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My Little Corner of the World

Resurrecting the list...You Know You're a Band Geek If...

You still and always will find "Sax-a-ma-PHONE!"

So I haven't updated in forever and it'll probably be another forever since I don't have the heart to put into it at the moment...we'll see I'm still behind...but I decided to work backwards... 1/22/03 ~ added link to pictures! 1/25/03 ~ added more pictures and memories (junior & dances) 4/7/03 ~ added absolutely nothing new....i know, i'm a slacker! 4/13/03 ~ new junior memories (just for you, carrie!) 4/19/03 ~ okay carrie, mcdonald's is on here now, right after juan tripping in history 5/11/03 ~ prom is now in dances, plus more junior memories 6/17/03 ~ rest of the junior memories from the year, plus summer memories are started 7/9/03 ~ new summer memories 8/30/03 ~ summer is now up to date 9/2/03 ~ more pictures...summer, prom, etc. 10/5/03 ~ got my act together and started senior memories....carrie, the butler trip is there now!!! 11/9/03 ~ more senior...and pictures 12/29/03 ~ pictures & senior memories 1/19/04 ~ turnabout is in dances! 1/25/04 ~ added the beast, quotes, and a few more memories to turnabout 2/15/04 ~ more beast, quotes, senior, pictures 2/29/04 ~ stuff from this weekend is started 3/7/04 ~ senior is good to go 5/13/04 ~ new pictures ~ florida, indiana, senior pics 8/13/04 ~ dancing is up 8/14/04 ~ changed the background cause steve was tired of the old one, added more memories from the summer, and changed the hi part too...added some cool new people :) 9/19/04 ~ started the college page, added more awesome people 12/27/04 ~ changed the background, added a code that automatically tells when each page was changed in any way...updates may be forthcoming 1/5/05 ~ more new stuff from school 1/7/05 ~ new college pictures, memories 1/18/05 ~ new quotes, thanks to mary and her supply of books :) 2/2/05 ~ more college memories, plus a movie andy made of kurt 2/8/05 ~ new stuff yo... FRANK'S COMING TO VISIT IN MAY!!!! :) Hi to the Peanut Gallery/Nutty Buddies ~ Cashew, Coconut, Macadamia, Oyster Cracker, Almond & Peanut!!! hi to carrie, austin (the one and only coconut), frank, steve, ross, steph, cory, joe, both bryans, aaron, shannon (something cool), mary, robyn, tim, andy, kurt, andrew, that other brian kid, garrett, courtney, feeney, amber, derrick, garty, kristen, kathleen, juan, tyler, claire, kester, kendra, caitlin, spinner, dbug, amber, colin, chelsea (both of you!), lisa, jackie, joel, megan e, andrew g, jessica, andrew s, jill w, andrea s, and anyone else i forgot because i seem to have memory lapses often....
Last Modified: 8 Feb 2005

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Eighth Grade Memories
Freshman Memories
Sophomore Memories
Junior Memories
Senior Memories
Florida Memories
Dance Memories
Summer Memories
College Memories
The Beast...aka our favorite quotes
Pictures (email: password: monkey)