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Dont Read This---Its not like im worth it anyways
Friday, 26 September 2003
I think this is the happiest I've been in a very long time. My friend, who stopped talking to me suddenly about a year ago, is now talking to me again. I missed him so much. Knowing that hes there as a friend makes me ecstatic. I cant describe how i felt when we werent talking. All i know is that the feeling was strong and pushed me to do and think things that arent too wonderful. Now, were talking again. He called me about something for school and we ended up talking about other things. He apoligized over and over. i forgive him. I really do. I dont know what to say, im so grateful.

Posted by rock3/nostalgia62 at 10:47 AM EDT
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Friday, 5 September 2003
Mood: Depressed
Music: Taproot-Poem. On Repeat.

Today in school we had to write these Biopoem thingys. I dont know. I know ive done them every year. It gets quite boring. Well one line was:

Who feels:

Then youre supposed to fill in 3 words how u feel. I wrote Depressed, Unwanted, and Alone. My friend read it and looked at me. He said,"you feel Depressed, Unwanted and Alone?" i said sometimes. I felt bad about saying it then, cuz i was happy. But now i have that feeling no one wants to talk to me. I swear. One of my friends told me he had to reboot his comp. and then put his away message on...

im callin my friends cuz im bored.

or something to that effect. im like...WTF i was talking to you!. It makes me mad. No one cares. I bet if i killed myself no one would care. Ha! Now i know youll all post telling me not to kill myself. But then again, if things are going the way i think they are, you wont post at all. Not anything.

Posted by rock3/nostalgia62 at 6:43 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 2 September 2003
No One is leaving comments! I dont care if i know you or not! Just leave some! GRR!
School is startin tomorrow! I cant wait to see everyone. Well, not exactly everyone. Grr! But i cant wait to see most people.

Posted by rock3/nostalgia62 at 12:57 PM EDT
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Thursday, 28 August 2003
Theres this thing at the bottom of the page when i write an entry. It says post as HTML and it has a little box next to it and you can click it. So far, i havent been clicking it, but im gonna this time, and maybe that will make it show up when people search for it on google. If thats what it is, i will be so happy. And if n e one knows what it means, or why my comments arent being posted. E mail me and tell me. I will love you long time. :)

Posted by rock3/nostalgia62 at 3:06 PM EDT
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DAMN IT!!!!!!
OKAY!!!! THIS OFFICIALLY SUCKZ!!!!! My friend swore she put a comment up and i put one up myself. We were checking to see if it was even possible to comment on my page. Well, in case u havent seen whether there are any comments on this page, there arent, because of some stupid fucking reason. :) Well, if you are one of those nice people who tried to leave a comment, e mail me.
and if thats to complicated for ya
Well, i g2g, because, well, i dont know why. Hmmm...
I was thinking about switching to, cuz my friends got it, but im not so sure, ill have to keep thinking about it. Email me bout that too. I want to know if n e one reads this shit that i write :)

Posted by rock3/nostalgia62 at 3:03 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 26 August 2003
I NEED FREAKING PEOPLE TO LEAVE COMMENTS ON MY THINGY, MY BLOG. lol i forgot what it was called for a minute. HEHE!!!!!!!! Okay, now i might know why people arent leaving comments. Maybe because no one reads it. I mean, who wants to read a crazy persons journal. Oh wait, i do. DAMMIT PEOPLE LEAVE COMMENTS!!!!!!

ANYWAYS, i have to yell at my friend KENNY for making me mad enough to yell at my other friend who didnt do n e thing.

Okay, tell your friends to read my journal! Lol! No really, please do, i can always use more friends. :) Friends are fun. I need a really good guy friend though. If ya know what i mean. Lolz, im jus kiddin. Or not??? Hm...

OKay now im creeping myself out. AHHHHH!!!!!!
Okay i betr go now before i start saying even crazier things. :)

OMGosh Casey!!!!!! Lolz!

Posted by rock3/nostalgia62 at 9:26 PM EDT
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Sunday, 24 August 2003
Mood: Pissed
Music: None

Hey People. I dont even know if n e one reads this shyt i write. I want people to though. I want someone to care. Course no one does though. Please, if n e one is reading this stuff I write, drop some comments, make me feel LOVED. :)
If not, im going to have to write random things down just to get hits for when people search. :) then again, it would be fun to see if that works. :)

g2g My father is pissing me off.

Drop Freaking Comments!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by rock3/nostalgia62 at 12:24 AM EDT
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Saturday, 16 August 2003
The Evilest 16th
Mood: Nostalgic, yet happy, hmm...
Music: Silence - Utopia

Okey. Today I went to a family thing. I normally dont mind going to family things, but today i didnt really want to go. Well, i wanted to, but there were other things i would have liked to have done.
4.Outing at friends house (annual)
3.Going to mall with friend (whenevr)
2.Friends 13th Birthday (Once in her Life)
1. Concert (Good Band, not famous [yet] first real big event in Melrose)
BUT, I MISSED THEM ALL. GRRR!! I really wanted to go to that concert too! Oh well, i was with them in spirt....yeah. I listened to their CD 3 times. Oh ya, im talking about Silence, sorry. They're really cool. I met two (of three)of the band members in Cape Cod and i listened to their CD and liked it so I got it and I listen to it A LOT. They're good, they reali r.

Posted by rock3/nostalgia62 at 10:23 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 16 August 2003 10:25 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 August 2003
OMGosh. I am so sore right now. Everything. My legs, my arms, my ass. They are all sore and its botherin me. (Yes, i said my ass).
I had 3 hours of tennis Monday, Tuesday, and today, Wednesday from 9-12. Im not exaggerating, a whole 3 hours, only 15 minute break. Then Tuesday I had 2 hours of colorguard and it was more tiring then i thought it would be. Those stupid extensions were alreay hard enoough with the sore arm.
Oh well, all i got to say is that im tired and sore. If n e thing else comes to mind Ill let ya know.
P.S. I should be getting my freaking ADD/Memory Test this September.

Posted by rock3/nostalgia62 at 3:32 PM EDT
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Monday, 28 July 2003
Mood: Bored
Music: SlipKnot - (sic)
How can I be bored listening to that song?
I dont know.

I went to the Cape and it was fun. We went to the beach and shopped and stuff. Nothing I usually like to do, but i liked it. Strange. Theres nothing much to talk about.

I told my friend about the ADD thing....she thinks its hilarious. Shes never gonna let me forget that, even if i dont really have it.

I also want to get my lip pierced. I havent REALLY thought about it, so im not going to ask my mom yet, but when i think i am serious enough im going to start doing some convincing.

Posted by rock3/nostalgia62 at 3:53 PM EDT
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