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Okay...I don't know what you would like to know about me so I took some of the surveys that I have recently filled out and put it on here. This is all accurate...I think. ;)

Name: Anna
Nickname(s): Anna Banana, Strawberry, Abbie
Age: 14
Birthday: October 10, 1988
Zodiac Sign: Libra
School: Buffalo Grove
Grade: Freshman
Hair Color: Red/brown (supposed to be auburn)
Eye Color: brown
Height: 5' 9
Best Friend: I have a lot and I don't want to name them in fear of forgeting one or whatever. I'm grateful 4em, tho.
Pets: A turtle named Moesha and a cat named Lucky
Siblings: 1 Brother...Alex
Crush: Paul McCoy.....if you know what I mean ;)
Favorite day of the week: Friday
Favorite Restaurant: Any Chinese Restaurant….especially panda express and the world buffet
Favorite Flowers: Tulips (peach and/or pink and you can mix white, but it can't be all white) and Orchids(pink and white mix)…..NEVER WHITE….NEVER BUY ME WHITE FLOWERS…I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST IN WHITE FLOWERS….
Favorite beverage: Mountain Dew, Dr.Pepper, and sprite
Preferred type of ice cream?: oreo cookie ice cream
How many times did you fail your driver's test?: i'm a good driver.
What do you do most often when you are bored? phone, TV, mall, movies, sleep, go online
Name the person you are friends with that lives the farthest: Anna P…she lives in Australia
Most annoying thing people ask or tell me: are you okay? Or I want to do this because I WANT TO DO IT….so conceited.that reminds me of someone…hint hint..not me…someone that lives close to me
What is your Bedtime: my parents usually don't care
Last person you went out to dinner with? Janna
Last movie you saw in a movie theater? From Justin to Kelly….just yesterday
Tattoos or piercing? Piercing…..on my ears
If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? England
What is your favorite article of clothing? shirts, i guess
What's your favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? Hmm….eyes, jaw (weird I no), hands, shoulders, back of neck (donk know y), and mouth..hehe.
What's the last CD you bought? Evanescence….i'm gonna buy Trapt next!
Where's your favorite place to be? At the pool or anywhere where there is water that I can go swimming in.
Where's your least favorite place to be? camp….i don't know why.
Where's your favorite place to be massaged? Im not in my "normal"mood right now….so í'm gonna say back….otherwise..don't ask….ur not gonna want to hear the answer
What's more important... Strong mind or strong body? strong mind
What time do you wake in the morning? varies....sometimes 7 sometimes 10 sometimes in between
What's your favorite kitchen appliance? Fork….i don't know why…dig through things I guess…
What makes you really angry? when ppl start telling you something ,,,, and then say nvm...... and never tell you the rest of the story….oh and…when people act conceited, selfish, or too stupid…..and when someone calls me on three way or otherwise, and starts talking to the other person, and completely ignore me! That's pissing me off right now. BARBARA does that A LOT! STOP! I have other ones but it's gonna take a LONG time to put down on paper…and no, they're not stupid or anything and no I'm not always pissed off or angry….i just have… things that make me angry…and if you don't want me to be pissed off, then DON"T DO IT>……this goes to all friends, not just B
If you could play an instrument, what would it be? I can play the piano and Viola….but haven't recently done them,…..I would like to play the drums or guitar though….i'm into rock now….join a band….be famous…hehe.
What's your favorite color?
Which do you prefer, sports car or SUV? I don't know….SUV
Do you believe in the afterlife? yes
What is your favorite children's book? the RAINBOW FISH
What is your favorite season? Spring and fall…mostly fall
What's your least favorite household chore?I don't usually have chores….but I hate doing the laundry….i don't know why…its very easy though…and I do it a lot…did it actually.
If you could have one super power, what would it be? to understand men and women at the same time….lol…very hard….and making things appear just by thinking about it….that could be fun!
Do you have a tattoo? no
Can you juggle? no, but ben can
Who's the one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to? um....... my great grandma and my dad's parents and his sister and brother
What's your favorite day of the week? friday
What's in the trunk of your car? nothing
Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburgers? I don't like sushi, but then I don't really like hamburgers…I like shrimp though
What's your dream job? Im not sure
What is your biggest dream? i have a lot of dreams.
What would you name your child? Girl- Jeslin, Amanda, Natasha, Maddison, Jane, paige, fiana, or Amy….. guy- Mike, Nathaniel, Eugene, NOT ALEX..too many already, max, or vadic/vladim…..or dimitry
What is your favorite time of day? 5, 7
How many 'REAL &TRUE' friends do you think you have? alot, and i'm greatful

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