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"And we will teach the world rock!" said by Dewey Finn (Jack Black) in School of Rock

Lord of the Rings rocks as hard as Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix combined!!!!!!!! My favorite things about music

This is me in my really awesome car. Some really cool websites It is an awesome site made up by my friend, Charlie Peterson. I got the idea for making this page from his.
What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. I mean, everyone needs food! If you are not a Gauntlet Adventurer, go out and explore OLOL, then see how exploring is there. Explore detention in Mrs. O'Brien's room, What Video Game Character Are You?

What Sort of Hat Are You? I am a Party Hat.I am a Party Hat.

I'm a popular sort of person, well-liked and very sociable. I'm always at the height of fashion, either because I set it or because I follow it. What Sort of Hat Are You?
I'm terza rima, and I talk and smile.
Where others lock their rhymes and thoughts away
I let mine out, and chatter all the while.

I'm rarely on my own - a wasted day
Is any day that's spent without a friend,
With nothing much to do or hear or say.

I like to be with people, and depend
On company for being entertained;
Which seems a good solution, in the end.
What I really want is money;
But I don't get any;
That last art was funny.
What Poetry Form Are You?
What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?
Is there a teacher you absolutely despise? How about an annoying classmate? Mr. Insulty always has the perfect dis to tell your friends:

Who are you?
Take the quiz: "Which American City Are You?"

You are blue collar and Rock n Roll. You Work hard and party harder.

What revolution are You?
Made by altern_active

I am the number
I am evil


what number are you?

this quiz by orsa
Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

You're Catch-22!
by Joseph Heller
Incredibly witty and funny, you have a taste for irony in all that you see. It seems that life has put you in perpetually untenable situations, and your sense of humor is all that gets you through them. These experiences have also made you an ardent pacifist, though you present your message with tongue sewn into cheek. You could coin a phrase that replaces the word "paradox" for millions of people.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.

You're France!
Most people think you're snobby, but it's really just that you're better than everyone else.  At least you're more loyal to the real language, the fine arts, and the fine wines than anyone else.  You aren't worth beans in a fight, unless you're really short, but you're so good at other things that it usually doesn't matter.  Some of your finest works were intended to be short-term projects.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

what kind of social software are you? Homeless
Threat rating: laughable. Stick to your crazed
ramblings and yelling at lamp posts.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Starship Troopers
You belong in Starship Troopers. Your idea of a
good time is bouncing across an alien
battlefield blasting the foes of humanity into

Which Heinlein Book Should You Have Been A Character In?
brought to you by Quizilla CWINDOWSDesktopPirates.JPG
Pirates of the Caribbean!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla hercules

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla windex
You're so sick of quizzes that you have gone so far
as to transform into this bottle of Windex
window cleaner.

brought to you by Quizilla I'm Caligula!
Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by
you are darkgoldenrod

Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down.

Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative.

Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.
the html color quiz
You are Agent Smith-
You are Agent Smith, from "The Matrix."
No one would ever want to run into you in a
dark alley. Cold as steel, tough as a rock,
things are your way or the highway.

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla The Stag
The Stag You are protected by the spirit of the deer, swift
of foot and of mind; you keep true to yourself
while thinking of the good of the herd. You are
an independant and free spirit, capaple of
solemnity and of true bravery. As long as you
stay honest with yourself the Stag will protect
and serve you well. Your quote: "If I am
walking with two other men, each of them will
serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good
points of the one and imitate them, and the bad
points of the other and correct them in

What is your Inner Spirit Totem Animal?
brought to you by Quizilla Minotaur Banner
You're a minotaur. You're a bully (or at least
you'd like to be) and you enjoy it. You don't
like people and tend to be a loner; this may be
because they don't like you either. Strength is
one of your natural advantages. Though most
minotaurs are sadistic, a few have been known
to have deeply hidden "nice" sides.
Your alignment is most definitely *evil*.

What mythical beast are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
"We reject the false doctrine that the church could have permission to hand over the form of its message and of its order to whatever it itself might wish or to the vicissitudes of the prevailing ideological and political convictions of the day."
You are Karl Barth!
You like your freedom, and are pretty stubborn against authority! You don't care much for other people's opinions either. You can come up with your own fun, and often enough you have too much fun. You are pretty popular because you let people have their way, even when you have things figured out better than them.

What theologian are you?
A creation of Henderson
You're the Cheshire Cat!
You're the Cheshire Cat. Your mysterious aura and
your penchant for riddles keep your friends
guessing. You dislike staying too long in any
one place. Your advice is always sound, if
somewhat enigmatic. The sum total of this is
that people are always following you and you

Which famous feline are you?
brought to you by Quizilla murder
You are Our Humble Narrator, Alex, from A Clockwork
Orange. Your poor mother..

Which famous film murderer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Stone Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Glare
You..are definitely not a smile.In fact,if i asked
you to smile you'd probably punch me in the
face.You're angry and bitter about
something,but no one knows what because you get
violent when people ask questions.Sheesh.

What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Draconian
What Dragonlance Race are You?

brought to you by Quizilla Info Black
Your Heart is Black

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla You see the world in Black
SOAKS IN BLOOD. Well, you're angry at the
world. For reasons who knows, but you
definately hate life.

