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Olympik Standard

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Dave Long
Dave C.

June 22 2:42am.

Woah!! Update!! We dont get many of these round here. Well some of you may have heard I joined another band (Social Misfits), dont worry though. My loyalties are still with Olympik Standard thats just something to improve my guitar skills. I started a new poll about a singer. The results of the last one are that we are one ugly band, we must be because i won with 42% of the votes. Oh yeah Tim, Peter and who-ever else accused me of voting for myself, it was a dude called Lance (he he Lance). I think he's gay. If you have any suggestions on a singer or would like to be the singer either stick in it the poll or email me, my address is at the bottom of the page. Slán ~ Cthulhu

Welcome to our home on the web. We are Olympik Standard. We are an Irish Metal Band. We have a huge range range of influences (Mine range from Kerry King to B.B.King). We are into different styles of rock/metal from Iron Maiden to Korn to Tool to Symphony X, so we arent just your typical 4 chord and a stupid 20 second 3 note solo kinda band. As Anthrax say "BRING THE NOISE, bitch"
