
ORAL ENTERTAINMENT********************************************************************************** Runners up in Tyneside battle of bands********************************************************************************************** Winner of prize for best lyrics*********************************************************************************************** Want to contact us? - **************************************************************************************************************** BANDMEMBERS************************************************************************************************* DOCTOR ALEX MAUCHLEN - DRUMMER AND RAPPER:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Born in Africa and raised by elephants, this boy naturally developed a jungle rhythm which evolved into pro drumming skill. However, one dark day, his mammy elephant stood on his toe causing him to kill them all in a rampage. He now continues his mission in Smailholm- TO ELIINATE ALL DRUMMER STANDING ON ELEPHANTS.After his move to the developed world Alex was hypnotised by one Thom Yorke forcing him to like Radiohead whether he wants to or not. ************************************************************************************************************** CAPTAIN ANDREW MORTON - VOCALS AND IR GUITAR:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ After escaping the grasp of island life in Orkney, Andrew was shipped to Dumpsville U.K (a.k.a Kelso). Being a keen adventurer always allows Andrew to tackle serious problems, like where the next HP sauce is coming from. Andrew is a lover of all quality music, so in other words hates Korn and Slipknot. ************************************************************************************************ CHEAP AND EASY NINA MALEY - GUITAR AND SHOUTING:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Brought up in a Selkirk concentration camp, Nina wasn't handed life on a plate. She then got moved to Yetholm. And she is blonde. Can her life get worse?Nina's musical influences range from Muse to Nirvana but her writing skills will always have the trademark from Septisemia (now known as Deception.) ************************************************************************************************************** FALLY-OVER-GUY O.B.E - BASS AND CONFUSED:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Being a "brothel baby", this poor sod never knew his parents. He soon discovered the pleasures of getting pissed out his head on cheap Australian wine- hence his name.His musical influences are unknown as he is permanently too wasted to speak, but his hair is obviously influenced by Alex's ************************************************************************************************************** MEAT EATER EXTORDINAIR LOIS TURNBULL - KEYBOARDS AND DIGEREEDOO:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Being brought up in Asia by ninja sheep, this gal is like a championy kickboxer. That's why she is the only band member we're not going to take the piss out of.