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Random quotes from random people...aka US!

* can i get your 7 digits? ~ ericka
* i got the last pop! ~ ericka
* this is definitely permission slip material ~ claire in spanish
* hey costy, can you pour some pepper in my hand? ~ spinner at wendy’s
* i'm a butt slut! ~ carrie
* i've made a boy cry....i hit him! ~ courtney
* they make noise when they kiss???!! ~ carrie
* where's molly?"....."where's barber?"
* do i hear....whales? ~ courtney
* they should make a movie about you and just call it Carrie Hoyt! ~ barber
* claire’s talking like an englander! ~ carrie
* "the sign says ‘85 billion served’!"  
   "that’d be like everyone in china eating mcdonald’s 85 times a day!" ~ spinner & kester
* you can't change the variable, stupid! ~ kester
* they're towing my car?!?! ~ carrie
* he has a velcro butt! ~ carrie
* "it's weird, i can only open the windows from my controls.....i think all of 
the other controls have been broken for like a month!" 
  "well, is the window lock on?"
  "oh hey! they work now!" ~ carrie & kim
* i'm in shape.....round is a shape ~ costy
* i own courtney's ass ~ costy 
* can we play that one game, ya know, the one where you tell us to say 
those one things in the certain amount of time? 
* kim, i don’t know where the light switch is ~ carrie
* 17 people?! that’s, like, more than 1/5 of us!! ~ carrie
* who's lee harvey oswald? ~ carrie
* hit it from the back ~ costy to zinger (about the computer)
* el finger! ~ carrie
* my normally sweet nature turns violent when it comes to defending my territory ~ kim
* i am daurer, hear me roar ~ daurer
* wait a sec, what was the first thing you made fun of me for again? ~ carrie
* oh, i forgot a sports bra and i’m sitting in the 
back of the bus. i’m gonna have a black eye ~ shayla
* that’s breakin’ the law ~ oklahoma
* if we’re trying to cheat, don’t tell the truth! ~ regan
* hoot, hoot ~ tamra
* if we get pulled over, go limp ~ austin
* costy's quotes:
  i can't put out anymore ~ 3/6/03
  i'm not done playing with it ~ 3/5/03
  can i get some action over here?
* my pants say husky on them! ~ dbug ... my shirt says too fucking fat! ~ kester
* how you doin? ~ juan
* "you suck!" ... that’s offensive! ~ jason
* did you know it’s earth day? ~ barber
* i think the girls need to go to the bathroom 
now ~ juan
* there's MASCARA in my HAIR!! ~ carrie 
* what is up my brothers ~ molly
* i’ll be quiet if you tell me where my keys are! ~ shayla
* which plate do we use for bread? ~ mike king
* can we have a box for the sticky buns? ~ ashley
* that’s why people are vegetarians ~ thomas
* i’m just going to go to a cabin in the woods 
for my honeymoon because i won’t be seeing any of 
the scenery anyway!! ~ ali 
* ali, i know this may seem kind of 
sudden.... ~ ross 
* by the way, who are you?? ~ jim
* we just bang ~ becker
* do you think ross can hear us? ... he probably just thinks we're mumbling ~ carrie & kim
* how long are you girls staying? ~ austin & ross
* are we gonna lose?  tech-no!! ~ frat guys
* "B-U!"   They forgot the T-L-E-R! ~ carrie
* stack the chands & stairs! ~ daurer
* i don't think toilets are contagious ... unless they're like herpes! ~ carrie & barber
* yo brah ~ barber ... my name's carrie ~ carrie
* who's crispy?....who's chris b?....who's chris?....crispity crunchity ~ carrie
* if kim wins, i get a backrub, if ross wins, i get a backrub....either way i win, 
and i'm not even playing! ~ carrie
* i am very proficient with a syringe now ~ carrie
* hang on carrie, i have another call... ~ kim
* i can't talk & think at the same time! ~ carrie
* hello my name is bloat...and it's been a week since i've eaten ~ carrie
* carrie, austin just shot me! ~ kim
* oh yea, I AM SQUISHY, hear me...squish... ~ steve
* squishies don't get jiggy with it...they squish! ~ carrie
* my bosy ~ carrie
* i need something i can swallow! ~ carrie
* kim's a whole new continent ~ carrie
* how about the renaissance? isn't that a lunar period? ~ carrie
* steve: ross was somewhere near me....
  carrie: you know he was on your lap
  steve: okay, yes, actually we were making out if
          you must know
  carrie: too much information!
  steve: he's a good kisser
  carrie: i wouldn't know yet!
  steve: haha, i've gone farther with ross than you have!
