mista maradona: whos this
RatedPVForNudity: it's the peevster
mista maradona
: um ok
RatedPVForNudity: justin peevey
mista maradona
: dunno you. goodbye.
RatedPVForNudity: hey wait
: yeah you do
: and even if you don't remember, ask anyone who i am
mista maradona
: suck my damn dick
mista maradona: bitch ass
RatedPVForNudity: no thanks
: i bet it goes inside you
mista maradona
: want me to send u a virus?
RatedPVForNudity: what produces this misplaced rage?
mista maradona
: then i suggest u to shut up
RatedPVForNudity: you're not mad at me
: i did nothing
: i said hi
mista maradona
: keep on talking
RatedPVForNudity: you hate me, your friends love me
: i'm sorry
: bff k?
mista maradona
: i dont care what my friends love you
mista maradona: they're just as gay as you are, especially austin hill
mista maradona: so u can suck my damn dick for your opinion
RatedPVForNudity: all you know is my name
: you can't base an opinion on just that
mista maradona
: RatedPVForNudity: you hate me, your friends love me
mista maradona
: i can base a lot of opinion on that so stfu
RatedPVForNudity: what can you base on that?
: ehh, nothing
mista maradona
: ok ull see.
RatedPVForNudity: tell you what
: do you like starbucks?
mista maradona
: the peevster wont be on for a while
RatedPVForNudity: hold on
: do you like starbucks?
mista maradona
: yes
RatedPVForNudity: do they have gift cards there?
mista maradona
: yes
RatedPVForNudity: i'll pay for something tall for you
mista maradona
: and why
RatedPVForNudity: to show you that i--the peevster--am a nice guy
: despite your prejudice views
mista maradona
: nah u aggravated me
mista maradona: yes im prejudice, big logical fallacy
RatedPVForNudity: ok, well i tried, but no need for aggression
mista maradona
: oh no i wont harm u physically
RatedPVForNudity: i'll just never speak to you again, agreed?
mista maradona
: but i will do it mentally
RatedPVForNudity: no...you won't
: this is the end
: we don't need to c ontinue, right?
: you don't like me, i'll respect that, good day
mista maradona
: haha
mista maradona: u think i wont forget yo
mista maradona: you*, but i have not
mista maradona: u won't know if its even me that will harm your computer
RatedPVForNudity: right, i don't think you'll forget me
mista maradona
: good day peevy
RatedPVForNudity: that's pretty sheisty maradona
mista maradona
: u can ask the sachiners what happened when i got aggravated
mista maradona: i froze his computer up hahahhaha
RatedPVForNudity: is it too late for a take-back?
mista maradona
: yea late it is peev
RatedPVForNudity: because, listen, this is not even my computer
: this is my mom's
mista maradona
: like the old saying, never mess with the asian people
RatedPVForNudity: otherwise i wouldn't care
: i'm half-asian silly goose
mista maradona
: awww your mom will get very mad at you for watching porn huh
RatedPVForNudity: any way we could settle this without you breaking a law?
mista maradona
: me breaking a law?
RatedPVForNudity: yeah
mista maradona
: its not the matter of me anymore, its whoever
RatedPVForNudity: ?
mista maradona
: u wouldnt know if i sent u a virus one night
RatedPVForNudity: and how could you just send me a virus
mista maradona
: why would i tell u
RatedPVForNudity: i've got more layers of protection than a guy fucking jenna jameson
mista maradona
: that will ruin the element of surprise
mista maradona: sachin got it outta nowhere haha
mista maradona: ok whatever u wanna think
mista maradona: go ahead and underestimate me
RatedPVForNudity: well
: i don't underestimate you
: the thing is
: i've got this convo saved and currently printing, so even if you don't send me a virus and i get one, it will be on you
: i really don't want to get anyone in trouble, so just lay off, ok?
mista maradona
: awwww
mista maradona: how will u get me in trouble
RatedPVForNudity: i know, you're gonna do this i'm-not-scared thing
mista maradona
: call the cops?
mista maradona: poor peev
mista maradona: u should take the peeva fella out of your profile
RatedPVForNudity: if i do will you leave my hard drive out of this?
: seems like a fair deal....
mista maradona
: nah not yet
RatedPVForNudity: ok, what else?
mista maradona
: u put my other sn in there for no reason
mista maradona: u stalker
RatedPVForNudity: it wasn't for no reason
mista maradona
: imma send u a virus for NO REASON
mista maradona: haha
mista maradona: seems fair
RatedPVForNudity: i was doing screen names and sachin sent me a bunch to peeverize
: one of them was the hella fella
: and i'm assuming that's you
mista maradona
: how dare u imitate my sn
RatedPVForNudity: right. well.
mista maradona
: do u do good on webpages?
mista maradona: damn bad english
RatedPVForNudity: lol yeah
mista maradona
: do u know how to do webpages?
RatedPVForNudity: somewhat
: i'm not great though
mista maradona
: do u have a webdomain
RatedPVForNudity: no
: need one?
mista maradona
: yes i do
RatedPVForNudity: www.freepages.com
RatedPVForNudity: no that's not it
mista maradona
: ok.
