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Welcome To MetalRag Online!!!!

Thanks for visiting MetalRag Online!!! We are currently under construction and will be completely up and running on 10/01/03.
The big news as of late is the impending ProgPower 4 in Atlanta, GA on Friday, September 5th and Saturday, September 6th, 2003. Headliners Nightwish and Rage will be accompanied by Symphony X, Evergrey, Vandenplas, Circle II Circle, Mercenary, Redemption, Secret Sphere, and Pagans Mind. Last year I was ecstatic with my first trip to Progpower at Atlanta and one year later I am even more excited to be awestruck with the magnificent production that is promoter Glenn Harveston. Much has been said about Progpower and the selection of bands but little has been said about how awesome a concert experience it is. I was so impressed with the fact that it was so well organized. From the start times sometimes even starting a few minutes EARLY!!! (Yes, EARLY!!!!???) to the great selection vendors to the great stage, lights, and seating, Progpower is a great atmosphere to be around. After being so impressed last year I chose to become a sponsor to do what ever I could to help. So this year I am a partial sponsor for the German band Rage. I am so happy to be able to help in any way to give the fans(which I am the biggest of the genre) something as good as what Glenn delivers. Glenn is a promoter but not a promoter he acts like (Was that Yoda talking?) He is an average joe who wanted to do something and instead of sitting on his ass he got up and tried...and it worked. It took a few shows to get to this level but what is worth the trouble usually does. He has no ego and has a sense of humor and a soutjern charisma and charm that makes you want to ask again if he is a promoter. I look forward to seeing him in action and having a drink with him. A special thanks goes out to all those who have made ProgPower possible, see you in Atlanta!!!!!!!- Sean Quigley

Some Great Power Metal Links

Steel Attack
Iced Earth
Gamma Ray
Ion Vein
The David Shankle Group
Steel Prophet
