Mr. Mack's Home

I've officially given up on ever having a life. If you're reading this, you're probably not going to ever help the situation. ¨ˆ¨ˆ
Read the disclaimer, or not. Either way. You know, whatever. FYI I added some "easter eggs" to my website. If you find one, you get to read a story that isn't open to the general public.


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The Life of Triangle.New stuff as of 11/29

The Adventures of Peat and Jim
The stories of a boy and his bass guitar.
Episode 1 Episode 2 Epsiode 3 Episode 4
Finally, what you've all been waiting for. The Adventures of Peat and Jim Episode 5!
Episode 6Episode 7
***Bonus Material*** Episode 7 Competition! ***Over*** No Episode 8?!?!?

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Mr. Mack's Mind
Link to this place

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