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The Legend Killer
~Scene 1~
The Hardcore Revolutionary Wrestling scene begins with the crowd filing through their seats when "EVOlution" by Motorhead plays throughout the PA system as Randy Orton comes walking out and stops at the top ramp and poses as pyeo goes off and the fans throw boo's at him as he ignores it and contiues down the ramp

[ - Randy Orton- ]
Randy Orton grabs a microphone and begins to speak as the smirk on his face gets bigger.

~Randy Orton~
It's so sad you people boo greatness, but anyways, t the point. Theodore Long gives me a match at World War 3 with the champ and the chump....K-Nyne and Kaos Chase. Now Kaos Chase I wanted a one on one match with you to show you that if you ever did step in the ring with me it would be The "Ledgend Killer" coming out on top, cause see Kaos in WWE you faced my former Evolution partner Triple H and yea you won but see you never faced me. You and your friend K-Nyne ran WWE and see your time here is not up, no, it won't ever start, you or K-Nyne, K-Nyne's run as World Heavyweight Champion will not last very long, see your looking at the future of this business, I'm a third generation superstar, I have taken out people like *Shawn Michaels*, *Mick Foley*, and *The Rock*, and most importantly of all Harley Race.....

Randy Orton smiles and smirks as he thinks of what he did to the Ledgendary King of Wrestling

~Randy Orton~
See Kaos our history may not be historic but you took something from me, something that was mine, MY WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!! The title that K-Nyne has around his waist is mine, I should be wearing it right now, but you stole that away from me. My Dream was always to become a World Champion, and always wanted to be known as the best, and I had that chance to do that at Six Feet Under , a chance to prove that I was better than everyone else, a chance to pove that I was a LEDGEND. Kaos you took the most prized posession in someones life, and it was gonna be apart of my life, but once again, ONCE AGAIN!!!

Randy pauses as he calms down and brings back his cocky grin

~Randy Orton~
But see I'm not out here to talk about the Kaos Chase or the World Heavyweight Chump. I'm out here to announce my tag team partner.......see I had to find someone who I could rely on, a monster, a beast........his name is........

Randy points to the stage and smiles as he waits for his mystery partner........


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