Which drug should you be hooked on? [now with pictures]
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Gay/Lesbian movie! You love fooling around with the
same sex, so it's no surprise you'll be
starring in a gay porn flick. We all know you
"swing that way"...

What kind of porno would you star in?
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parents sex

what's YOUR deepest secret?
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you are...."Emotionless"'re
extremely deep and you see things in a
different way than most people

what good charlotte song are you?
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you are..."Boys and Girls" find
stuff wrong with things all the time..nothing
is up to your have a negative
attitude towards life

what good charlotte song are you?
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the anthem
you are..."The Anthem" are fun,
sweet and full of enerygy..but u can get
annoying sometimes, so CHILL OUT!

what good charlotte song are you?
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you are..."Lifestyles of the Rich and
Famous"..ur so punk its CraZy!...but u are
fun to be around...except when u are
complaining about how the world needs to
change..and blah blah blah

what good charlotte song are you?
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say anything
you are..."Say Anything" are still
hung up on your last need to
quit dwelling on the past and get over it!

what good charlotte song are you?
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joel- the day that i die
you are best repersneted by.... The Day That I Die (kick ass song!!)

what good charlotte song represents you best
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img src="" border="0" alt="You're "Addicted" Wow, It seems as though you're world revolves around one and only one person. You have potential to be a great romantic, if you could just move on. You'd be a%">
You're "Addicted"

What 'Simple Plan' song are you?
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