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I Am Lunchbox


I got reall y bored tonite and decided that my profile couldnt hold all i wanted to say.

Premiering tonite only, the All New RANT PAGE (updated 9-21-03)

Bored? Email Me!<

MY BANDS PICS! <----- these are over 2 years old

PROFILE! (8-19-03)


Drums!!!! (10-01-03)


This song made me figure out so many things one being that religion is a big joke. its only important that you have faith. not what religion you are or what invisble man you pray to. Religion is a tool of thought, trying to get each and everyone of us to think alike, something public schools have moer than succeded at. Need proof? watch TRL, listen to the radio, you will hear/see the same shit all the time: manufactured bullshit. Rant over

Dream Theater - "Lines in the Sand"


This Guy is also my hero: From an Auction on Ebay