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Kicked U Out- Rock Central


Top 5 bands that we take inspiration from.

My Favorite Web Sites

Where The Out kut their teeth.
Funny videos...shut up and watch them.
Canadian music site bitch!
Where we learn the songs we use to blow your mind!

K, Kicked U Out Online for the third time! Bringing the rock to u! K it took us alot to get to this extremely awesome website, so we have some people to thank. - First of all, Mr. Mugs for housing Kenny and inspiring an original song (Sixteen). - DH for being the crazy ass backbone and not realizing we laugh at him everyday. - The KUO groupies...k I'll let Mark say the thing about how Kenny should dump Julie. Rock! - Walfredo Reyes Jr...couldn't have done it without you and your cool pose. - All the bands that know who you are. - And last but not least, all the kids out there that don't throw stuff at us when we are rocking. Thank you!