* why does everyone always leave when i turn out the lights? ~ steve
* i made out with ross! ~ steve
* you're a couple of hot tamales! ~ steve
* you can make a sundae out of that? ~ kim
* you're a dork in a sea of nerds ~ frank
* the poor muffler ~ ellyn
* hello satan ~ jim to erin
* if steve gets one hair cut each week, he'll have them all cut by the end of the year ~ austin
* i need to be de-flowered ~ kim 
* that's one guy you don't want to fuck with ~ rounders ... what if you just want to fuck him? ~ kim
* either way, i'm screwed ~ kim .... not a problem! ~ steve
* kim, keep your dress on! ~ carrie & ross .... take it off! ~ steve
* i still don't know which dress i'm wearing! ~ carrie
* this is the longest we've held hands and it's the closest we'll get to hugging! ~ ross & steve
* do we get to do anyhting? ~ carrie & kim ... no! ~ ross & steve
* i've never been caught...i'm just really good ~ steve
* well, ironically, my parents are in dubuque this weekend and they think i'm in 
chicago for a 50th wedding anniversary, which was actually two years ago ~ steve
* how about a game of strip twister? ~ carrie & kim
* or strip girls strip, we'll play poker ~ ross & steve
* you two be good tonight ~ jill ... only 55 more minutes, i can do that! ~ ross
* don't worry, it's just porn ~ the movie guy
* relax, we'll change and be there ~ steve
* i'm a package deal ~ ross
* why's steve driving? oh, it's his car... ~ carrie & kim
* I just can't read this Russian anymore! ~ kim
* Do you realize it's like we're both dating him...but you're getting the benefits? ~ kim
* My hand is obese! ~ carrie
* There IS a difference between music and sleep...contrary to what you may think. ~ daurer
* Betty Crocker and the Pillsbury Dough Boy...just imagine those kids! ~ garty
* If R. Kelly and Michael Jackson met, maybe they'd get off the kids and on each other! ~ biz
* It's not so much not winning... ~ carrie 
* Now all we need is someone to be pregnant... ~ carrie . . . i'll do it! ~ kim
* Alright, i'm coming better not be naked! unless i want you to be naked... ~ carrie
* does that mean I'm my own bad influence? ~ carrie
* okay...either the skirt got smaller or i got fatter... ~ carrie
* don't worry carrie, i'm sure your skirt just got switched with someone else's ~ costy (in an attempt to make 
carrie feel better)
* i AM pretty. ~ jonathan
* my boobs and my stomach just sorta mesh together as one big blob... ~ tracy
* if we take half of ONE of shayla's boobs, then we'd get the size of both of carrie's put together. ~ tracy (in a 
lunchtime conversation about the two boob extremes....shayla & carrie)
* if i wasn't drunk right now, i'd think you were drunk ~ cory
* wait, so if failing is a 69 and i got a 68...i got a D! ~ kim, refering to precalc...hence the F 
* my scrotum is not a punching bag ~ cory
* peachy mango ~ kim
* i'm not an autistic boy! ~ carrie
* the tire guys did it...or didn't do it actually ~ kim 
* your hand is like a limp dick ~ carrie 
* divide, then divide again! ~ cory (about his road signs)
*  how do you know we're in rock island? ~ carrie 
   because there was a sign when we got off the bridge that said rock island! ~ cory
* the ice cube has migrated! ~ kim 
* i used a big word!
