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My Life or Something Like It…



About Me

Over the course of my life I have been determined to join the fire department as a Firefighter/Paramedic, it has been all I have thought and dreamed about for many years. However, after an accident that drastically changed my life, and the latter discovery of a heart condition that could have easily taken my life, I came to the harsh reality that I would not be able to ride that big red truck. So at this point, I am at a standstill as to what I want to do. I have thought about nursing as well as law, social work, psychology, and journalism; however, no permanent plans have been made.

Personal Interests

I have been an avid sports fan since the day I was born. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that I came out with a softball glove and rock climbing shoes. My entire life has revolved around sports and outdoor activities. From the time I was 5 until high school, I played softball. From age 10 to 14 I played basketball as well. In the eight grade I tried a new sport: volleyball. It was okay but not really for me, considering I am only 5’2” tall. So after volleyball season ended, my best friend and I decided to hit up the local rock gym and see what the craze was all about. It was at that moment that I found my passion. From that day on, I have been in love with rock climbing. It takes the Jaws of Life to pry me off the face of a rock.

Goals In Life

My goal in life is not to be successful, nor wealthy, nor famous, but rather to be happy. I have never lived by any body else’s rules or standards, and I do not intend to start now. With all that I have gone through, I have realized that life is too short to waste time on petty things. Life is about living and about cherishing the time I have. The other most important thing is the people in my life. Without having people to care about who care about me in return, life is not worth much more than an old bottle of whiskey. To make it simple, I want a husband to love, a child to love and nurture, and time to cherish.



Latest Health News


Cardiovascular -

The pacemaker has been quite a hard thing to accept. I feel like I am entirely too young to be having one of these “old fogey contraptions” but I guess it beats dying, right? I’ve hit a few bumps in the road since the surgery, but nothing hard enough to keep me down. Each time something has gone wrong, it’s about a week in the hospital before things are running smoothly again. Of course it sucks laying in a hospital bed for that long, but it’s better to be fixed than failing. The last stay in the hospital for my heart was the week encompassing Halloween…the faults in the system were found only after an accident at the river. Otherwise nobody would have known that I needed to be reprogrammed.


Neurological -

My noggin is harder than it appears to be. I have taken so many whacks, thumps, smacks, and bumps that it is hard to keep track of which one was when and how. The most recent is, to this day, still a mystery. I know where I was and vaguely what happened, but I don’t know what hit me. All I know is that something got knocked off a platform while I was paintballing, and that I had 14 stitches and a concussion to show for it. I spent a week in the hospital for that one, only because the doctors could not get me to stop seizing. It was December 9, 2003 that I was admitted, and a week later that I was discharged. But everything is doing well now, the stitches are out and I’m on the road to recovery, yet again.



What’s Happening In My Life


Winter Break! Thank God…. but classes resume January 20, 2004.


The Sports Authority is a cool place to work in that I am surrounded by things that I love, SPORTS! However, I am absolutely ecstatic that it is only a seasonal position, otherwise I would go insane. I am not a huge fan of angry customers, so it’s not really a good day when I have to deal with them. Unfortunately that is virtually every single shift. January 17, 2004 is D-Day…so I am counting down the days!


It’s been so long since I’ve had a “personal day” that I can quite remember what it feels like! Well, I’ve had a few here and there, the most recent I spent with Chris. We went up to the cabin in Payson and spent the day hiking and climbing. It was so great to be able to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and just relax in the cool mountains. Prior to that, hmmm, I can’t really remember a time when I wasn’t working and had free time. Probably as far back as Thanksgiving. I know, it’s pathetic…


Current Undertakings

*   Trying to get over the death of my best friend

*   Saving up money to move out!

*    Writing, writing, and more writing to try and finish my third and final notebook

*    Attempting to finish a few songs that I’ve started on guitar



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Last revised: 12/26/03