Yo, yo, yo! What is up g-dawgs? Yea, Lauren told me to tell y'all that. She also told me to make one of these damn picture page things like she's got. So I thought, what the hell. So she is here right now 'helping me'. We're very dirrty together! OK, anyway, let's get started, shall we?

This is an older photo of me. See, I was soooo cute back then. But also, I was a major virgin whore and a total mall rat. I was like Quinn from Daria. I was just to peppy. So Lauren helped me out. I am de-virginized and I have a great boyfriend! But once Lauren gave herself that rock make-over, she just had to do me next. I don't look as good as her with that whole Christina Aguilera look, but whatever! You'll see my new photos later. Before we get to that, here are two of my favorite photos of Lauren!

This was Lauren when she was still that ever so hot brunette! I thought she was hot like that! I have always had a thing for brunettes! Hell, that's why I dyed my hair a golden brown color. But ain't she just sexy?

Speaking of sexy, here is a newer photo of Lauren - post-makeover look. She is hot there too! Hell, Lauren is hot all over! But I like this photo of her. She's real cute. But what can I say? She is my lover! She has to be cute to get into my panties!

Here is my boyfriend, Joshua with a shirt barely on and oh.....oh.....

Oh dear, I seemed to have used my mind powers to beem off his shirt! Ain't he just tastey? God, I'd eat him up in a second! I met him when Lauren and I were lookin for guys one night. She left Chris home that night. But out of respect for him, she didn't hook up w/ anyone. And guess what????? They are engaged! Yea! He proposed to her last night! I was right there! It was so cute! But i can't blame em', I'd marry anybody I had been successfully dating for a whole year too! Hell, he was even there 10% for her over those harsh months in the hospital! They're cute together! Anyway, yea, Joshua and I are still together after 5 months! Wowwie!

And there's the new me!!! Ahhh! I'm giving kisses! Yea, i think I look alright, but oh well. My boyfriend still gives me Booty Fridays, so it's all good! But I kind of like it! It's very un-me, that's why I love it sooo much!

And there's me again with boxing gloves on. Yea, I was at the gym when this was taken. My boyfriend took the photo when I was spotting him at a couple lifts. So it was fun. That night, we had a little boxing match of our own! Tehehe! THE END!?