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Hey Coldies, What's going on? I'm Matt, Confession13 on the Cold board. This site is dedicated to an awesome guitarist to the best band today, COLD, not to mention a great guy who cares a lot about his fans. This site is dedicated to Kelly Hayes. Please don't say I am dis-respecting the other members of COLD, I'm not, beleive me. They are all amazing. If you need to contact me you can do so by e-mailing

"SUFFOCATE" is the newest COLD single!!!

8/12/03- I recently saw COLD live again, and of course, it was amazing!!! I saw them on 7/24 at the Birch Hill Niteclub in New was a 6 hour drive from Long Island with all the traffic, but it was well worth it!!! I met Scooter, Sam, and Kelly again, Terry didn't really come out, and again neither did Jeremy...I will meet you soon enough Jeremy!!

*I finally saw COLD live and met them! I was at the 4/24 show at the Downtown, Long Island, then I saw them again at the 4/25 show at Irving Plaza, NYC! I met them all at the Downtown and got pictures with them all except Jeremy, and then got thier autographs (again, except Jeremy...he was nowhere to be found after the show) Two greatest days of my life! The guys are so awesome and nice!!!! If I ever get a scanner I'll put the pics from the shows up here!*

Kelly's Bio


Year of the Spider

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