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Before I begin, I want to thank all of my friends and my family...for being there for me when I needed it...and for just being there and for being who they are. Thank you. I appreciate you and I am very grateful to have you all in my life.

If u didn't have feet would u ware shoe's? Then why do u ware a bra???

There are a lot of fish in the sea...but some of them are sharks

Judge your boyfriend on how he treats your bestfriend!!


I wAs WiTh HiM sO lOnG, I gReW tO bE sO sTrOnG, nOw wErE nOt ToGeThEr, I'm WeAkEr ThEn EvEr

Today I Love U More Than Yesterday, but Not as much as Tomorrow

?¿what happened to u, cross da street wit out looking?¿

tormented by my beauty?

Ur HuGz N KiSsEz R LiKe ThE StArZ U LiTe Up mY LiFe wHeN tHiNgZ gEt DaRk

If Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever.. If Your askin if I'll Leave U the answer is Never..If Yur askin what I value the Answer is U.. if Yur askin if I love U the answer is I do

what's the difference between boy's soccer and girl's soccer? oh ya girl's make it look better!!

Well if i called the wrong number, whyd you answer?

There's a light at the end of every tunnel, just pray it's not a train

*Sometimes I dream about being caried off by a big giant squirrel. Does that make me a nut?*

I thought that U+ME=Never, but it turned out that it meant 4ever

u kno what? u need to call 1-800 get-a-life and stop revolving around mine!

If I kiss him will he stop talking?

~Rosez r red
Violetz r blu
Suga iz sweet
but revenge iz 2~

Do you come with a instruction manual cuz ur confussin me!

..::It Takes Both Rain And Sunshine To Make A Rainbow::

Women are stupider than men, because we date them.

Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.

Does the noise inside my head bother you?

i WeNt FrOm CaNdY aNd ToYz
2 CeLlPhOnEz AnD bOyZ

Can i borrow you library card because i'd like to check you out!

~*u DoNt DeSeRvE Me
i KnOw ThAt ItS TrUe,
bUt I WaNt u So bAd..
WuT Do I Do*~

Yes, girls are right. Men are a bunch of dogs. Alot are really cute! Tons of fun to play with We keep all of them company. And without us they would be miserable and bored.

I love not being you :)

* being with you is like fallin thro a deep dark hole, but in that hole i find something special, a treasure to behold*

Just cause your not paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you!

It's not "When Wild Animals Attack!" It's more like "When Stupid People Get Bit!"

When the officer says: "Gee son you're eyes look red have you been drinking? respond:” Gee officer your eyes looks glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?”

They say a picture is worth a thousond words, but when i looked at yours, i couldn't say anything!

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