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        Years ago, the Lanett School System was the pride of our city.  Everyone knew we had the best school system around.  As the years passed, the quality of our school system has denigrated to a point where it is now the worst school system in our area. 

        In time, parents sought other solutions.  Unfortunately, all of these alternatives have laid waste to our system.  The addition of a private school and a steady exodus of families from our area, combined with the lack of new families moving into our district will eventually cost us all.  Being an "undesirable schools" community, our housing prices will fall, which will lead to loss of business, which will perpetuate decreased housing sales, and on it goes.  We cannot sit aside and watch our children leave home every school day to go to an inferior education system.  This is not what our taxes are paid for.  This is not what we want to give to our children.

        The issue is leadership.  We have been through several superintendents in the past few years.  None have been able to revamp the system.  We believe it is time to cast aside our pride in a city-run school system and do what is best for the education of the children.  What's best may be a totally new approach to managing our school system ...or to eliminate it.      

        In order for our community, elected officials, and school board to truly understand the opinions of our citizens, you are invited to provide your input in our discussions.  No registration is required.  No names are needed.    Rant, rave, or praise - your input and honesty does matter.

        Send a message to our school system and fellow parents that you want it to change and you want it now.  Fix Lanett schools or allow our children to have a better education in the Chambers County system.

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