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~Welcome to:

No Show

Welcome to No Show's official website...yes there may be thousands of fan sites out there,
but this one is OFFICIAL, baby.
The band currently consists of Bobby[his real name is Daniel, in case you want to send him fan mail] (guitar/vocals),
Sam (lead guitar), Travis (bass, backup vocals), and Andrew (lead drums).

12/21 - It's Winter break! All over the jesus-mas, we'll being practicing and recording. We've got "Love Theme" recorded and converted, so, email me if you want to hear it :). We also changed our name, to Trenchcoat Prom. Look for a new site soon.

9/20 - Well it's the third week of junior year, and we're back in...well, lots of different colors. And we're not really back. So we're just here. Anyway, we're thinking of changing band names, to something more hardcore. Any suggestions? "Death" and/or "Soul" should be preferably included.

7/24 - Andrew just got back from a backpacking trip - it's time to jam. Sam broke his arm in football practice, so we're going to try to trudge on without him. Some minor bio updates (more pictures coming soon when andrew gets his greasy hands on that beauty, sexiful Epson scanner. *drool* )

6/12 - Well, school's out. Extravaganza was for all purposes cancelled...but we've rehearsed alot of songs, so we'll try to get the music to ya. As always - stay tuned :)

5/13 - Yeah, we got rejected from the talent show. But, we're booked for the Spring Extravaganza. If you're in the Seattle area, plan on hearing us :). We'll try to get some pictures, as our first very public show.

5/3 - Okay, we totaled your votes on who should leave, and it was it is. We got a new guitarist, Sam, who's brought a slightly new feel. We tried out for the talent show today, IMHO it was crap. We'll keep your posted.

3/27 - We're still No Show, nevermind that name change...but we're currently deciding on a song to play for the talent show. Also, we may be re-arranging our membership (ie, someone's leaving ;) ). Possibly. Don't go hysterical on us now ;)...but if it was up to YOU, who would it be? Email me. Please.

11/23 - Thinking of changing our name, as proposed by Curt, to "Sneak-Thief"
New page, it's a picture gallery! Check it out, everyone

10/10 - Sorry to all the fans out there, but we had to take down the 'time after time' automatically playing at the main page...< Apparently, we're using too much bandwidth, because we're just too damn popular...*sigh*'s a hard life, the life of a rockstar

The sound of No Show is currently hard to describe, and is by plan undefined.
We've covered such bands as Weezer, The Ataris, Finch, Thrice (at least, we tried to.. ;) ), MXPX, and others.
We have several original songs written and rehearsed, courtesy of our fabulous tune-man, bobby.

  • Band Biographies
  • Picture Gallery
  • No Show's Music