FILM REVIEWS (from the cinema, video store or tv) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PaNiCrOoM! (££££)...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Starts well as the action gets started off really quickly so you aren't bored. And the action moves quickly which is nice. The film climaxes about the middle when the robbers are trying to gas Jodie Foster out of the panic room and when she darts out to get a phone. Up until this point it had been brilliant with lots of excitement and twists in the plot. Then it trails off a bit as you can predict whether it will be a happy ending or not. All in all though it is a very good film and one of the villians is pretty evil. The major problem with the film is that you see Jodie Foster taking a leak - that was just too far for me. **************************************************************************************************************______________________ STAR WARS EPISODE 2 (£££££) When i had finished my breathtaking trip into the land far far away, i realised that this movie was shit hot and ni on orgasmic, and not only because of Natalie Portman. Twas an amazin high octane funky start which got the film well impressive with a bit of lightsabre on tiny slug carnage. Film continued well classily with groovy fights and funky beats. However was slightly concerned with the lovey dovey bit in middle, but soon after metal buts were kicked. I was also scarred mentally by the shiteness of the Aussi Jango Fetts fighting skills after all the hype, but Yoda+lightsabre ... need i say more?...