What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla Chomsky
Anarcho-Syndicalist - You believe that governments
and corporations are both equally evil. You
think that all people should have maximum
personal freedom. You think everyone should
have control over their economic production,
because the economy should be structured
completely in terms of cooperatives and
communes. Your historical role model is Noam

Which political sterotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You Have the Power to Turn Things to Stone!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla

which stereotype are you?

What Planet Are You From?
this quiz was made by The Autist Formerly Known As Tim

How evil are you?
Ah, I vudd suggester SWEDISH as jor langvedge to

What language are you supposed to speak?
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x8942e18)
BLUE. You poor thing :( Life has thrown you so much
shit, you're just happy to get through it.
Don`t worry, somewhere .. someday you'll be
appreciated for everything you've done, and
you'll finally understand "why you?"

If I were a crayon I would be.......... What's YOUR inner Crayola?
brought to you by Quizilla
Random Fast-Food Mascot

What's Your Personality Type?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Natural Disaster are you? Take the quiz!

FIRE OF AIR. Serious and intellectual, you live in the world of thoughts and ideas. You grasp things quicker than most and are a master debater. Your verbal skills are unparalleled; your conversations are stimulating. You are concerned with issues of justice. Your standards are high, so there is danger of becoming too moralistic. While truth is generally an honorable thing, chew on this: "Why Yes Herr Strudel, my neighbor IS hiding Jews in his basement!" You're Christopher Walken in Suicide Kings.
Quiz created by Polly Snodgrass.

You are are action, spirit and vitality.
You warm whatever you are around with your
large spirit, but you can sometimes lack a
sensitivity to others.

What Element Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Westley / The Dread Pirate Roberts

Which Princess Bride Character are You?
this quiz was made by mysti

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla YOU BEAT OLD LADIES FOR PILLS!!!

what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla You are Amiga OS. Ahead of your time.  You keep a lot of balls in the air.  If only your parents had given you more opportunities to suceed.
Which OS are You?

Psycho. You are overwhelmed by anger. You may even
hate the world and everything in it and you
believe revenge is the way of the world. An eye
for an eye.

How Emotional Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Founding Father Are You?

Squinty Eyes

What Eyes Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla I'm so like Nelson!
I'm Nelson, who are you? by Lexi

The kitchen is the most fast paced room in the house. Always bustling about trying to make everyone happy.
If you were a room in a house, what room would you be?
You are 24% geek
OK, so maybe you ain't a geek. You do, at least, show a bit of interest in the world around you. Either that, or you have enough of a sense of humor to pick some of the sillier answers on the test. Regardless, you're probably a pretty nifty, well-rounded person who gets along fine with people and can chat with just about anyone without fear of looking stupid or foolish or overly concerned with minutiae. God, I hate you.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at

Hmm. It appears you are "Undercooked Macaroni and Cheese".
Sometimes, people aren't that bright, or in too much of a
hurry, and think that 4 minutes is ample time to boil
you... but unless they like it hard (and some of us do!)
you are usually pretty nasty and get thrown away.
Sometimes, the best of us just go bad...

Take the What Kind of Macaroni and Cheese Are You? Quiz
Created by LJ User RobProv222

What's Your Movie Dream Car?
by Auto Glass America
Art is significant in my life, people are scum but I have the capicity to deal with it. Give it a few more years and I will either forget about art or hate the world.
What color hair should YOU have?

You're the Devious Smiley! Your mean, and you like to stab people in the back. No one can trust you because you love to take advantage of people. But on the bad side you look sort of off.

Take the Which Yahoo! Simley are you test
By Foiledagain

What Pattern Are You?
JOKES An engineer dies and goes to hell. He says, "I hate this place!" So he fixes it all up. Pretty soon hell was nicer looking than heaven. God came to the devil and said, "How'd you get your place looking so good?" The devil replied that he had gotten an engineer. God asked how he got an engineer. The devil said he didn't know. God, in a fit of rage, said "If you don't give me that designer I'm going to sue!" Calmly, the devil replied, "Oh yeah? Where are you going to get a lawyer?" -Ben Goldman HAHA!!!!!!!!!!======Three men are stranded on an island with cannibals. The cannibals say, "We will let you live as long as you get ten identical fruits from the forest." They all leave and the first man comes back with ten apples. They said, "Stuff all of them in our mouth without showing any sign you are doing so. If any fall out, we will eat you." The first man sticks in three apples and can't shove in any more, so they eat him. He watches from the Pearly Gates to see what the next guy does. The secnd man came back with raspberries. He snickered at the idea, thinking it would be easy. He put nine in, and just about when the tenth one was going in, he cracked up in a hysterical manner. Both met up in heaven. The first man said, "Oh, you were so close! Why did you have to laugh?" The second man replied, "I know, I know, but then I saw the next guy coming back with pineapples!" - Charlie Peterson (also look at his website, HAHA!!!!!!!========One day we were talking about the assasination of Abe Lincoln when someone said "When I get to heaven I'm gonna ask him what his life was like." Then someone else said, "What if he didn't go to heaven?" Then Charlie Peterson said "Then YOU ask him."

Please come back to my page again. Don't forget to mark my page on your favorites! If you have any ideas for my page, e-mail me at If you would like me to put some stuff in my page, requested by you, also e-mail me.