RatedPVForNudity: i used to use a free one
mista maradona
: if u can get me a domain where i can upload files, ill let u put my sns on your peevy list and your hard drive will be free from harm
RatedPVForNudity: i took you off my profile already
: how much space do you need?
mista maradona
: 5mb
RatedPVForNudity: just 5?
mista maradona
: cause im a screw mixer, and i needa put some songs
RatedPVForNudity: ok
mista maradona
: so people can download it
RatedPVForNudity: angelfire offers 20 for free
mista maradona
: well 10 mb will be great
mista maradona: no i want a www.mistamaradona.com
RatedPVForNudity: that....you'd have to pay for
: there's absolutely no way you can get that for free
mista maradona
: how bout hte peevster help me out
RatedPVForNudity: www.freeservers.com
RatedPVForNudity: you can get a "prettier" name through that for free
mista maradona
: u sure
RatedPVForNudity: yeah, i did one on there like vintage.itgo.com
: if you don't mind something like that
mista maradona
: i want maradona
mista maradona: my name, my legacy
RatedPVForNudity: http://maradona.itgo.com
RatedPVForNudity: how does that roll?
mista maradona
: i dont like the itgo
mista maradona: haha
RatedPVForNudity: what about 8m
: s5
: 4t
mista maradona
: ah forget it
mista maradona: i dont want nothing from u
RatedPVForNudity: ok
mista maradona
: good day peevy
RatedPVForNudity: you really know a lot about viruses, right?
mista maradona
: not really
mista maradona: i just know what i have and how its used
mista maradona: hahaha
RatedPVForNudity: but you know enough
: so that you can find the one right?
: i'm not good....you probably saw me put it on
mista maradona
: er
RatedPVForNudity: i know you'll find it before it does anything, right?
mista maradona
: no
RatedPVForNudity: oh.
mista maradona
: i dont have a firewall, antivirus, or any prevention
RatedPVForNudity: are you serious?
mista maradona
: so therefore, if i try to look at it, 50% that it will crack open and spill onto my harddrive
mista maradona: but i am smart enough to know who sent me what and what it is before it reach my harddrive
RatedPVForNudity: maybe, but what did i send you?
mista maradona
: what are u talkin about
RatedPVForNudity: i mean i put one on your drive
mista maradona
: u didnt put shit
RatedPVForNudity: bet me
mista maradona
: ok imma send u a virus
mista maradona: u asshole
RatedPVForNudity: don't worry, it's just a reflective virus
: it doesn't do anything
mista maradona
: oh u messsing with my computer like that is crucial
mista maradona: imma send u a virus
RatedPVForNudity: a reflective virus...do you know what that is?
mista maradona
: who gives a damn
RatedPVForNudity: let me tell you
: you need to know
: it mirrors anything you send out from your computer
mista maradona wants to directly connect
RatedPVForNudity ignores request; no connection was made.
mista maradona: connect to me my friend
mista maradona wants to directly connect.
RatedPVForNudity declines request; no connection was made.
mista maradona wants to directly connect.
RatedPVForNudity declines request; no connection was made.
mista maradona: now!
mista maradona wants to directly connect.
RatedPVForNudity declines request; no connection was made.
mista maradona: piece of shit
mista maradona: accept it
RatedPVForNudity: basically, if you send something active to me
mista maradona wants to directly connect
RatedPVForNudity declines request; no connection was made.
RatedPVForNudity: it will activate it on your computer
: actually, if you send it to anyone
mista maradona
: stop being a stupid asshole
RatedPVForNudity: do you want it off your drive?
: i'll tell you how
: if you just leave my comp alone
: deal?
mista maradona
: nah go ahead and kill my computer
mista maradona: ill burn your house
RatedPVForNudity: it will only kill it if you send a virus to someone
mista maradona
: ok u are talking nonsense
RatedPVForNudity: no i'm not
mista maradona
: let me try it on u then
RatedPVForNudity: if you send a file
mista maradona
: i send u a virus, and it activates me.. and also kills u
mista maradona: that seems fair
RatedPVForNudity: it duplicates it and stores it in a cache
mista maradona
: hahaha
RatedPVForNudity: just go to c:\windows and clear your temp cache
: and the virus will be gone
mista maradona
: wtf
mista maradona: i know that u ass
mista maradona: u act like i duno
mista maradona: plus my drive aint even C
mista maradona: hahahahhahaha
mista maradona: u stupid gay whroe
RatedPVForNudity: whichever your windows files are on
: clear your temp cache
: this is like basic knowledge right?
mista maradona
: haha u didnt send me shit
mista maradona: its fucking empty
mista maradona: haha
mista maradona: dumbshit
RatedPVForNudity: oh, you cleared it
: or it cleared itself
: or wait...you know what?
mista maradona
: ok i dont care if u want to tlak nonsense but im just gonna send it to u anyway
mista maradona: GOOD BYE
RatedPVForNudity: bye
mista maradona
: bitch ass im not stupid
mista maradona: haha
mista maradona: u know temp cache runs your temp files
mista maradona: u ass
mista maradona: if i delete em, it will fuck my IE up
mista maradona: u dumbshit
RatedPVForNudity: it's already empty though huh
mista maradona
: no i made that shit up
mista maradona: dumb shit and u played along
mista maradona: stupid ass
RatedPVForNudity: all the temp folder is is website you've been to and files you've downloaded
mista maradona
: plus in order for someone to send another person a virus, u gotta be connected to each others computer by email, direct connect
mista maradona: stupid shit
RatedPVForNudity: clear it, it doesn't mess up anything
: not true
mista maradona
: how bout i just send u one now and see how smart u are
RatedPVForNudity: maybe the basic way
: maybe the only way you know
mista maradona signed off at 7:35:11 PM