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About My Website

Hey! My website contains info on four main topics: U.S. Marine Corps, Martial Arts (and Tang Soo Do Karate), Criminal Justice, and Christian topics. I would like to join the U.S. Marine Corps. I train in Tang Soo Do. I am taking Criminal Justice, and am a Christian. (My site will also tell a little about me.) Whether or not you have any interest in any of the above mentioned topics, I invite you to browse my site. My website is currently under construction, but please continue to check back as I will be adding more to it. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

UPDATE 12/19/03

Merry Christmas! God bless you in this holiday season, and have a safe Christmas and New Year. A friend of mine just joined the Marine Corps Delayed Entry Program, and I will be joining in about a month. My friend and I are going to go in on the buddy program, so we will be going to boot camp together. We should be going to boot camp next September.

[My Marine Corps Page]

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get this gear!

Four Things About Me

  • I train in Tang Soo Do Karate
  • I would like to join the U.S. Marine Corps
  • I take Criminal Justice
  • Did I mention that I love taking Martial Arts?

My Favorite Web Sites

A Christian Martial Arts website.
A great site with tournament info and other information
A super cool website about Marine Corps info and a whole other lot of stuff dealing with the Marines. (Not an official Marine Corps website.)
A great site to get Martial Arts equipment and lots more! (Good prices also.)
Website for Black Belt Mag.
Asian World of Martial Arts, another pretty good MA equipment site.
Lots of Martial Arts things. Free e-mail, tournament info, school info, movie info, etc.
Has a store, articles, MA dictionary, e-cards, and more.
Jackie Chan's official site.
Chuck Norris' official site.
Super cool site! (FBI)
Also super cool! (CIA)
Need a map or directions? Want to know how long it will take do to get where you are going? Good site.
Need some tips for dressing nice, or for your interview? For females.
Dressing nice tips. For males.
Good tips for finding a job.
Official recruiting site for the U.S. Marine Corps
Official website for the U.S. Marine Corps.
Official site for Parris Island where all female and some males go to boot camp.
Martial Arts Humor (I have not been through the whole site so I don't know if it has swearing or anything else not appropriate.)
