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~All About Me~

Why I made this site

My Favorite Web Sites

Jess's Page
Kelly's Page

~~Hey here r sum shout outz 2 MUH FRIENDZ~~ JESS - Hey Jess,u broke the Bowling alley!! o well they can live with it!! we needa have 3 parties in a row soon, that wuz soo much fun... the book is turning out really good so far!!! BFF LYLAS!! KELLY - WOW!! i'm only 2 yrs old!!!! she looked @ me funny when i said that... the worst part is... it happened twice.... wit u and Cordy!! how weird am i?!?! o well, we needa go get Bella sum new clothes... from build-a-bear... o yea and... "BELLA BELLA BELLA BELLA BELLA!!!" BFF LYLAS!!!! RACHI - hey... i still ABSOLUTLY love Dan, and i know it makes u annoyed when i tell ya but iz just sooo fun 2 make u mad.... no not really... but ne way... I MISS U SOOO MUCH!!!!! come back 2 visit us sumtime!!!!PLZ?!?! CYNCIA - heyness Cyncianessmiss thisness isness soness weirdness don'tness youness agreeness?? i'ma stop that now it's too long 2 write... well, I really don't have that much 2 say... so ttyl LYLAS!! CORDY - the Ticket Booth Lady has a funny stare.... especially when i say i only 2!! geeze how stupid am i?!? we needa go back 2 bulid-a-bear and her ur mom's bear... George wuz it? well i think it wuz, we needa get him sum more bows and mayb a dress next time!!! lol hahaha!!! j/k but that would b funny... BFF LYLAS!!! KAYLA - Hey ur cool, hoope u can come 2 da party we r gunna have this summa!!! iz gunna b fun....'Kevin' wants us 2 walk over 2 his house 2 visit him... may-b he'll b sleeping in his car again... GILARIOUS!!! hahaha well ttyl... LYLAS!!! jus a lil info u should know bout me if u don't already know me.... i absolutly LOVE Daniel Radcliffe and Harry Potter!!!!!!!!!!! ok that's it.... ttyl.... Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!