  yeah, like 8 letters 
  no, it's only 7
  sorry, i guess i overestimated your intellegence! ~ kim & cory talking about how kim used the word "baffles"   
* look at me turn around ~ steve
* you'd make a scary girl ~ kim to cory 
* i thought i dreamed about beavers & platypi again, but i didn't...i don't think... ~ kim  
* it's the most serious part of the play and you're laughing! ~ carrie to cory 
* you can't swim with legs (or something along those lines) ~ steph 
  says the girl who swam for 13 years ~ cory 
* well, since i almost french kissed your girlfriend, i thought i'd better call and say hi ~ steve to ross
* 123, break! ~ our huddle in the parking lot ~ steve, steph, kim, cory
* i think it's this street...or that one...maybe ~ kim  
* using the change machine is like trying to win the lottery! ~ cory
* look at me, i'm a wisconsiner. i can cut across two lanes of traffic! ~ cory  
* you uncultured swine ~ cory 
* i'm not looking! ~ lisa
* i can still hear you! ~ lisa
* my mind is like a squirrel that runs out into the middle of the road and is almost to the other side 
but when a car comes it runs all the way back to the first side ~ carrie
* if you see a deer, honk! ~ mama hoyt
* stephen michael mapes! answer your damn look! ~ kim
* i jerked off five times already today! ~ brad
* i'll have gray-haired, wrinkly balls! ~ brad
* that's not water...that's melted ice ~ cory
* well, you can't take pictures in victoria's secret cause i got kicked out of the store for that once ~ cory
* do whatever you want with me ~ carrie 
* i'm a lesbian ~ steve
* can we go skinny dipping?......darn, that's too bad, because we're all wearing white shirts  
  we can find some water ~ carrie & steve
* we're going down! ~ carrie & kim
* we have glittery cleavage! ~ carrie, kim, steph, amber
* she's wet. not down there, up there ~ ali
* my purse is in my keys ~ carrie
* she'll eat anything she can get her mouth on ~ steve
* can we have more...please?! 
  oh come on steve, they should make it an even two.. 
  okay, fine, i give up ~ carrie, steve, steph
* how do we know if we are drunk? we've never been drunk before! ~ carrie
* we put some gum in our mouths, and then we chewed it. that's how we ate gum ~ carrie
* kim and joe....SHUT UP! ~ carrie
* steve, am i drunk?
  just a little ~ carrie & steve
* i'm not drunk! ~ carrie
* shhhh...we can't talk when we go inside cause there's a cop and we're drunk ~ carrie
* "do you have ice?" 
  "me either" 
  "oh well...!" (and a kiss follows)
* we trust steve and cor-- 
  well...we trust steve ~ kim & carrie
* joe, don't let us have anymore...  10 seconds later....
  joe, we want some more!! 
  i can't give you more 
  because you told me not to... 
  oh yeah... ~ carrie, joe
* carrie, shhh...your dad's in the kitchen with no pants on ~ kim
* thanks to you guys, i'm still picking glitter out of my hair...... ~ cory
* come get some! ~ tim, aaron, bryan
* she's my child molestee ~ tim, about his girlfriend
* you wanna know the last time i barfed? well, i couldn't tell ya! ~ lee, when she's drunk
* i'm not drunk ~ tanner
* it's rodeo time fuckers ~ california...our new floor quote
* once we beat this game we'll give you both head...that was false ~ tim
* i have a big mouth, so i give good head ~ tim
* my legs have been open too long! ~ shannon
* you want to see my pee? ~ shannon
* i lost my virginity to a siamese hooker...with one eye ~ kurt
* you gave me mono...damn you! ~ andy
  it's the giving season, you should thank her ~ kurt
  thanks, kim ~ andy
  like you mean it, damnit! ~ kurt
* i noticed you have a do i...let's lick ~ tim
* UglyWhiteRetard: if I had to look at crusty vaginas all day I would shoot myself ~ tim

 Last Modified: 9 Jan 2005 

Eighth Grade Memories
Freshman Memories
Sophomore Memories
Junior Memories
Senior Memories
Florida Memories
Dance Memories
Summer Memories
College Memories
The Beast...aka our favorite quotes
Pictures (email: password: monkey)