As time goes on, we are beginning to write more and more songs together. This means we will display our song lyrics up here for you to check out, keep coming back for more updates. ************************************************************************************************************** NOT GETTING ANY (LEMONADE)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An unknown killer/ a silent stalker/ a newborn plague/ my final slaughter/ this thumping headache/ leaves me to dwell/ on the growing shadows/ in my private hell// cause I can't drink lemonade as I could lose everything/ all I predict will remain is my shining platinum filling// Carbon dioxide/ is far deadler/ than the monoxide/ viewed less healthier// cause I can't drink lemonade as I could lose everything/ all I predict will remain is my shining platinum filling. ************************************************************************************************************** ROADKILL - by the way, this song is mainly instrumental ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Let's kill the roads, let's kill the roads/ they've tried to kill us so many times before/ and we're just looking for some sweet revenge. ************************************************************************************************************** THEY HATE DOORS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I used to know a woman, her name was Claurice/ She used to be a model until she turned obese, and now she can't get through the// DOORS, she can't fit through the/ DOORS, she can't get through the/ DOORS, she has problems with/ DOORS// I used to know a gentle-woman, one of Claurice's many ex-lovers/ She lost so much weight, a gentle breeze will lift her, and she's sucked under// DOORS, she gets sucked under/ DOORS, she's pulled under the/ DOORS, she has problems with/ DOORS// And why couldn't they have just left their figures be/ But maybe it wasn't their choice but destiny's// they have problems with/ DOORS, they have problems with/ DOORS, they can't mess with the/ DOORS, how they hate/ DOORS// And why couldn't they have left their figures be/ But maybe it wasn't their choice but destiny's/ And why couldn't they have left their figures be/ But maybe it wasn't their choice but destiny's.