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My Page

Welcome to the point of no return. You came here on your own free will, mind you. I can't blame you for being mildly afraid, I would be too. But I don't mean you any harm, you have my word.

My only intent with this page is let the world see a different side of its self. The side that spawned forth a beautiful creature named Viggo Mortensen.

What person wouldn't fall in love with his deep personality, his love for what he does, maturity beyond his years, talent to let him do so many things, and not to mention...oh yeah...he's attractive!

I admit, I was a bit weary of this man at first, too (I was just begining to mature and liked pretty guys ((not that Viggo isn't pretty...he's just not LOOK AT ME! I'M PRETTIER THAN MY WIFE/GIRL FRIEND! No, Viggo's ruggedly handsome.)).) Well, it wasn't until I saw him in the Prophecy and then a while later in 28 days did I take full notice. Well, I got on the web and checked this guy out. Low and behold, he was not only an actor but he's an ARTIST! Woah!

You can imagine my surprise. I myself am an artist. I love drawing, painting, poetry, short stories...some interesting stuff like that. But I never knew what real art was until I checked out some of his stuff!

So anyway, now that I'm rambling...(which you will find I do A LOT...) I've got links to his biography, pictures, art work...what not.

Below are some random things I've found and quizes I've taken! I'm sure you'll all be SURPRISED by the results. (But all the quizzes were really fun because I answered them truthfully and still got Viggo/Aragorn!!! How weird! Must be a sign...ok, I'm rambling again...) So take a few and see what YOUR results are...


I am...

I'm Viggo Mortensen!

Which Fellowship Actor are YOU?




If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Aragorn, Man of the West, leader of the Rangers who guard the hobbits.

In the movie, I am played by Viggo Mortensen.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software


  • My #1 result for the selector, Who should be your Lord of the Rings Lover?, is Aragorn- You like 'em tall, dark, and sexy beyond belief. Mreow.

  • My #2 result for the selector, Who should be your Lord of the Rings Lover?, is Boromir- You like 'em dead. Hey, he was kinda cute before he died and all.


    You're Doomed to be Strider!

    There isn't too much difference between the film you and the book you but unlike your Bakshi counterpart, it's nice to see you decided to wear pants! It must be noted, however, your Hobbit fancying is getting a little worrisome this time around. Oh and they did have baths in Middle Earth, ask any Hobbit!

    Which member of the Fellowship are you doomed to be?

    brought to you by


    My favorite quiz...only because the results are completely and truthfully accurate! My ideal mate IS Aragorn...::sultry smile::

    My ideal mate is Aragorn!

    Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate?
    brought to you by Quizilla


    Ah, Moody Aragorn.
    Moody Aragorn

    What Lord of the Rings Male and Mood Do You Desire?
    brought to you by Quizilla


    You speak like Viggo! I will now label you multi-
    talented, sexy, and your voice makes me sleepy.

    Which LotR male cast member do you sound like?
    brought to you by Quizilla


    You have Aragorn eyes! You're pretty much fed up
    with these other losers and quite bored. After
    all, you are king and you already have a hot
    chick... what else do you need? Who really
    cares about that ring anyway?

    Which Lord of the Rings Character's Eyes do you have?
    brought to you by Quizilla


    oh so hunky!
    Your Ideal Guy Is Aragorn! Rough, wild, windswept
    and rugged, you have a taste for royalty, and
    you'll go to any lengths to get him - even boot
    that Arwen-gal off her horse! He's tall, dark,
    handsome and a deft-hand at Orc slaying. What
    more could a girl ask for?

    what Lord of the rings man gets you hot?
    brought to you by Quizilla


    I think it's official, you are obsessed!

    How obsessed with LOTR are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla


    You are Aragorn. You are big and strong- if even a
    little bit full of yourself. However- you are a
    good leader, and people actually seem to listen
    to you. The opportunity to order people around
    is one that you cannot let down. Battle is a good opportunity for you to show off
    your hard-core manliness and skill with a
    sword. Get a life.

    LOTR - Which Helm's deep Soldier are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla



    My other web page