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Dance Memories

Memories from dances at AHS!
 ~*~Homecoming 2002~*~

* “plans” for homecoming
* molly & kim’s dress
* chuckie cheese, village inn, happy joe’s, or azteca?
* mariachi band
* azteca ~ 4, el rodeo ~ 0
* “i think the girls need to go to the bathroom 
now.” ~ juan at azteca (so the guys can have a conversation)
* sarah, kim, jill, & kathleen all going in the bathroom together
* fake nails
* juan eating the flower petal with sugar
* the whole dance
* our group ninja picture
* juan’s battle wound
* kim & sarah’s evil plans
* spanish dances
* “holy spirit” during slow dances
* kim & juan, jill & lewin, kathleen & costy, sarah & kester, carrie & duggleby, claire & spinner
* after homecoming
* changing in the street outside jill’s house
* sleeping on the floor
* dance party
* american gladiators
* molly & barber
* blackmail pictures
* finally sleeping at 4:30, waking up at 9
* breakfast ~ m&m’s, brownies
* truth or dare
* watching cartoons

~*~Turnabout 2003~*~

* austin and craig's "references" at dinner 
* our trips to the bathroom
* molly telling carrie how to go to the bathroom in her dress
* juan worming
* austin's "timon" re-enactment
* "there's MASCARA in my HAIR!!" ~ carrie 
* running around looking for lip gloss...5 girls and not having any 
* molly getting in trouble for not kicking the guys out
* our ice cream and marshmallows
* kim and jill's spanish dance
* dips!
* stopping completely at green lights.....
* kim & courtney's road trip around town at 2:30 in the morning

~*~Prom 2003~*~

* pictures at vander veer 
* austin being late for pictures
* the girls sinking in the mud
* pictures with the statues
* dbug’s “adam” bench
* waiting forever to leave the park
* stopping downtown so frank can catch up
* girls with austin, guys & ashley with frank
* random turn signals
* gigantic, gorgeous, fully stocked bathrooms at dinner
* dinner at the arsenal country club
* abc’s of anorexia
* only the guy’s menus having prices
* interesting dinner conversations
* tracy thinking butter was whipped cream
* “which plate do we use for bread?” ~ mike king
* austin being the only one who knows what he’s doing
* ashley flipping her chair over
* “can we have a box for the sticky buns?” ~ ashley
* truffles for dessert
* making our own butter
* shirley temples & will rogers’
* stealing combs from the bathroom
* driving around the golf course
* austin swerving on the highway
* awesome decorations at holiday inn
* trying to fit 33 people into our group formal picture
* the guys trying to be eminem
* austin & frank’s lawnmower dance
* kim, carrie & claire’s plan
* ditching our dates
* draude threatening to kick us out
* changing at dbug’s
* austin forgetting shoes
* millea forgetting a belt
* after-prom at assumption
* carrie & barber boxing
* after-after-prom at ashley’s
* tons of food
* everyone falling asleep right away
* kim & austin being the only ones to stay awake all night
* hot tub
* goldeneye
* three straight movies
* mel brooks movies
* carrie’s evil morning look
* 7:30 mass at sacred heart...right, we were "there"

~*~ Turnabout 2004~*~

* ross & steve knowing we were going to ask them...a week before we actually did it
* damn assumption calendars
* a certain pair of guys are way too curious for their own good... 
* we have all of our plans we just need to ask them!
* steak & shake at 2:30 in the morning
* carrie & kim's blackmail
* carrie & kim getting dressed at 3:30 and picking the guys up 20 minutes late because we still weren't ready
* "i still don't know which dress i'm wearing!" ~ carrie
* seeing 4 cops and almost getting stopped by one
* reckless & crazy ~ hello reckless...hello crazy
* fuming ourselves out of the car with perfume
* kim spraying perfume in her mouth
* the last minute dress fix so carrie's dress stays up
* lisa's a dusty rose between two red roses & a thorn between two roses
* executive decisions
* "pretending" to pin flowers on the guys ~ we definitely can't do it!
* "this is the longest we've held hands and it's the closest we'll get to hugging!" ~ ross & steve
* they open doors for us!!
* kim's deflowering comment...
* doesn't even need an explanation
* bathroom expeditions ~ carrie & kim
* the question game
* ross & steve not letting us pay
* "do we get to do anyhting?" ~ carrie & kim ... "no!" ~ ross & steve
* our getting caught discussion
* "i've never been caught...i'm just really good" ~ steve
* every time we try to whisper, steve can still somehow hear us
* bathroom conversations ~ girls make friends...guys go in, do their stuff, get out
* trying to make the guys wear glitter
* if you're deflowered...can you be reflowered?
* rhode island...neither a road nor an island...discuss
* "either way, i'm screwed" ~ kim
* steve's lie about where he is
* "well, ironically, my parents are in dubuque this weekend and they think i'm in 
chicago for a 50th wedding anniversary, which was actually two years ago" ~ steve
* the guys not realizing they had crackers
* cheesecake...mmmm
* carrie managing to eat
* what stains white shirts?
* steve's wearing a lampshade! 
* carrie & kim trying not to talk to the guys...but only lasting less than 10 minutes
* girls are like cell phones ~ either on or off...guys are like 
pdas ~ they can do a few things at once, but not much
* "i can't put any money in my dress cause there's nothing for it to go in" ~ kim
* camera flashes blinding us every 2 seconds
* steve telling us exactly what we do in bathrooms
* "how about a game of strip twister?" ~ carrie & kim
* "or strip girls strip, we'll play poker" ~ ross & steve
* stealing decorations
* kim not losing her shoes
* steve dancing with mcferren
* brown-eyed girl is now green-eyed and blue-eyed girl
* syrupy sweet punch
* ross spinning kim like a top
* steve knowing our song ~ bouncing off the walls
* ross blinding himself with the camera
* the last song ~ wonderful tonight
* carrie & kim both sitting on the table, hitting their elbows, and putting their shoes on the same way
* kim acting drunk around draude
* "you two be good tonight" ~ jill ... "only 55 more minutes, i can do that!" ~ ross
* trying to have the guys make out in the back seat
* renting How To Deal and making the movie guy hide it in a bag
* "don't worry, it's just porn" ~ the movie guy
* calling miguel, steve explaining it 
to ross, carrie & kim calling steve to yell at him, steve not answering his phone 
because he knew he would get yelled at
* the guys threatening to not go to kim's house
* "relax, we'll change and be there" ~ steve
* tickling...they never get tired of ot
* "that's one guy you don't want to fuck with" ~ rounders ... "what if you just want to fuck him?" ~ kim
* the hitting attack ~ carrie & kim hitting ross & steve for 10 minutes straight
* carrie not being able to sit still for a backrub
* carrie & kim falling off the couch
* ross & carrie taking up 3/4 of the couch & still not being comfortable...
steve & kim having the other 1/4 & being perfectly fine
* hick teeth
* steve's play-by-play of the movie
* "i'm a package deal" ~ ross
* taking another 15 minutes from when we get off the couch for the guys to leave
* "why's steve driving? oh, it's his car..."
* carrie & kim being too lazy to go all the way upstairs to sleep
* scratch-n-sniff thongs, anyone?

~*~Prom 2004~*~

 Last Modified: 26 Jun 2004 


Eighth Grade Memories
Freshman Memories
Sophomore Memories
Junior Memories
Senior Memories
Florida Memories
Summer Memories
College Memories
The Beast...aka our favorite quotes
Pictures (email: password: monkey)